Some days, all you can do is laugh. Racing a 5K, whether it’s your first or your 101st, can be predictable or forgettable–or, as for some of our readers, it can be filled with adventure. We invited readers to share their 5K horror stories, and they didn’t hold back. Here are some of the wildest responses we got.
Forgetting your bib
One woman reports she showed up at the start line having forgotten her race bib. So she went home to get it, and had “a wild adventure” getting back. The moral of the story: lay out your race kit the night before, and pin your bib to your race shirt, so you can’t forget it.
Forgetting your shoes
That’s a tough look. One reader says they forgot to pack their shoes, and ran the first kilometre in their Birkenstocks (which are not made for running!). They said they ended up finishing the final 4 km in socks, and got some pretty sweet race pictures out of it. Now that’s putting a positive spin on things!
Getting beaten when you least expect it
One runner recounts running for what he thought was an impressive 5K, only to get beaten in the final few metres by a guy dribbling three basketballs. This is the wildest one we’ve heard yet. (Hopefully, that guy scored a Guinness World Record.)
Too much caffeine
Consuming some form of caffeine before a race is a necessity for many runners. One says they went a little overboard, recounting “an out-of-body experience in the last kilometre.” (We can only assume what that means.)
Tripping and falling
Yes! There’s no doubt that’ll slow you down. It happens to the best of us. Try to frame it as a battle wound, or a formal introduction to racing.
Running on a broken ankle
One runner claims they completed a 5K on a broken ankle. While that’s undeniably impressive, the race can wait until you’re fully healed. We strongly advise against racing while injured, as the risk of worsening the injury is high. It’s just not worth it.