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HomeYoga5 Ways to Live More Sustainably This Spring - Blog

5 Ways to Live More Sustainably This Spring – Blog

Over the last several years, it’s become apparent just how important living sustainably is; from pollution to poor soil quality, rising sea levels and disrupted ecosystems, there’s been a huge effort to cultivate ways we can collectively help the planet by living more mindfully in day-to-day life. Perhaps you already carry reusable shopping bags, or opt for plastic-free packaging, but as we move into Spring, there are a few more ways we can all live more sustainably in simple, easy ways. So, get ready to be good, do good and feel good as the saying goes, and start living more sustainably this Spring.  

Use Natural Light 

Humans have evolved to live in bright, natural daylight in the daytime, and darkness at night. Doing this helps balance our circadian rhythms (the ‘sleep-wake cycle’) aiding in greater overall health. Today however, many of us have flipped this cycle on its head by spending lots of time indoors – which is often nowhere near as bright as outside – and lots of time surrounded by bright lights at night. When we do this, our bodies become confused as to what time of day it is, which can disrupt our hormonal balance, and severely impair our sleep quality and energy levels too. Thankfully, the lighter, brighter days of Spring mean it’s a little easier to use sunlight instead of indoor lights, which simultaneously benefits our health, and the health of the planet. All it takes is a little mindfulness! When you wake up in the morning and go about your routine, consider whether you actually need to turn the lights on, or whether it’s simply a habit you’ve got into. When possible, spend time outdoors in natural light, such as taking a walking meeting instead of sitting at your desk, or setting your workspace up next to a window so you can utilise the natural sunlight instead of lamps. After sunset, aim to turn off lights and screens – which is one of the best things we can do to support good quality sleep – and either use candles, or just a couple of small lamps. You’ll feel far more rested in the morning, and will be doing your bit to decrease the consumption of energy and fossil fuels at the same time.  

Tools to help you live sustainably:

  1. The Aery Before Sleep candle emits restful scents of lavender, eucalyptus and cedar to calm the mind before bed.  
  2. Instead of having all your house lights switched on, use a single calming Himalayan salt lamp to fill the room with a relaxing glow.  

Embrace Cold Therapy 

Now the weather is a little warmer, it’s a great opportunity to start practicing cold therapy. Cold therapy can help boost the immune system, mood and metabolism, as well as using less fuel, saving the planet of its energy supplies and stopping more pollution being used. Taking long, warm showers is one of the biggest and most overlooked ways we consume energy and create pollution; most people assume they spend 5 minutes in the shower, when the reality is closer to 9 or 10. The Wim Hof Method has popularised cold showers, along with his signature breathing technique, but you don’t need to sign up to a specific programme to get the benefits. A simple short, cold shower is a great way to make a big difference to your mood and energy levels, and goes a long way to living more sustainably too.  

Tools to help you live sustainably:

  1. Use Spritz Wellness’ exfoliating coffee scrub soap bar to rid skin of dry, dead skin cells and boost circulation. The natural ingredients are planet-friendly, good for your body and good for the earth.  
  2. Smooth your skin with this gentle exfoliating mitt, which is eco-friendly and biodegradable.   

Reduce Food Waste 

The choices we make each day can either contribute to health or harm for the planet. The UK throws away around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste every year, even though 8.4 million people live in food poverty. Food waste not only wastes billions of pounds, but also usually ends up in landfill, where it rots and releases methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. If we stopped wasting food, it is estimated we’d save the equivalent of around 17 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. Much like the other sustainable living tips, all it takes is a little mindfulness – and perhaps some creativity – to reduce food waste. Composting is a great way to put vegetable scraps, banana peel and coffee grounds to good use, and making compost will also create a nutrient-rich fertiliser for your garden. You can use that compost to plant your own fruit and veg, thus saving on pollution caused by importing food and plastic wrapping. Another way to reduce food waste is to share it! Invite friends and family round for a long overdue catchup, and share the portions generously.  

Make Your Yoga Kit Eco Friendly 

At its heart, a yoga practice is one of the most sustainable forms of movement we can do; it doesn’t require anything other than our bodies, and it often encourages us to be kinder and more compassionate to the world around us. When it comes to yoga props however, it’s easy to make unsustainable choices when buying from unfamiliar sources. Thankfully, Yogamatters created their Beginners Eco Yoga Starter Kit with responsibly sourced rubber, natural cork and organic cotton, so it is simple to make a sustainable change.

Up Your Step Count 

Come Springtime, many of us may feel the urge to get outside more and enjoy the warmer, sunnier days. One of the ways we can embrace more movement and sunlight is to change how we travel. Short car journeys we take on a regular basis are another leading cause of planetary pollution, and it’s not just the planet that suffers; air pollution also contributes to many illnesses such as asthma, cardiovascular disease, and lung cancer. In order to care for ourselves and the world around us, choosing to walk or cycle instead of driving can cut emissions and pollution, and if you have a long commute to work, consider using public transport or sharing the journey with colleagues.  

Tools to help you live sustainably:

Turn your walk into a low-impact workout with the Bala Ankle Weights, increasing your step count whilst cutting your carbon footprint.   




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