Looking for the best motorhome books to help you learn more about your van or just whet your wanderlust? Here are some of the best!
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Motorhoming is a funny hobby. You spend all this money… and there is absolutely no instruction on what to do with it next.
To be fair, it’s a little like boating. Or caravanning.
Luckily, there are some great books on the market, which can help with various aspects of motorhome and vanlife, as well as many which will just make you want to get in a van and GO!
Motorhome Books- Formats and Types
Some of these books are hardbacks or physical books, which I know many people prefer.
However, in a van, especially if you are concerned about your payload, getting the books in eBook format, on a Kindle, iPad or PDF reader, is a really good idea.
I am an avid ‘proper book’ reader, but I LOVE the flexibility of being able to buy and download nearly any book I like using an iPad and the Kindle app (or an actual Kindle).
I’m also a member of the Kindle Unlimited scheme, which allows me to read as many included books as I like for just £9.49/ month. Given I rarely read the same book twice, it’s a brilliant option for me.
I also LOVE being in a foreign country and being able to get the latest book from my favourite author instantly, rather than needing to wait until we return to the UK (or ask someone to post me a copy, which in this post- Brexit age is both costly & takes forever!)
But, for practical or informative books, we do carry a few onboard with us- in case we get stuck somewhere without internet. So we’ve provided a range of both options for you to choose what works for you.
Practical Motorhome Books
Sometimes, you just need to look up the answer to a technical question, or want some advice about a specific subject. Here are some technical/ niche specific motorhome books for you
Also check out more of my books and e-books that you may find helpful.
Van life & Campervan Books- Technical & Practical
If you’re considering converting a panel van into a campervan, these are the books for you. Includes step-by-step guidance for all aspects of van conversion, these practical campervan books are perfect guides.
Practical Motorhome and Campervan Books About UK Travel
When you’re out and about on the road, whether in the UK or Europe, these books have been written to help.
UK & Ireland travel books for motorhomes and campervans
I absolutely LOVE Martin Dorey’s books. Even as a motorhome owner, they are beautifully written and presented.
But there are many other campervan and motorhome books about exploring the UK & Ireland
Other epic UK travel and adventure books
Motorhome and Campervan Books for Europe Travel
If you’re heading to Europe, these are the best practical books for motorhomes and campervans, sharing tips and advice to help you choose a route, know what to take, where to stay and what to see!
Atlas/ Maps for Motorhoming
Having a physical atlas or map with you is always a good idea, just in case.
Motorhome Books- Stories from the Road
Fantastic books about motorhome and campervan adventures- from people who’ve been out there and done it.
These make fantastic gifts for motorhome owners (or those who want to be!)
Road Trip Cooking Books!
Some of the best cookbooks about cooking from the road, whether in a motorhome, campervan, caravan or even tent camping by the fire. Packed with delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in the van, you’ll LOVE the pictures and the inspiration!
More Road Trip Travel & Adventure Books
Fantastic books about road trips, or helpful guides to inspire that wanderlust! If you want something to curl up with and read during the long winter months, these are for you!
I hope that you enjoyed this list of motorhome books. Are there any you’ve enjoyed that I’ve missed? Let me know.
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Last update on 2024-09-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API