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HomeNutrition9 Amazing Pistachio nuts Nutrition facts and Health benefits

9 Amazing Pistachio nuts Nutrition facts and Health benefits

Selection and storage

Roasted pistachio nuts

Pistachios can be available in the markets year-round. In the grocery stores, one may choose shelled, whole (with-shell), roasted, salted, sweetened, etc., put for sale. Try to buy unshelled (with an intact outer coat), whole nuts instead of processed ones. They are generally made available in airtight packs and bulk bins.

Look for healthy, compact, uniform, off-white, unshelled nuts that feel heavy in hand. They should be free from cracks other than the natural split, mold, spots, and rancid smell.

Raw, unshelled pistachios can be placed in a cool, dry place for many months. However, shelled kernels should be placed in an airtight container and kept in the refrigerator in order to prevent them from turning rancid.

Culinary uses

  • The nuts are usually eaten as they are, by splitting them open between fingers or using a nutcracker machine. They can also be enjoyed roasted, salted, or sweetened, just as in macadamia and peanuts.

  • Pistachios are nutty, yet pleasantly sweet in taste with a fruity aroma. Baklava, a sweet pastry made of layers of paper-thin “phyllo or strudel dough” filled with chopped pistachio, almonds, and cashew nuts and sweetened with syrup or honey, is a popular pastry preparation in Turkey, Iran, Armenia, and many Middle East states.

  • Roasted and crushed, its kernels can be sprinkled over salads, desserts, particularly sundaes and other ice cream-based dessert preparations (for example, kulfi in the Indian subcontinent), biscuits, sweets, and cakes.

  • Split pistachios are a great addition to vegetable/fruit salads.

  • Popularly known as “pista,” these nuts have been widely used in sweet dishes in Indian, Pakistani, and other Southeast Asian countries.

Safety profile

Pistachio nut allergy sometimes occurs as allergic manifestations because of the chemical compound anacardic acid
(urushiol. Cross-reactions may also occur with some other related tree nuts and fruits of Anacardiaceae family such as mango,
cashew nuts, etc. Persons with known allergic reactions to these nuts may, therefore, be required to observe caution while eating cashews and mangoes, and conversely.

The reaction symptoms may range from simple skin itching (hives) to severe form anaphylactic manifestations including breathing difficulty, pain abdomen, vomiting, and diarrhea. (Medical disclaimer).

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Further Resources:

  1. USDA National Nutrient Database.

  2. Stanford School of Medicine Cancer information Page- Nutrition to Reduce Cancer Risk.

  3. California Rare Fruit Growers- Pistacia vera. L.



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