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HomeWeight LossPilar lost 210 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Pilar lost 210 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Pilar shares how she lost 210 pounds by working out and making practical changes to her eating habits. She continues to focus on her health, happiness, and breaking generational curses.

Pilar before and after weight loss

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Instagram: @ladyp_getsfit

Hi! My name is Pilar, but I go by ‘Lady P‘. I hope my journey, transparency, and story inspire you to be the best version of yourself!

What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
My motivation was and is still me. Being able to help others is a bonus!

I was taught as a Black woman to give, save, and provide for everyone else in the sacrifice of myself. I later realized the best way to fight injustice and unfairness in life was to fight for myself while being the example I wanted to see in the world. I fight for my health, happiness, and femininity, and to have a soft life & happy ending to my story. I desire this for every woman, no matter her race or position. Life gets better when you prioritize you!

I am aiming to break some serious generational curses for my family and for those who see themselves in me.

How did you change your eating habits?
It started with a mindset change. I watched a bunch of films and read a lot about food and dieting. I learned how food affects us in multiple ways. Learning how to eat to live versus living to eat was a game changer for me!

I started on a keto diet, then went alkaline, then went vegan, and then went vegetarian. Now focus on eating a whole food diet and allow myself a cheat day on occasion. Nowadays, I try to eat to nourish my body, not feel hungry, and get through my workouts.

Pilar before and after

What is your workout routine?
I do a little bit of everything. However, the one thing I do the most is fitness classes (a combination of strength, cardio, and dance). I am motivated to really move, and it doesn’t feel like I’m alone during my workouts. — Depending on the class, group fitness can feel like group personal training which is a plus! 

How often did you work out?
I work out 5 to 6 days a week, anywhere from 1 to 2 hours during those days, while resting on Sundays.

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
My starting weight was 525 pounds. My current weight is 315 pounds. – I lost a total of 210 pounds so far!

What is your height?
I’m 6’3″.

When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take?
Roughly, I lost my first 25 pounds in 2019 and kept it off with diet. I got sick in 2020 and was motivated to keep going. I lost another 80 pounds on diet alone.

I hit a big plateau in 2022. As a result, I sought out professional help. Then, I joined a gym and started personal training at 420 lbs. Shoutout to GetFitX in Nashville, TN! They and a few other resources have helped me get down to my current weight (the lowest I have seen on the scale so far was 299 lbs, which is big for me given my PCOS).

I am still on my weight loss journey and don’t plan on stopping until I get rid of all my excess weight and reach the best and healthiest body I can achieve. My weight loss journey has been going on for almost six years now, and I am determined to make this the last year I solely focus on my weight loss. The next steps for me are skin surgery removal and continuing to build my body. 

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
No, I am working to lose weight naturally. However, I am not against surgery. I would advise other women to make sure they do their research and understand the risks. Lastly, know that surgery is not an easy way to lose weight. It will be hard, regardless. Do what is best for you!

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
That everything is connected. The concept of weight loss can be viewed as simple, but the application is often more difficult. For example, walking in a gym may be uncomfortable for someone trying to lose weight, not just because they are a bigger person in the gym but because the gym serves as a trigger for them. The experience could take them back when they got teased as a kid for being the chubby kid who was not athletic.

Another example is someone may not realize they struggle with emotional eating because food is how the closest people around them expressed their love to them.

If they lack self-love and support, then sticking to a food regiment will be even more challenging. A weight loss journey is often a healing journey that requires more than just the gym and a diet plan. Having a therapist at difficult times within my own personal journey helped just as much, if not more, than having a trainer.

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?
Find a strong reason why and don’t allow others to influence you to think anything else. In a world where we are encouraged to do whatever we want and what feels good without acknowledging the consequences, it can be very hard to want or try to do better. You could be criticized, looked down upon, and think it’s not worth the hassle.

Your weight loss journey needs to be for you first. Therefore, the decision needs to be yours. Finally, do your best and give it your all, but give yourself grace too. Never make quitting an option. If it is never an option, you won’t fail. Most importantly, keep God close to you on this journey – you definitely won’t lose with him on your side!




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