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HomeHealthStay Compliant: Cisco Secure Workload Introduces State-of-the-art, Persona-based Reporting

Stay Compliant: Cisco Secure Workload Introduces State-of-the-art, Persona-based Reporting

Workload security tools draw the attention of diverse cohorts, united by a mission: fortifying hybrid cloud workloads. In a market filled with disparate tools, Secure Workload offers a tailored reporting solution that revolutionizes how SecOps, Network Administrators, and CxOs interact with their workload security solution.

A New Era of Informed Decision Making

Traditional workload security tools often fail to provide metrics tailored to the distinct needs of SecOps, Network Administrators, or CxOs. These tools fall short due to a lack of development focus on holistic user requirements and an inadequate understanding of the diverse metrics that each of them values.

For example, SecOps teams require detailed insights into Cisco Security Risk scores, workload vulnerabilities, and the effectiveness of security policies. NetOps, on the other hand, requires visibility into agent health and policy compliance, and CxOs need high-level summaries that demonstrate cost savings and ROI. Without these tailored insights, traditional tools fail to offer a comprehensive view of security effectiveness.

The shift towards DevSecOps, AI-driven security, and Cloud Native security has led to cumbersome back-and-forth communication and the need to share information across siloed network, security, and application development functions. In the past couple of years, we have seen a surge in productivity-enhancing feature requests from customers, driven by the challenges of siloed networks and security organizations not sharing information. This lack of integration highlights the critical need for a single pane of glass view that can provide a unified perspective of the organization’s security posture.

By consolidating data from various functions into one comprehensive dashboard, the Reporting Dashboard addresses these challenges facilitating smoother communication, enhanced collaboration, and more effective security management across all teams.

Addresses Challenges Directly

Let’s delve into the specific outcomes that the Reporting Dashboard delivers.

Reporting Dashboard Landing View

Data-driven Insights for CxO and SecOps

The feedback from CxO participants at Secure Workload’s Customer Advisory Board highlights the need for personalized reports that deliver actionable intelligence. The out-of-the-box summary of security, compliance, and evidence-based metrics is invaluable for the CxO. By showcasing the percentage of workloads protected with Secure Workload agent coverage on the license utilization chart and workspace policy coverage, SecOps can demonstrate tangible productivity gains to CxOs. Moreover, by quantifying the time savings in policy maintenance, SecOps, and Network Admins can provide CxOs with actionable analytics that illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of their microsegmentation strategy.

This data-driven approach empowers CxOs to make informed decisions and strategically channel investments to optimize their company’s security posture.

Empower NetOps

NetOps enjoys enhanced visibility with the Reporting Dashboard, which provides a consolidated view of deployed agents and other assets. This allows NetOps to quickly identify and address agent issues, ensuring seamless operation of critical assets.

Policy Compliance is simplified through a single, unified view that highlights workspaces without enforcement and identifies policy discrepancies, and policy sync issues. This streamlined approach aids NetOps in ensuring policy compliance.

Insights from the Cluster Summary enable NetOps to establish retention policies for regulatory compliance and mitigate the risk of unauthorized access, while the Telemetry Summary provides a comprehensive view of telemetry sources and their health status enabling NetOps to swiftly identify and resolve issues.

The effectiveness of the ‘Telemetry Summary’ was validated when a customer shared their feedback –  “I like this quick viewpoint which should help troubleshoot duplicates.”​

Telemetry Summary section highlighting Inventory issues for NetOps

Elevate SecOps Productivity

  • Prioritizing CVEs alleviates the challenge of CVE prioritization as shown in the image below.
  • Providing workload summaries with enforcement status, enabling seamless policy enforcement assessment.
CVE Prioritization

Equipped with predefined rules and MITRE TTPs, CSW agents can detect suspicious application behavior with precision. Reporting Dashboard complements these capabilities by providing users with a brand-new intuitive experience.

Ready to experience the power of informed decision-making with Secure Workload Reporting? Whether you’re upgrading to Secure Workload 3.9 or starting fresh, embark on a journey of unparalleled security for your hybrid cloud workloads.


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