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HomeRunning7 Lessons to Crush Your Next Running Goal (From a Run Coach)

7 Lessons to Crush Your Next Running Goal (From a Run Coach)

Runners often share a personality type that strives for perfection. We’re hard on ourselves when we fail to measure up to our personal high standards. In some ways, this is exactly what propels us to our successes and in other ways, it’s what has limited us. So let’s look at some mindset shifts that can help us take control, enjoy the process and achieve more.
Running goals

#1 Embrace the Suck

Let’s just come out and say it. Sometimes training sucks.

It’s hard to hit the track and push yourself, it’s hard to go to the gym when it’s so perfect outside to run, it’s hard to get in the miles when you’re feeling tired.

Avoid the negative thinking of how you would prefer things to be and make the best of what they are. Laugh at completely ridiculous conditions (hello running through 2 inches of snow) and circumstances. In other words, Embrace The Suck.

By doing so, you’ll not only get the benefit of getting out there, you’ll also add these experiences to draw upon later when you are at a tough moment in your training or a race. If nothing else, think of all of those that aren’t.

Matt Fitzgerald talks a lot about this in his great book How Bad Do You Want it. A must read if you’re working on mindset to get in to the pain cave on race day.

running sucks
Author Matt Fitzgerald running with IronCowboy during one of his 50 Ironmans in 50 days.

#2 Target an Area of Difficulty

Think about an area of your current training that you detest or something that might be seemingly standing in your way….mostly commonly:

We all have something we avoid or even fear that can hold us back.

It can be easy to avoid what’s hard when you’re actively training for an event and instead focus on what you must do. Remember that there will never be a PERFECT time to figure it out.

You’re going to have to prioritize it. Just like you prioritize the run.

Whatever your nemesis may be, having a defined period of time to take it on will allow for dedicated focus and an end point. This is one of the many reasons, that having an actual base building season or off season from events is valuable.

#3 The Power of Imperfect Action

We’re ready to take action, but then find ourselves in a rabbit hole of seeking out article after article to really get the best training plan, the best strength options, whatever it might be.

While you should do your homework and understand what you’re getting into, just getting out and actually making progress – imperfect as it may be – is necessary.

We learn so much through those actions about what works for us individually.

In January 2012, Eric Hunley found himself at 283 pounds and finally decided enough was enough and to take up running again. Eric could have waited until conditions were perfect in the Spring or until he lost some weight or until he found the perfect training plan.

Instead, Eric just got out there and took action – any action at all in the right direction.achieve running goals

This began with walking 10,000 steps a day to eventually run/walking. He gradually took control of his life through a series of small victories.

First he ran down the block, then 2 blocks, then a mile, then a 5K.

By at first taking imperfect action, he has accomplished in less than 2 years what was not even a thought in his mind the first time he walked 10,000 steps in a day when he crossed the finish line of a marathon in 3:27.

Is something holding you back from getting started? If so, why? Take whatever action you can now and the details will come when you are ready for them. Your experiences will guide you.

#4 Anything is Better than Nothing

Even if you do take imperfect action there will still be times where you wonder “is 20 minutes worth it if that’s all you can give that day“. There’s so much emphasis on doing the “right” training vs. just doing something.

When you choose to do anything at all vs. nothing you’re always moving forward with progress.

It’s not so much the specific workout you had planned that is important – but maintaining consistency instead. By keeping the habit going you are less likely to fall into a rut or regret coming back to exercise and what you lost after time away.

Keep the momentum of taking action on your side, rather than allowing it to work against you.7 Tips to crush your next running goal - tips from the experts who have been there and run that

#5 The Power of Consistency

Are you someone that often is committed to exercise for a portion of the year and then have another portion of the year  that things fall apart?

This period of reduced or no activity can itself be the difference for many in plateauing or continuing to make progress year after year.

Imagine if you’re thinking of running a fall marathon next year and instead of thinking that it’s 9+ months away and not doing anything specific to prepare, you instead started building a running base consistently. Do you think that would have an impact on your structured training and achieving more than you thought possible?

You bet it will. I know it will. I have seen it in the runners I have worked with and experienced it myself.

Consistency is the most common thread I see as a running coach among those that achieve their running goals and even surprise themselves compared to those that don’t progress as well.

Even a few months of easy, conversational paced running over the winter will pay big dividends come Spring and starting formal training for your next race.

You won’t spend half of a training cycle or more trying to get back into shape. You’ll already be in shape. You will be able to focus on getting faster.

You will also be more resilient to injury as your body will have adapted to having been training for a long period of time – rather than adapting as you quickly try to build up mileage once again. Easy, conversational paced running is some of the most effective running you can do to improve your fitness for both running or any other aerobic activity.

It’s so effective, even elite athletes devote 80% of their training to easy efforts in a formal training cycle!

The only thing you need to do is show up – consistently, all year.

#6 Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Fear of Failure

Each of us has a set of ingrained beliefs about what we’re capable of doing. Whether through actual experience, or what we’ve been told by others, these beliefs become part of the unconscious mind.

In setting goals, we often allow these beliefs to define the parameters in which we can operate. Many of us choose goals that we’re 100% certain are attainable to naturally avoid failure without even realizing it.

The best athletes know that fear and avoidance of failure is not the path to success.

Only by embracing failure not as a shortcoming, but as a learning experience can we achieve the most from ourselves.

Getting out of your comfort zone, avoiding perfection and failing often are the only ways to learn what works and what doesn’t. If you find yourself stagnating and not making the progress you desire understanding your current belief system and what may be holding you back is a great place to start.

By identifying what your current belief system is you can proactively target what you want to change and break through what is holding you back. Often times, it is our own unconscious beliefs.

How to crush your running goals
This article was written in collaboration with Matt.

#7 Create a Series of Smaller Victories

While overcoming the limiting beliefs of your mind is essential to achieving what you’re capable of, setting a high expectation without a path to realistically get there is not the type of failure you want to experience.

You’ll be left feeling defeated without a way forward and in the worst case scenario reinforcing any limiting beliefs you may be trying to overcome. Whether you’re looking to achieve a certain weight, tackle a new distance, set a new PR or qualify for the Boston Marathon it all starts with where you are and what is the next step to get to where you want to be.

Using the analogy of a ladder can be a powerful tool to get you to where you want to be.

It can be overwhelming when you see a large gap from your current self to your ideal self. Instead of focusing on making a giant leap to where you want to be and risking burnout or injury, focus on “the next rung on the ladder.

By doing so and then accomplishing the smaller goal you make a measurable accomplishment towards your larger goal. The gap between where you are and where you want to be becomes smaller. Eventually, that big goal that seemed impossible becomes just “the next rung on the ladder.”

By mapping out a path on how to get to where you have clear direction on how you are going to get there but there is more. Each small victory that you achieve along the way as you “climb the ladder” creates a positive feedback loop that can motivate and drive you forward. Success breeds success.

Chances are at least one if not more of these 7 ideas has resonated with you. It’s now up to you to implement and take action.

Get out there and crush it!

Do you have any big hairy goals you’re training for right now?

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