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HomeTravel15 Best Things To Sell Online (Digital Products & Ideas)

15 Best Things To Sell Online (Digital Products & Ideas)

Selling online products is more accessible and lucrative than ever before. If this is an area you’re interested in exploring, you’re in luck. In this post, I’ll be discussing some of the best things to sell online.

Whether you’re a small business owner looking to expand your reach or an individual hoping to make some extra cash, there are many different digital products to sell online.

The possibilities are almost endless, from e-books and courses to stock photos and even virtual coaching. I have personal experience with selling photography, consultancy, and even private tutoring services online, and I’ve taken my fair share of paid online courses too.

What Can I Sell Online?

online work

With so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why I’ve put together this guide to help you figure out the best things to sell online to make money in 2024.

1. eBooks


eBooks can cover practically any topic under the sun. If you can think of it, and you have knowledge to share about it, you can write an eBook on it. And because it’s self-published, you don’t need to worry about securing a publishing deal.

From specialized tech manuals to guides on travel, fashion, language learning, working as a freelancer, or even niche pet ownership, there are virtually no limits to what you can create. As long as you have interested readers, you’re good to go.

Pros of Selling eBooks

  • Low Production Costs: Creating an eBook usually requires minimal upfront costs, especially compared with print publishing. There are no printing or distribution costs. And if you write, edit, and design everything yourself, you can keep virtually all of the revenues as profit.
  • Global Reach: You can sell your eBook to customers all over the world. That’s a lot of potential customers!
  • Easy to Create: Tools like Canva make it incredibly easy and quick to create a professional-looking eBook with minimal tech knowledge using their pre-made templates and drag-and-drop features.
  • Easy to Update: eBooks are easy to update and revise. If you need to correct a mistake or update any information, you can do so without the cost and hassle of reprinting.
  • Instant Delivery: Customers get immediate access to your eBook upon purchase. There’s no need to wait (or pay) for shipping.
  • Passive Income Potential: Once you’ve created your eBook, it can provide a regular stream of passive income and can be sold indefinitely, on autopilot.

Cons of Selling eBooks

  • High Competition: Because it’s so easy to create eBooks, the market is pretty saturated, making it challenging to stand out and attract readers. This is made all the more challenging by the fact that many eBook creators give their creations away for free.
  • Piracy Risks: eBooks are fairly easy to copy and distribute illegally without the permission of the author and copyright holder (i.e. you). This can lead to lost revenue and unauthorized sharing of your work.
  • Limited Market for Certain Genres: Some genres and topics might not perform well in digital format, particularly if the target audience prefers physical books or if the content is more suited to print (like high-quality photography books).

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2. Online Courses

online course

Online courses are another great thing to create and sell online. If you have expertise and knowledge about something, why not create an online course teaching others? Like with eBooks, they can cover practically any field and allow people to learn at their own pace, wherever they choose.

As a course creator, you can custom-make your content to fit whatever niche you want to target. For example, I took this fantastic course on SEO and it taught me loads about the world of Search Engine Optimization and how to get my blog ranking on the first page of Google.

Pros of Selling Online Courses

  • Scalability: Once created, an online course can be sold to an unlimited number of students without additional production costs.
  • Flexible Access for Learners: Learners can access the course at their own pace and on their own schedule, which makes it appealing to a wide range of people (i.e. more potential customers).
  • Diverse Revenue Streams: You can monetize courses through one-time payments, subscriptions, or by offering them as part of a larger membership package.
  • Global Market Reach: There aren’t any geographical boundaries in selling online courses, allowing you to tap into a global audience.
  • Establishes Authority: Creating a course in your area of expertise can enhance your credibility and position you as an authority in whatever topic(s) you cover.
  • Customization and Variety: Courses can be tailored to virtually any subject (web design, cooking, motorbike repair, interior design, etc.), from beginner to advanced. The possibilities are endless!

Cons of Selling Online Courses

  • Time-Intensive to Create: Developing a high-quality online course can be time-consuming. You’ll need to invest a significant amount of time to design, create, and market your course.
  • Dependence on Technology: Because the course is delivered exclusively online, you need to ensure you have a stable platform and can troubleshoot any tech-related issues. This can involve a fairly steep learning curve depending on your level of tech expertise.
  • Engagement Challenges: Your course needs to be as engaging as possible. Keeping students engaged and motivated in an online learning environment can be challenging.

3. Paid Memberships

members only, paid membership

Offering paid memberships is a way to build up a community of dedicated followers who are willing to pay to receive exclusive content, advice, and/or discounts. For example, if you have a blog, the majority of your content will be free for anyone to access.

But, you could also create a “members only” area where you provide premium content and features. This helps you increase your income while simultaneously creating a loyal group of followers and building a stronger connection with your audience.

Pros of Selling Memberships

  • Recurring Revenue: You could choose to run your membership on a subscription basis, which provides a stream of repeat revenue and income.
  • Community Building: Offering a membership program is a good opportunity to create and nurture an engaged and loyal community.
  • Exclusivity: People tend to associate value with exclusivity, so having a paid “premium” version of your offering can make it seem more desirable. By tapping into this marketing psychology, you can increase the perceived value of what you offer and make more money in the process.
  • Feedback Loop: Interacting with your members allows you to get feedback on your offerings, helping you tailor and improve your services going forward.
  • Brand Loyalty: A membership model can foster strong loyalty, as members are likely to feel a deeper connection to your brand or community.
  • Cross-Selling Opportunities: With an engaged and enthusiastic audience, you’re in a great position to market additional products or services to them.

Cons of Selling Memberships

  • Upfront Effort: Establishing and growing a membership base requires quite a lot of initial investment in terms of time and effort.
  • Ongoing Work: Running a membership isn’t a “set and forget” model. You need to engage with your members regularly and offer continuous value if you want people to renew their subscriptions and recommend your offering to others. This can be a fairly time- and resource-consuming task.

4. Templates

website building online job

Templates are a great way to leverage your expertise and make some extra money online. If you’re good at creating PowerPoint presentations, websites, resumes, complaint letters, or even legal documents, you could create templates of these for people to buy and customize for themselves.

By creating templates and selling them online, you can generate passive income while also showcasing your skills and creativity to potential clients.

Pros of Selling Templates

  • Passive Income: Once created, templates can be sold an infinite number of times without any additional effort or resources on your part.
  • Flexibility: You can create templates in your free time, making it a great side hustle if you have a full-time job or other commitments.
  • Easy to Create: Depending on the type of template in question, it might not even take you very long to create templates that you can sell for $$.
  • Ease of Distribution: Digital templates are ideally suited to online distribution, making them easy for your customers to buy and access.
  • Broad Customer Base: You can create templates on anything from formal documents to niche websites meaning that you can have an extremely broad customer base.
  • Scalability: The digital nature of templates means they’re easily scalable with minimal effort.
  • Marketing Benefits: Creating useful, high-quality templates can be a great way to showcase your skills and attract potential clients for other services you offer.

Cons of Selling Templates

  • Market Saturation: Depending on the type of templates you create, there may be a lot of competition out there. You’ll need to find ways to ensure your templates stand out from others to generate sales.
  • Intellectual Property Concerns: As with many other digital products, there’s always a risk of people illegally downloading, copying, or otherwise stealing your work. Copyright rights can be tricky to enforce in the digital world.
  • Dependence on Design Skills: Successful template creation requires a good eye for design and user experience.

5. Photography


Why not turn your amateur hobby into a profitable business? If you love photography and have a knack for capturing beautiful, high-quality images, you can sell your photos online. I’ve done this before and it’s a great way to make extra cash while doing something you love.

Platforms like Adobe Stock and Shutterstock allow you to upload your best photos and earn a commission when someone purchases or licenses them. You could specialize in whatever niche you want – travel, wildlife, cute pets, snowboarding, urban landscapes, hipster coffee, you name it!

Pros of Selling Photography

  • Passive Income: Once you’ve put in the up-front effort of creating and uploading your photos, any income you generate from them is truly passive.
  • Creative Outlet: Photography can be a fulfilling creative outlet, allowing you to explore your unique perspective and capture beautiful moments or scenes.
  • Monetize Your Hobby: If you enjoy taking photos and do this anyway for fun, why not try and make some money from it?
  • Scalability: You can upload as many or as few photos as you want, depending on how much time and effort you want to put into it.
  • Marketing Potential: By showcasing your photography online, you can attract potential clients for other services you offer, such as event or portrait photography.
  • Broad Market Appeal: High-quality photos are useful in virtually every industry, so you have a huge potential market to sell to.

Cons of Selling Photography

  • Market Saturation: The photography market is extremely saturated – even more so than the template market. Given how many people have smartphones and easy-to-use photo editing tools, there’s a huge amount of competition.
  • Quality is Key: Let’s face it, nobody’s going to pay for average photos. To be successful in selling photography, you need to be a skilled photographer with a good eye for composition and lighting.
  • Pricing Challenges: Setting prices for your photos can be tricky. With various free image catalogs available online (like Pixabay and Unsplash), customers may be hesitant to pay much (or anything) for photos.

6. Presets

presets photo editing

In the last few years, I’ve noticed that presets for photos have become fairly popular items to sell online, especially among bloggers and social media influencers. These presets are essentially custom filters that can be applied to photos using photo-editing software like Adobe Lightroom.

Each preset contains specific settings to adjust aspects of a photo such as color balance, contrast, and saturation, transforming the look and feel of the image with just one click. They offer a quick and effective way for other photographers to achieve a consistent aesthetic across their work.

Pros of Selling Presets

  • High Demand: Presets can be useful for both amateur and professional photographers. Given the popularity of social media, there’s a growing demand for quick and easy ways to enhance photos.
  • Passive Income: As with many other items on this list, presets can be an excellent way to generate passive income with minimal ongoing effort.
  • Free to Create: Producing presets requires minimal upfront costs. Any revenue you generate is pure profit!
  • Quick to Make: As long as you have the right skills, presets don’t take a long time to create. This makes them an efficient use of your time.
  • Scalability: Once you’ve created a preset, you can sell it unlimited times.
  • Easy to Distribute: Presets are digital files that can be easily downloaded, making distribution straightforward.

Cons of Selling Presets

  • Dependent on Trends: Preset popularity can be subject to changing trends and preferences in photography and social media.
  • Competition: Given the relatively low barriers to entry, this is another type of online product with fierce competition.

7. Webinars and Masterclasses


If you have specialized knowledge or skills in a particular area, hosting paid webinars and masterclasses can be an excellent way to monetize your expertise.

I’ve attended Webinars on a wide range of topics, including blogging, SEO, web design, photography, cooking, cocktail making, wine tasting, and even various niche legal topics (I used to be a lawyer).

Pros of Selling Webinars and Masterclasses

  • Expert Positioning: Hosting webinars and masterclasses is a great way to establish yourself as an authority in your field, and build your personal brand and reputation.
  • Global Accessibility: Participants can join from anywhere in the world.
  • Networking Opportunities: A successful webinar is an ideal forum for networking with your participants.
  • Potential for High Revenue: With the right topic and marketing, selling paid webinars and masterclasses can be highly profitable.
  • Easy to Host: Today, platforms like Zoom and YouTube offer various tools to help you host and promote your webinars.

Cons of Selling Webinars and Masterclasses

  • Time-Consuming: Planning, promoting, and hosting a successful webinar or masterclass requires a significant investment of time and effort.
  • Equipment and Software Costs: To ensure high-quality audio and video for your participants, you may need to invest in equipment such as microphones and professional lighting.
  • Expertise Required: To be successful, you must have a high level of expertise in your chosen topic and be able to effectively communicate and engage with your audience.
  • Need Confidence: Hosting a webinar or class requires confidence and public speaking skills, which may not come naturally to everyone.

8. Paid Newsletters

newsletter subscribe

With platforms like Substack and Patreon, it’s become relatively easy to create and distribute premium, paid newsletters. These newsletters can cover a wide range of topics, from politics and current affairs to hobbies and personal interests.

They can range from daily briefings to in-depth weekly essays, and typically focus on niche topics or exclusive insights, providing subscribers with regular, valuable updates that surpass what’s available for free on the internet.

Pros of Selling Paid Newsletters

  • Recurring Revenues: Regular subscriptions provide recurring revenue, making your income more consistent than with one-off product sales.
  • Low Overhead Costs: Newsletters are extremely cheap to produce and send out, so operational costs are minimal.
  • Relationship with Audience: Paid newsletters allow you to build a personal and direct relationship with your subscribers.
  • Direct Communication with Audience: Unlike social media platforms or SEO where algorithms determine who sees your content, a paid newsletter allows you to communicate directly with your subscribers.
  • Niche Market Appeal: Newsletters are perfect for targeting specific interests or industries, allowing for highly focused content.
  • Creative Control: As the creator, you have complete control over the content and style of your newsletter.
  • Flexibility in Format and Frequency: You can decide how often to send out your newsletter and what format it should take.
  • Potential for High Engagement: Subscribers who pay are more likely to be engaged with your content. This is good news when it comes to marketing additional products or services to them.

Cons of Selling Paid Newsletters

  • Content Creation Pressure: Subscribers pay for exclusive content, so you must consistently deliver high-quality content to retain their subscriptions.
  • Limited Audience Reach: Unlike free newsletters or social media platforms, paid newsletters have a smaller potential audience.
  • Subscription Fatigue: With so many subscription services available, readers may be hesitant to add another monthly expense.
  • Not Passive: It’s essential to offer unique and valuable content regularly to keep your subscribers happy. This can be quite demanding and time-consuming.
  • Risk of Unsubscriptions: If subscribers don’t perceive enough value, they may unsubscribe, affecting your revenue.
  • Can be Hard to Build an Audience: Gaining subscribers can be slow and challenging, especially when starting out.

9. Software Tools

software design

If you’re a tech whizz, creating and selling your own software tools and solutions can be another great way to earn money online. With the rise of remote work and digital nomadism, there’s a growing demand for efficient and user-friendly software.

With a little coding knowledge and a good idea, you can create your own software and market it to the world. These tools could range from project management applications to graphic design software, catering to specific professional needs or general everyday use.

Pros of Selling Software Tools

  • Brand Building: Developing a popular software tool can significantly enhance your brand recognition in the industry.
  • High Demand: As more industries move online, there’s an increasing demand for efficient software tools.
  • Unlimited Earning Potential: If you create a popular and useful tool, you can sell it to a practically unlimited number of customers, meaning your earning potential can be limitless. Just look at the success of companies like Slack and Zoom.
  • Passive Income: Once your software is developed, you can continue to earn money from sales without much ongoing effort or investment. Offering subscriptions or licenses for your software can also provide a steady recurring income.
  • Ability to Solve Problems: With software tools, you have the power to solve common problems for businesses and individuals, which can be extremely valuable in today’s fast-paced digital world.
  • Continual Improvement: As you receive feedback and suggestions from users, you can continue to improve and update your software, making it even more valuable over time.

Cons of Selling Software Tools

  • Time-Consuming Development Process: Creating a software tool can take a significant amount of time and effort, especially if you don’t have prior coding experience. It can also be a lengthy process to test and improve the software before it’s ready for sale.
  • Requires Technical Knowledge: Developing software requires considerable technical knowledge, which not everyone possesses. You may need to hire additional help or skills if you’re not proficient in coding yourself.
  • Competition: There are plenty of software tools available on the market, so it can be challenging to stand out and attract customers. Researching your competitors and creating a unique selling point for your product is crucial.
  • High Initial Investment: Developing software can require a high initial investment, depending on the complexity of the tool and any additional help you may need. You also need to consider ongoing costs such as maintenance and updates.
  • Constantly Changing Technology: The world of technology is constantly evolving, so you must be prepared to adapt and update your software regularly to keep up with the latest trends and advancements. This can require additional time and resources.

10. Mobile Apps

mobile app

Another popular and potentially lucrative way to make money online is by developing mobile apps. Given how many people have smartphones, there’s a significant market for well-designed and useful apps.

Apps can range from games to productivity tools, and with the right idea and execution, you could create the next big hit. As with developing other types of software, it requires technical skills and an up-front investment. But if you have a great idea and are willing to put in the work, it’s possible.

Pros of Selling Mobile Apps

  • Wide User Base: With millions of smartphone users worldwide, there’s a vast potential market for your app.
  • High Demand: The demand for new and innovative apps is continually growing, making it an excellent opportunity to tap into a constantly expanding market.
  • Variety of Monetization Options: You can generate income from your app in various ways including advertisements, in-app purchases, or subscriptions.
  • Potential for Passive Income: If you create a popular and valuable app, you can earn passive income from sales and in-app purchases without much ongoing effort.
  • Flexibility: You have the freedom to develop an app on any subject or idea that interests you, making it a fun and fulfilling creative project.
  • Constant Engagement: Apps encourage regular usage, keeping users engaged with your product and brand.

Cons of Selling Mobile Apps

  • Requires Technical Knowledge: Similar to developing software tools, creating a mobile app requires technical skills and knowledge. If you’re not proficient in coding, you may need to hire help or learn new skills.
  • Competitive Market: With millions of apps available on the market, it can be challenging to stand out and compete for attention from users. You must research your competition and develop a unique selling point for your app.
  • High Initial Investment: Developing an app can require a significant initial investment, including the cost of hiring developers and marketing your product to make it stand out.
  • Constant Updates and Maintenance: Apps typically require regular updates and improvements for changing user demands, bug fixes, and compatibility with the latest devices. This will probably require a continuous investment of time and money.
  • Risk of Failure: With any entrepreneurial venture, there’s always a risk of failure. If you spend considerable time and money creating your app and it doesn’t catch on, it can be a significant setback.

11. Online Tutoring Services

teaching online

This is another area I’ve dabbled in. While studying at law school, I offered online tutoring services in a few different subjects, to students of all ages, as well as a resume-and-job-application-review service.

With the growth of remote learning, there’s been an increase in demand for online tutors in all subject areas, making it a potentially lucrative opportunity. It’s an excellent option if you have expertise in a particular subject and enjoy teaching others.

Pros of Selling Online Tutoring Services

  • High Demand for Online Learning: With remote learning becoming more popular, there’s a growing demand for online tutors in all subject areas.
  • Ability to Work From Anywhere: Unlike regular teaching, as long as you have a stable internet connection, you can work as an online tutor from anywhere in the world.
  • Flexible Schedule: You have the freedom to set your own schedule and work as much or as little as you want.
  • Wide Range of Subjects: You can offer tutoring services in almost any subject area, from academic subjects to test preparation, and resume building to job application reviewing.
  • Potentially Lucrative: Online tutoring can be lucrative, depending on your field of expertise, your level of experience, the nature of your clients, and the demand for your services.

Cons of Selling Online Tutoring Services

  • Requires Expertise and Strong Knowledge: To be a successful online tutor, you must have expertise in your subject area and be able to effectively teach others.
  • Competitive Market: With the rise of remote learning, there’s an increasing number of online tutors available. You must stand out from the competition to attract clients.
  • Time Intensive: If you’re looking for passive income, online tutoring may not be the best option. It requires a significant amount of time and effort to plan and conduct sessions, communicate with students, and provide feedback.
  • Reputation Management: As an online tutor, your reputation is crucial. You must consistently provide high-quality services to maintain a good reputation.
  • Variable Income: Your income will vary depending on the number of clients you have and how often you work.
  • Technical Issues: Sessions can be disrupted by connectivity or software problems. Trust me, this is the last thing you want to deal with when someone is paying you for your time.
  • Building Trust and Credibility: New tutors may find it challenging to establish trust and credibility in the online market.

12. Virtual Coaching Sessions

online coaching

Virtual coaching sessions have also become increasingly popular in recent years.

There’s quite a lot of overlap between coaching and tutoring, but coaching tends to focus more on personal or professional development rather than academic subjects.

Pros of Selling Virtual Coaching Sessions

  • High-ticket item: Virtual coaching sessions often have high revenue potential due to their personalized nature, allowing for higher pricing and increased revenue per client.
  • Direct Impact on Client Success: The focused, one-on-one approach of virtual coaching often leads to more immediate and tangible results for clients, enhancing the overall impact of your services.
  • Growing Demand for Personal and Professional Development: With increasing trends toward prioritizing personal and professional growth, there’s a growing market for virtual coaching.
  • Wide Range of Topics: As a coach, you can offer services in various areas, such as career development, entrepreneurship, life skills, and more.
  • Fully Customizable: You can specialize in coaching niches that align with your expertise and passions, and tailor your sessions to fit the individual needs of your clients.
  • Building Deep Relationships: The one-on-one nature of coaching allows for building strong, trusting relationships with clients.
  • Diverse Clientele: Work with a wide range of clients, all around the world, each with different backgrounds and objectives.

Cons of Selling Virtual Coaching Sessions

  • Requires Expertise and Training: To provide effective coaching, you must have the appropriate expertise and training in your chosen niche.
  • Time Intensive: Like tutoring, coaching requires a significant amount of time and effort to plan and conduct sessions, communicate with clients, and provide feedback.
  • Competitive Market: Virtual coaching is becoming increasingly popular, so it’s essential to differentiate yourself from other coaches by providing unique value to potential clients.
  • Building Trust and Credibility: As with tutoring, establishing trust and credibility in the online market can be challenging for new coaches.
  • Managing Client Expectations: It’s crucial to manage client expectations and ensure they understand the realistic outcomes of coaching sessions.
  • Technical Issues: Like tutoring, virtual coaching sessions can be disrupted by technical issues, impacting the quality of your services.

13. Digital Artwork

digital artwork

If you have a talent for creating digital art, there’s a growing market for your skills.

As with photography, many businesses are willing to pay for original artwork to use in their marketing materials, websites, and social media.

Pros of Selling Digital Artwork

  • High Demand: The popularity of visual content online means there’s an increasing demand for unique, eye-catching digital artwork.
  • Flexible Work: As a digital artist, you can work from anywhere, as long as you have access to your tools and software.
  • Potential for Passive Income: Once created, you can sell your digital artwork multiple times without needing to create new pieces constantly.
  • Low Start-up Costs: With the right tools and software, it’s relatively inexpensive to start selling your digital artwork.
  • Wide Range of Styles and Subjects: There’s a market for various styles and subjects, so you can explore your creativity without limiting yourself to a specific niche.
  • Collaboration Opportunities: Many businesses and individuals are seeking original artwork to use in their projects, offering opportunities for collaboration and exposure.

Cons of Selling Digital Artwork

  • Requires Technical Skills: To create digital artwork, you must have the necessary technical skills and be familiar with various software and tools.
  • Highly Competitive Market: With the growing popularity of digital art, there’s also an increasing number of artists competing for sales.
  • Intellectual Property Concerns: As a digital artist, it’s crucial to protect your work from copyright infringement. This can be challenging in the online market, as digital files can be easily copied and distributed without permission.
  • Time Intensive: Creating high-quality digital artwork can take a significant amount of time and effort, impacting your productivity and income potential.

14. Graphic Design Elements

graphic designer

If you consider yourself more of a graphic designer than an artist, there’s still a market for your skills in the online marketplace.

There’s a lot of demand for graphic design elements such as logos, social media graphics, visual advertisements, and website designs.

Pros of Selling Graphic Design Elements

  • High Demand: There’s a high demand for skilled graphic designers to create eye-catching materials.
  • Flexible Work: As a graphic designer, you can work from anywhere, as long as you have access to your tools and software.
  • Collaboration Opportunities: Like digital artwork, there are opportunities for collaboration with businesses and individuals seeking unique designs.
  • Low Start-up Costs: With the necessary tools and software, it’s relatively inexpensive to start offering graphic design services.
  • Potential for Passive Income: Once created, you can sell your graphics multiple times without needing to constantly create new designs.

Cons of Selling Graphic Design Elements

  • Requires Technical Skills: To provide high-quality graphic design services, you must have the appropriate technical skills and be familiar with graphic design software and tools.
  • High Competition: The market for graphic design elements is highly saturated, making it challenging to stand out.
  • Risk of Infringement: Your designs could be copied or used without permission, which can be difficult to monitor and control.
  • Client Communication: Working with clients on design projects can require effective communication skills to understand their needs and preferences.

15. Virtual Interactive Workshops

interactive workshop

There’s also an increasing demand for interactive workshops conducted online. These online classes are typically held live, so participants can interact with you and ask questions in real-time.

These can range from educational seminars to creative workshops, offering a wide variety of opportunities for different skills and expertise.

Pros of Selling Virtual Interactive Workshops

  • Brand Building: Running interactive workshops is a great way to boost your brand visibility and reputation.
  • Interactive Learning Environment: Real-time interaction enhances the learning experience, making it more engaging for participants compared with a pre-recorded lecture or training session.
  • Direct Feedback: Immediate interaction with your audience provides valuable feedback to help you improve your future offerings.
  • Networking Opportunities: The interactive nature of these events makes them great for networking.
  • Easy to Host: You can host interactive workshops on various online platforms including Zoom and YouTube.

Cons of Selling Virtual Interactive Workshops

  • Technology Dependence: Relies heavily on technology, so is at the mercy of connectivity problems.
  • Skill and Preparation Required: Delivering an effective and interactive virtual workshop requires significant preparation and delivery skills.

Best Things To Sell Online: FAQs

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about the best things to sell online.

What are the most profitable products to sell online?

The most profitable products to sell online typically include digital goods like online courses, eBooks, templates, and pre-recorded masterclasses. They are relatively quick and cheap to make and require minimal ongoing maintenance.

What are the best things to sell online from home?

The best things to sell online from home include digital products such as eBooks, templates, photography, and online courses. These all require minimal physical space, can be set up relatively easily using online platforms, and can generate passive income.

Where can I sell my digital products for free?

You can sell your digital products for free on platforms like Coursify, through social media channels, or even from your own blog or business website.

What are some easy digital products to sell?

Easy digital products to sell include templates, simple ebooks, photographs, and preset photo filters. Each of these requires relatively low levels of expertise to create, can be priced affordably, and has a broad appeal.

Can I make money selling digital products?

Yes, you can make money selling digital products. They often have lower overhead costs and can reach a global market, offering significant potential for profit.

In Closing

These are 15 of the most popular digital items to sell. However, this list is just the start. There are so many other opportunities to make money by selling digital products online.

As you’ve seen from this post, there’s a fair amount of overlap when it comes to both the pros and cons of selling products online, and that’s no coincidence. It’s relatively easy for anyone to set up an online store, and the barriers to entry are quite low.

This means that market saturation and fierce competition are common issues for most of these products. However, if you have a good idea and are prepared to put in the work to market it successfully, the rewards can be huge.



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