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HomeNutritionTop 7 Almonds Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Top 7 Almonds Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Selection and storage

almond nuts in shell
Raw, dry almonds-unshelled. Note edible kernel inside.

Almonds are readily available in markets throughout the year. However, various forms of almonds are typically showcased for sale in stores, including shelled and unshelled (with the outer shell), salted, sweetened, or powdered (almond flour/meal), among others.

When making a purchase, seek for kernels with a vibrant brown hue, uniform and compact in shape, and a substantial weight when held. Ensure they are free from any cracks, mold, spots, or unpleasant odors.

For storage, unshelled whole almonds can be kept in a cool, dry area for several months. Conversely, shelled kernels should be stored in an airtight container within the refrigerator to prevent them from becoming rancid.

Culinary uses

almond-nut sheller


Processing units typically utilize large cracker machines to open raw whole nuts. For domestic purposes, smaller shelling equipment or handheld pliers are usually sufficient.

Consider these serving tips:

  • Almonds can be enjoyed raw, salted, or sweetened.

  • They possess a nutty yet pleasantly sweet taste. Sweetened almond milk, known as Badam milkshake, is a popular refreshing beverage in India and other South Asian countries.

  • Almonds are highly favored nuts used in various rice dishes, both savory and sweet preparations, across the Middle-Eastern region.

  • Almond splits are commonly sprinkled over desserts, particularly sundaes and other ice cream concoctions.

  • They are extensively used in confectionery, added to cookies, biscuits, sweets, energy bars, and cakes. In France, almond meal is a key ingredient in the beloved cake known as frangipane.

  • Blanched kernels are also utilized to create almond butter, providing an excellent alternative for those allergic to peanuts.

  • Green, mature almonds are exceptionally delectable! These edible, young, tender nuts make an appearance in farmer markets by late spring. To enjoy them, simply cut open the outer green cover with a paring knife and savor the sweet, cream-white kernel inside!

Safety Profile

Almond nut allergy, although less common compared to other tree nut allergies such as cashews and pistachios, can still cause hypersensitivity cross-reactions in certain individuals to food items containing almonds.

Symptoms may vary in type and severity, including vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, swelling of the lips and throat leading to breathing difficulties, and chest congestion. Therefore, caution is advised for individuals with nut allergic syndrome when consuming food items containing almond nuts. (Disclaimer)

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Further resources:

  1. USDA National Nutrient data base.

  2. The Almond Board of California.



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