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HomeOrganic Food10 New Year’s Resolutions for a Fresh Start • Nature's Emporium

10 New Year’s Resolutions for a Fresh Start • Nature’s Emporium

Welcome to the New Year! 2023 is here and it’s time for us to start fresh – not just for ourselves, but for our families too. Whether you are single or married, it’s always beneficial to review (or sometimes make) some personal resolutions at this time of year in order to stay on track with life goals and healthy habits.

Today we’re talking about 10 easy, new year’s resolutions that could help set you up for a happy and successful 2023. So get comfy, grab a tea or lemon water (tip #1 😉 and let’s dive into setting crisp goals today!

1. Start Your Day with Lemon Water

This sounds so easy, but starting off with a small but attainable goal will improve the likelihood of continuing it throughout the year.

Starting your day by drinking some warm water with lemon kick starts your digestion for the day.

2. Daily Journaling

There is something very cathartic to putting your thoughts down on paper. Some people enjoy starting their day off writing, while others find solitude in doing it at the end of the day. Whatever time you choose, it’s a beneficial tool and a perfect New Year’s Resolution.

3. Make Time for Movement

Movement is necessary for optimal health. Any type of activity helps support your immune system and makes your bones and muscles happy. It also keeps your joints flexible and in good shape.

We’re not saying you have to build a home gym (you totally can if you want!). However, merely adding a daily walk, yoga, lifting light weights or even stretching to your routine is a pivotal resolution to pick up this year.

4. Meditate

For some, this may be a difficult task if quieting your mind can be a challenge. Still, as you start to feel the benefits of meditation, you will be so grateful you started this habit.

Not sure how to start? There are so many apps, books and resources online to make it easy for anyone to begin!

5. Spend More Time in Nature

After the year we had, Mother Nature is one thing we should all be focusing on. Spending time in nature is so grounding for our bodies and mind. Walk around your neighbourhood or, better yet, submerge yourself in a forest.

Either way, you will feel rejuvenated after doing so!

6. Reduce Your Screen Time

Excessive screen time is linked to sleeping problems, weight gain, neurological issues and more. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to limit the amount of time you spend glued to screens.

Try replacing that time doing something more productive, like taking up a new hobby.

7. Try New Foods Every Week

Did you know that most people eat the same 20-30 foods on average? Get out there and liven up your tastebuds with some new flavours by eating new food every week! Don’t be afraid of the produce department or adding in some plant-based options.

Increasing the different foods you eat helps increase the nutrients you are fueling your body with.

8. Improve Your Sleep

You spend one-third of your life sleeping. To say quality sleep is essential is still an understatement. Turn off your screens an hour before you head to bed and spend that time snuggled up with your loved one or furry friend or even read a book. Journalling or meditating works excellent during this time too. You will feel like a different person in the morning if you start doing this!

9. Drink More Water

This again sounds like such a simple resolution, but it’s also one of the most important. Hydration is essential for your overall health. The body is made up of at least 70% water.

Therefore, ensuring you are replenishing it all the time is critical. A tip to ensure you make this happen is to always have a reusable water bottle by your side.

At Nature’s Emporium, we have plenty of great options to choose from!

10. Practice Self-Care

To be honest, any of the resolutions mentioned above are considered self-care because taking time for yourself, mind, and body is what it’s all about!

We told you this list would be easy!

You don’t need to take on all of these resolutions at once. Pick which ones resonate with you and start getting into the routine of incorporating them into your life. Hopefully, the year 2023 brings you much joy, happiness and health!




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