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4 Steps for Manifesting Abundance in 2025

Image of a woman on a hike, wearing a yellow backpack and standing in front of an expansive green field with a view of mountains in the distance.
By manifesting abundance through authenticity, you can do things in 2025 you wouldn’t have even imagined.Credit: Unsplash Holly Mandarich

With the annual focus on the concept of “new year, new you” rearing its head again, it’s time to change the narrative. New Year’s resolutions are great for a burst of fresh energy. But the glow of a resolution can quickly fade, especially if it’s not rooted in authenticity. So, how do you create a shift that doesn’t recycle the same old new year’s resolution ideas and will actually elevate your whole year and beyond? The answer is in claiming the “true you”.

Sia-Lanu Estrella, manifestation expert and author of The Rainbow Tablets: Abundance and Sacred Co-Creation shares how manifesting abundance can help awaken your true self and make this your most magical year yet.

Unlocking Abundance Through Authenticity

One of the biggest reasons most people are not living the life they came here to create is due to a fear of lack. From a young age, we are often conditioned by society, culture, and even our families to believe that we can only achieve success by following certain pathways. Similarly, there might be pressure to follow the “family footsteps” into a career you wouldn’t have chosen. And for those with people-pleasing patterns, the fear of disappointing others can stop you from speaking your truth.

The best kept secret is that your authentic expression actually unlocks your greatest abundance. You came to Earth with something you wanted to share. That essence exists in every cell of your body and your entire energy field — think of it as your soul’s blueprint. The more you go against your “purpose,” or your heart’s desire, the heavier things become. For many, it can even cause physical symptoms like headaches, depression, or illness.

The best kept secret is that your authentic expression actually unlocks your greatest abundance.

Yet, when you give yourself permission to live in your true expression, something incredible happens. It’s as though the entire universe comes into flow to support your vision. This is because when you embrace your authentic expression, you vibrate at your true frequency. Inauthenticity, fear and expectations create static in your energy field. Instead of sending out a message, they jam the signal. But when you embrace your soul’s highest expression, your frequency is clear and powerful. You become a transmission tower, existing as both the magnet and amplifier of all that your heart desires. In other words, you’re automatically manifesting abundance.

Image of a woman with long brown hair dancing in the park with her arms raised in an orange dress. Manifesting abundance can be done simply by being your true self.
Just by being your authentic self and stepping away from fear, you’ll be surprised by the abundance you attract in 2025. – Credit: Unsplash Evie Martinez

When you embrace your soul’s highest expression, your frequency is clear and powerful.

With such powerful and clear alignment of frequency, you naturally attract ample abundance, from health to love, magic, and joy. It can’t help but flow towards you. In this way, the more you embrace your authentic self, the more you flourish and are naturally manifesting abundance. So, how do you become your most authentic self in 2025?

1. Let Your Heart Guide You

It sounds simple, and it is. But most of us have been taught to lead from the head rather than the heart. We’re told this is the “sensible” thing to do, but it actually makes life harder. Ultimately, it can put you on the wrong path.

Your heart knows the way, even when your head can’t comprehend it. Your heart is connected to the cosmic wisdom. It is the portal, and it’s responding to the flow of the universe. The innate wisdom of your heart is what drives your intuition.

My Own Story of the Heart

When you follow the heart, it will guide you to opportunities and experiences more magical than you could have even imagined. I have firsthand experience in how life-changing following your intuition can be. For years, I lived the life that was expected of me. I had the top corporate career, a big salary, and a water-view apartment. I was ticking all the boxes, but I wasn’t happy. 

Soon, my health started to collapse. All the while, my heart kept trying to bring me back to what I had known as a teenager. My passions had always been healing work, writing, and travel to the sacred lands. But my conventional parents had drilled into me that you couldn’t make money from those “fluffy” things, and this fear of lack kept me stuck for a long time.

Finally, the call of my heart became a giant roar, and going to work each day felt like a slow death. So, I followed my intuition. I quit my job, sold my apartment, and moved to the Peruvian Andes. I arrived with two bags and no plan. Despite not working to a conscious plan, I was manifesting abundance the whole way. Now, I’m the author of the internationally acclaimed Rainbow Tablets books. I run global retreats in Peru, England, South Africa, and Australia. I also have powerful online programs, including a Mystery School centering on ancient knowledge. 

Best of all, I wake up every morning excited about life. The clients I attract are the most genuine, inspiring, and wonderful people. And that fear of lack that was holding me back? Well, I’m earning over three times what I did in my corporate career.

Image of two women sitting cross-legged on yoga mats on an open terrace surrounded by plants.
Following my intuition has led me to the most incredible, magical, and fulfilling time of my life. – Credit: Unsplash Getty Images

The crazy thing is that this life is beyond anything I could have dreamed. I couldn’t have set the specific goals I’m currently achieving because my head didn’t know this was possible — but my heart did. That shift led to the most abundant, magical, and fulfilling life. This level of highest expression is available to all of us. You just need to let your heart guide you.

2. Follow the Breadcrumbs

One of the challenges many face around embracing their authentic expression is that they simply don’t know what that is. The good thing is that they do know there is something “more” that they came here to create. This could be making a difference in the corporate world, in medicine, in education, or another field entirely. It could be stepping out into entrepreneurship, the arts, or an alternative modality.

Whatever it is, everyone has their own “purpose”. But your highest expression isn’t something that can be known upfront. It’s something you have to live into to truly be manifesting abundance. Finding your purpose actually means letting go of the need to have all the answers. Instead, it’s about following the breadcrumbs. Each step you take to follow your heart and embrace your authenticity will guide you to that bigger picture.

Recognizing Your Creative Impulse

So, how do you recognise the breadcrumbs? Some may come as a creative impulse. You might be drawn to explore a new or old skill, whether that’s dancing, playing an instrument, building things, graphic design, and so on. The creative impulse doesn’t need to be connected to an objective. Too often we’re told we must spend our time and money on things that will better our career or have some sort of financial return. But with creative exploration, it’s about connecting with yourself. Often just the act of exploring will ignite a spark of memory.

Another way to recognise the breadcrumbs is through your intuition. Perhaps you will just know or feel that something is for you. Or there could be signs pointing towards a particular life path, like a meaningful symbol or number sequence. When you connect with the innate wisdom within yourself, you will always be following the right path, even if you don’t understand the significance in the moment.

3. Approach Life with Child-Like Wonder

Too often, life can feel heavy. But it’s not meant to be like that. When you approach life with child-like wonder, you unlock the magic and miracles all around you. Do your best to see life as an adventure. Embrace the unknown. 

Image of a woman in a hotel room, wearing a white bathrobe and a towel around her head as she pours wine into a glass.
When you start to look at life as one big adventure, you can appreciate and attract magic in your life. – Credit: Unsplash Daiga Ellaby

The ego might want to try to “control” everything by pushing and planning. This notion of being in control creates a false sense of safety — but that’s an illusion. This state of ego will keep you in opposition to the universe and block the highest possibilities from flowing towards you.

How True Safety Negates Our Limiting Beliefs

True safety comes from trust and connection. When you cultivate your connection with yourself, the land, the ancestors, and the stars, you remember that you are so much more than you thought. You remember your cosmic nature. And you realize that you have enormous support all around you. In this way, there is no need to control or force things. 

With this true sense of safety, you can be open to the wonder of life. The more you see life as an adventure, the more the limiting beliefs will drop away. Then, like a wide-eyed child, you will start to dream big again. And you will remember that everything is possible.

4. Invest in Yourself

It takes change to create change. If you’re looking for an actionable first step, make sure you have a morning practice. If you get out of bed and go straight into a routine, you will be meeting your day in a physical, 3D way. When you pause to cleanse, center yourself, and charge your energy field, you become a magnet for the highest possibilities. And your morning practice doesn’t have to be time intensive! This 10-minute Rainbow Pyramid Sovereignty Practice is a great way to start your day.

To step into your highest expression of life, you need to go beyond the edges of yourself. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in your growth. This could be enrolling in an expansive and empowering program. Or you could attend a sacred retreat. Or it could be as simple as making a commitment to elevating your frequency on a daily basis, like by reading inspiring books.

Making 2025 Your Year of Abundance

The start of a new year is always a great time to set intentions for what’s to come — but manifesting abundance should be a life-long practice. Start claiming your highest expression of life in 2025 via  the mantra “new year, true you.” To raise your vibration and embrace your authentic self this year, find out more in The Rainbow Tablets: Abundance and Sacred Co-Creation.

As a child, Sia-Lanu felt connected to everything and saw the magic all around her. But, like most, she … More about Sia-Lanu




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