Opening gifts are of course a big part of Christmas morning, but there’s something special about the tiny gifts in the stockings.
This year, why not skip the cheap trinkets and candy and treats loaded with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, and more. Instead, fill up those stockings with non-toxic and healthy stocking stuffers that will support a lifestyle of wellness for those you love.

These healthy stocking stuffer ideas for both kids and adults will definitely get your creative juices flowing and you’ll have all of your Christmas stockings filled to the brim in no time at all.
Some of these you’ve likely thought about but I’ve included lots of unique healthy stocking stuffers in this list that I think you and everyone on your list will really enjoy.
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Food Gifts
Skip the Skittles and wrap up some of these delicious and healthy treats instead. Some of these are solid in individual small packages already, and others are individually wrapped in bulk packs that you can split up to put in multiple stockings.
Beauty and Personal Care

Your skin is your largest organ. This Christmas, how about wrapping up some of these clean and non-toxic personal care and beauty stocking stuffers. Most are for women / girls, but there are some that can be used for guys too!
- Socks – Darn Tough has a lifetime guarantee that can’t be beat. While it’s nearly impossible to find 100% natural fiber socks, Darn Tough comes kind of close. I shy away from socks that are heavily polyester.
- FUN socks – like these Jane Austen socks or these PENGUIN socks! We have penguin lovers in our family so there are perfect!
- All-cotton underwear – skip the toxins, especially for intimate wear. Jockey has great cotton and PACT is a well respected all organic line.
- Minimalist shoes can even fit in a stocking since their soles are so flexible, they can be rolled up! I LOVE my Xero shoes.
- Organic neck warmer / headband (from Japan)
- Mittens
- T-shirt – a nice 100% cotton tee shirt is not only a great gift (better than all the polyester ones that leach plastic into your body) but it will also take up a lot of space if you’re stumped on other gifts to give.
- GOTS certified organic wool slouchy hat – for women, men, and littles! Love these!
- Alex and Ani bracelets. I love mine and wear them whenever I go out. This test of older bracelets showed them as being fine regarding lead and cadmium contamination and the company has a statement on their site about their quality. I’ve called and they do seem to be pretty thorough.
Supplements / Natural Health Supports
Lots of great options here for the healthy enthusiast or for someone who’s new to healthy living.
- Essential Oils – an essential oil blend or two would be another great addition
- Nuun or LMNT Hydration Boosters
- EMF protection products – I’m working on researching these and will share once I have more info. I still like this healthy jewelry at magnetude.
- Moringa snacks – Kuli kuli has some and they also have some single servings packs of moringa for greens on the go.
- Organifi – lots of delicious and powerful drinks
- Iodine – this is a great product to help you stay healthy in more ways than one. Code wholenewmom gets 10% off.
- Magnesium lotion – these lotions are so powerful more than any other Mg lotion!
- ACV gummies
- Tongue scraper – not that fun of a gift but very useful!
- Water-tracking bottle – I chose a glass one because even the non-BPA plastics are not the best. I’ve read that they can be worse then BPA!
Natural Home Products
Some practical things to make your home a safer haven.
- Natural candles – Fontana candles are the best. So many amazing scents!
- Radon meter – I love that with this we can keep track of radon levels all year round. They can change. Better safe than sorry!
- EMF meter – this is of course a pricier gift, but it fits in a normal stocking and is very practical!
- HOCl maker – HOCl is stronger than bleach and it’s non toxic. Both Force of Nature and NaturChlor (use code wholenewmom to get a discount and extended warranty) are great for making your own HOCl for cleaning your home, and so much more.
- Eye mask – I use and love this all silk one. Great for everyone in the family to get a good night’s sleep and even better when the mask is made of natural fibers.
- Steel straws
- Hygrometer (humidity gauge) – We like having at least one of these on every floor of our home. Mold is no joke and it grows when humidity is over 60% and it’s recommended to keep your home below 50% to be on the safe side. Of course too dry isn’t good either, so these come in very handy year round.
These gifts for baby focus on natural textiles and components like wood rather than plastic toys and synthetic fibers.
Arts and Crafts
Creative outlets are known to be good for emotional wellness. Here are some
- Non-toxic markers – RoseArt and Faber Castell are 2 of the better options. Much better than those markers that smell (and some smell a lot!)
- Non-toxic crayons – Yes, it’s true. Crayons can have toxins in them including some heavy metals. Not good to have ongoing exposure to those. This brand and this brand are great healthier choices.
- Non-toxic paint – Honeystix does it again with non-toxic paints for kids.
- Coloring Book – this lovely book is by a friend of mine.
- Sketch book – this is a fun and different kind of sketch book, again by my friend.
- Washi tape
- Cardboard building set – isn’t this a fun set? I love the sustainability mindset of this toy.
Things for the Kitchen

Most of us healthy living peeps are in the kitchen a lot. I know I am. Here are some tools to make lot of kitchen work more pleasant and maybe even a little fun.
- Potholders
- Veggie peeler
- Reusable mason jar tops – skip fussing with the 2 part mason jar lids and get these that have a great seal instead.
- Tea ball – for making your favorite organic herbal tea.
- Small spatulas without silicone
- Stainless steel measuring spoons – I’m always needing more of these
- Twixit Clips – I use these for EVERYTHING. They are the best. Yes, they’re plastic, but they are a great tool for every whole foodie kitchen.
- Nut milk bag – for making dairy-free coconut milk, almond milk, and more.
- Kitchen shears
- Quality paring knife
- Stainless steel measuring cups
- Yeti 14 oz mug
- Natural food coloring – for fun creations in the kitchen all year round
- Stainless water bottles – for carrying filtered water (or other heathy drinks) with you wherever you go.
- Dish cloths – made with all natural fibers
- Nana saver hats – the reviews are mixed on these but they are a riot!!
For the Garden

- Natural rubber gardening gloves – These gloves look amazing. I haven’t tried them yet, but I can guarantee you that I will after seeing these reviews!
- Garden shears – I LOVE these mini clippers
- Permanent marker – thanks to other gardening pros out there, I’ve learned that this is the ONLY permanent marker that can stand up to the elements. And I’ve had plenty fail on me even though I’m not a master gardener by any means, so this marker is on my list to buy!
Ideas for Men / Boys
While most of these can be for either guys or gals, the items here might be mostly helpful for those looking to stuff a stocking for a guy in their household.
- Multipurpose tool – these are all the rage and this is one of the more respected brands out there.
- Tie – yes, I know. But it fits so well in a stocking, so I just had to put this here.
- Ugly tie kit – sadly one of the reviewers didn’t get a tie in with his order, but you have to admit, this is a funny gift. It’s not eco-friendly, but it should make everyone laugh, and laughter is good for your health.
- Wallet – I think my boys / husband would love this one!
- Beard oil
- GOTS certified organic slouchy winter cap – I have these listed above too, but since they work for men, I’ve included them again.
- Organic neck warmer / headband (Japanese origin)
- Nail clippers – of course women can use these too, but it’s the men in my home who really prefer these over scissors. Why? I don’t know. Do you? This brand is supposed to be the best. They’re not cheap, but the brand’s tagline, “Takumi no waza” means the expertise of master craftsmen.” These clippers are made in Seki, a town in Gifu prefecture in Japan that’s known for sword making!
- Wallet ninja multitool – one of the men in my house is going to love this.
Games / Toys
Experience Coupons
This is a great option that is heartfelt and makes for a lot of great experiences long after Christmas is over. How about these for some fun ideas to get….
- Hug (or 5) from Mom / Dad.
- Even better – a 20 second hug since research says that is when oxytocin is released.
- Release from a chore.
- Favorite meal (a healthy one of course. How about Egg Roll in a Bowl, Gluten-free Chili Mac, or Chicken Nuggets)?
- Ice cream outing – go to a shop that offers healthier alternatives, or buy a few healthier pints at a store near you and bring them home to enjoy healthy sundaes in your own kitchen.
- Movie night with the child’s choice of movies. Make homemade popcorn or kettle corn for everyone.
- Game night with the child’s game of choice.
And here are some Blank Coupons that you can use for these!
- Cash
- Gift cards – I know that Starbucks gift cards are typically what’s gifted, but I personally am not in love with that shop. Other great options could be of course to a local store or restaurant or a movie theater. You can even get cards for local CSAs (community supported agriculture)!
- Pocket knife – not just for boys. These come in handy in so many ways. Use caution with these of course.
- Stress balls – made from natural rubber!
- Tactical pen – our youngest has been asking for one of these.
- Christmas ornaments – my mom used to give us each an ornament with our names carved on it each year. I still have quite a few of them
- Bandanas and hankies
How Stockings Can Make Christmas Last Longer (sort of)
We aren’t a family that has a lot of traditions, but one thing we’ve done over the past number of years is to not celebrate Christmas all on one day. We stretch it out.
One way we do that is with an Advent Scavenger Hunt using a Christmas stocking Advent calender like this. I put clues in each mini stocking, leading the kids around the house with clues to find that day’s treat or gift. We typically don’t get to it every day and so it often goes into the New Year.
In that same spirit, why not do this with stockings and all of your presents? Instead of opening everything at once, stretch it out. Open one gift each day. It’s a great way to slow everything down and enjoy the Christmas season longer.
As mentioned in that post, it helps avoid the typical Christmas morning chaos and all the rush and hustle that can make us all totally miss the real Reason for the Season.
Where to Buy Great Christmas Stockings
If you’re looking to get some new stockings to stuff, there are all kinds of styles, but these knit stockings really caught my eye. Simple and they’re a bit stretchy.
The stretchy part will come in very handy so you can fit more healthy and heartfelt gifts inside.
What gifts on this list are your favorite or do you have another great idea to share?