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HomeWeight Loss15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

Are you drinking enough water? It seems it isn’t always at the top of everyone’s priority list.

The fact we live in a hot country should be enough for us to be making sure we are getting the fluid we need.

Our bodies are made up of approximately two thirds water, and each day we lose some of this through processes such as sweating, breastfeeding, and urinating.

What’s more, water is also essential for survival and weight loss. It flushes the toxins out of your system, keeps your digestive system in good shape, and can even help avoid overeating (as we often mistake thirst for hunger).

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

How much water should I be drinking each day?

Everyone is different, and your requirements depend on your age, weight, and how active you are each day.

But as a general rule, aim for around 2 litres of water per day (if you can). For breastfeeding mums, you’ll need to increase this to cover the demands of milk making.

Drinks such as coffee, cola and alcohol can actually make you more dehydrated so are best enjoyed in moderation.

Here are 15 simple tips to ensure you’re drinking enough water

1. Set an alarm

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

One of the best and easiest ways to make sure you’re drinking enough water is to remind yourself regularly throughout the day to drink water.

2. Fill yourself a jug

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

Not sure how much water you’ve been drinking? Then try filling a jug of water to put on your desk or on the kitchen table. This way you can see exactly how much you’ve drunk already.

3. Have a glass after every bathroom break

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

Start a new habit of drinking water. The best way may be after you’ve been to the bathroom, so you’re topping up what you’ve just emptied. This will soon become part of your daily routine and your body will get used to it.

4. Have a few sips before you eat

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

Sometimes you’re actually feeling thirsty rather than hungry, but the brain registers it as hunger. Try having a few sips of water before you eat. This way you’ll know if you’re hungry or thirsty and it will also help stop you from overeating.

5. Track your water intake on your app

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

If you’re signed up to The Healthy Mummy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge then you can log in how many glasses of water you’ve had each day.

6. Choose water over other drinks

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

If you’re going for dinner it may be tempting to have a coke instead of water, but by choosing water every time you’ll never fall behind with your water intake.

7. Eat water-rich foods

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

Cucumbers, water melons, coconuts and many other fruits and veggies are filled with a high water content.

8. Have a glass of water between wines

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

Another great way to boost your daily water consumption is to have a glass of water between wines when you are on a night out. This may also help with the hangover the next day!

9. Take a bottle of water out with you each day

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

It’s easier to reach for your water bottle if you are out and about than stop at a shop and feel tempted by the other drinks on offer.

10. Constantly keep your water bottle topped up

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

Make sure you keep your water bottle full so that you’re getting enough water.

11. Drink a glass whenever you’re waiting for your coffee

15 simple ways to up your WATER intake

Waiting for the barista to hand you your coffee in the morning can sometimes take several minutes. Why not fill the time by having a quick glass of water?

12. Have it on hand when you work out

Sipping on water while you’re working out is essential. Not only will it help keep your endurance up but you’re replenishing yourself after sweating so much.

13. Drink herbal tea and sparkling water

Green tea, cup and teapot

Drinks such as these do count towards your water intake. It’s the drinks with caffeine, sugar, sweeteners and other additives that don’t.

So up your intake of green tea or peppermint tea throughout the day, and stock up on some nice relaxation teas for the evening.

Sparkling water can feel like a treat when you have cut down on drinking regular soft drink. Add a splash of lemon juice for extra flavour.

14. Make water more fun

Increase water intake

Adding things like fruit or chopped cucumber and mint, or a squeeze of fresh lemon, orange or lime.

Freeze the bottle overnight if you prefer your water icy cold.

15. Try making our smoothies with water instead of milk

Do you struggle to stay hydrated and eat healthily?

To support your weight loss, The Healthy Mummy also has a range of delicious and good-for-you smoothies!

Our smoothie range offers an excellent source of essential vitamins, minerals, nutrients & important antioxidants. It does not contain any weight loss accelerants, caffeine, gluten and is dairy free. It is also a non Genetically Modified product!

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To purchase one of our Smoothies – click here.

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