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HomeNutrition8 Kumquat fruit Nutrition facts and Health benefits

8 Kumquat fruit Nutrition facts and Health benefits

Selection and storage

Kumquats can be found in the markets from November through June. ‘Nagami’ and the ‘Meiwa’ are the two most common varieties of kumquats grown in the United States. Saint Joseph, Florida is nicknamed the kumquat capital of Florida since Nagami variety kumquats are grown on a much larger scale there.

While buying, select kumquat fruit that is firm, smooth, brilliant orange color, with the attached stem. Avoid unripe, green colored fruits and those with surface cuts, bruises, or damage.

Store them at room temperature for about 3-4 days, and inside the refrigerator for up to three weeks. Frozen kumquat puree can be stored for six months or more.

Preparation and serving tips

cross section of kumquat fruit1
Kumquat cut sections with banana fruit.
Photo courtesy: jlastras
kumquat fruit with pumpkin seed oil
Kumquat fruit as a garnish! Photo: erinmchardy
candied kumquat fruits
Candied kumquats! Photo courtesy: mariko

Kumquats must be allowed to fully ripen on the tree itself before they are picked. They can be enjoyed fresh, added in salads, or candied, and as a garnish.

Wash fresh fruits in a bowl of cool water. Gently pat dry using a soft cloth/tissue.

Kumquats are tasted best if they gently rolled or squeezed before being eaten. This method unifies sugary ingredients in its thin rind with that of underlying tart flesh. Eat kumquats as one would eat table grapes or olives, along with the peel.

Here are some serving tips:

  • Add fresh kumquat slices to fruit salads or fruit bowls.

  • Kumquats can be an attractive garnish on a platter.

  • Kumquats make great marmalade, preserves, and candies. It is so because, unlike other citrus fruits like Seville-orange, which has a bitter-tasting peel, kumquat rind is very sweet and, therefore desirable.

  • Additionally, pureed kumquats are much sought-after in the preparation of sauce, fruit concentrates, jams, and jellies.

  • They also can be used for the preparation of juice, cakes, pies, ice creams…etc.

  • Ripe kumquat fruit is also used as a marinade and as a garnish in poultry, lamb, and seafood dishes.

Safety profile

As in any other Rutaceae (citrus) category fruits, kumquat fruit can be consumed safely by pregnant, nursing mothers and children. (Medical disclaimer).

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Further reading and Resources:

  1. USDA National Nutrient Database.

  2. Stanford School of Medicine Cancer information Page- Nutrition to Reduce Cancer Risk.

  3.– Citrus and Fortunella-pdf.



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