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HomeFitness5 Common Gym Injuries and How to Avoid Them

5 Common Gym Injuries and How to Avoid Them

No gym goer wants to be sidelined due to gym injuries. Nevertheless, avid gym goers know it comes with the territory. “Pushing the limits in the gym is great because that’s where the gains happen, however, the gym, like most things in life, has an inherent risk,” says Shane McLean, A.C.E. CPT. “That’s why you must do everything possible to reduce that risk and remain injury-free.”

The good news is that it doesn’t take much effort to ensure your gym injuries won’t take up space in your fitness routine.

From muscle strains to pesky calluses, adding a few extra precautionary steps into your workout routine will lessen your chance of injury and keep you off the sidelines.

Top Common 5 Gym Injuries You Can Avoid

Woman suffering from callous hands and blisters from working out in the gym

Calluses and Blisters

Known as a badge of honor for all the hard work, however, McLean shares they can become painful and problematic during exercises like pull-ups, deadlifts, and rows.

Avoid It by:

  • Wear gloves or lifting straps to cut down on friction.
  • Keep your hands dry and moisturized to prevent cracking.

Muscle Strains

This injury can result from overstretching or tearing, like quad and hamstring strains from running sprints or triceps tears from chin-ups and pullups.

Avoid It by:

  • Warming up with dynamic stretches to get your muscles ready for action.
  • Gradually ramp up your weights and intensity.
  • Notice signs of fatigue as these injuries are more likely to happen when your body gets tired.
Woman in the gym suffering from a lower back injury
Kaspars Grinvalds

Lower Back Pain

McLean explains lower back pain during or after a workout is typical when the spine is loaded during squats, deadlifts, and bentover rows.

Avoid It by:

  • Prepare and strengthen your core during your warmup.
  • Keep your form in check and notice signs of fatigue when it begins to break down.
  • Keep your ego in check and lift weights you can handle.
Man suffering from a gym injury affecting his knee

Knee Injuries:

Knee pain and soreness or Patellar Tendonitis happen regularly with knee-dominant exercises like squats and lunges says McLean. They are usually a sign of doing too much, under-recovering, or using bad form.

Avoid It by:

  • Performing mobility exercises that target your ankle and hip mobility.
  • Squat and lunge with good form and notice signs of excessive fatigue.
  • If your knees are a problem, wearing a supportive knee wrap may help.

Ankle Sprains and Shin Scrapes

Ankle sprains and shin scrapes from box jumps are common in the world of gym injuries. However, McLean explains if you pay attention to the tips below, these are totally preventable.

Avoid It by:

  • Strengthen and mobilize your ankles with targeted exercises.
  • Choose footwear with good ankle support.
  • Pay attention to your landing—land softly and with control.
  • Keep your ego in check by keeping the box height doable and notice signs of fatigue.

Although gym injuries are not one hundred percent preventable, incorporating these habits into your routine will cut your chances of getting hurt way down. It can be tempting to rush into a workout, so remember to take your time and warm up, use proper form, and always listen to your body. Staying consistent in this area will keep the gains coming while keeping injuries at bay.



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