Monday, October 28, 2024
HomeRunningA Q&A with my mom!

A Q&A with my mom!

Early morning track date for me.

Here’s the beautiful thing about hard things.  The more you do them, the easier they become.  I was so nervous about going to the track those first few track workouts that I had after having Skye.  Yesterday= Not an ounce of nervousness.

I realized how different I felt leading up to the workout yesterday compared to a few months ago and it felt really good.  The workouts are getting harder but the nerves are disappearing.  The same thing goes for racing with me—>  The more I do it, the less nervous I feel!  It just takes me a few times of doing something hard like this to remember that I can do hard things and that my legs are not actually going to explode from fatigue.  I love the confidence I gain from running.  We get to prove to ourself over and over again that we can do the things we didn’t think we could do.

The workout:

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1000m (.62 miles) intervals= 3:59, 3:57, 3:58, 3:55, 3:54.  Average pace for these= 6:22

300m (.19 miles) intervals= 1:05, 1:05, 1:05, 1:02, 1:03.  Average pace for these= 5:44

I took those walking recoveries really easy.  The hardest part of the workout—>  it was 77 degrees (and humid for Utah) which is hot for me BUT whenever I started complaining to myself about how hot it was, I thought about YOU guys.  SO many of you are rocking your running in beyond crazy conditions.  Thank you for inspiring me.

PS the guy at the track doing 400m repeats didn’t know we were racing but we were…  Even though he was WAY faster than me, it helped to have someone to attempt to chase after.

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My nieces told me the night before that they wanted to go on a run with me so I took them out for my cool-down.  They did THREE miles.  I am so impressed by them.

I taught them about my trick of thinking about the things that don’t hurt when I’m feeling tired during a run.  We talked all about our elbows, earlobes, pinky toes and knee caps for that last mile:)

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From there it was straight to Brooke’s riding lesson.  If you live in the area and want your kids to take riding lessons you should email me and I’ll tell you more about Brooke’s instructor.  She is amazing with Brooke.  She teaches Brooke so much throughout the entire lesson and Brooke enjoys the process of brushing and getting the horse ready to ride just as much as riding Elf.

I think we have found one of Brooke’s passion in life.

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She was trotting around all of the cones and just loving life.

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We did a great job cheering (ps Skye is not sunburnt, if it is even a little bit warm outside her face goes red… it is the same with Knox).

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We might have to sell our car to support this passion for Brooke in the future ha;)   I have a feeling Skye is going to want to start this too in a few years.

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Another highlight of yesterday—>  HOUSE HUNTING FOR SOME VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN MY LIFE:)  Any idea who is moving here?!


I have 20 random thoughts I felt like I should talk to you about.

*It’s FREE slurpee day… you know we will be going today.  From last year:


*Real quick flashback of my sister and me.  We were in Hawaii and we went scuba diving a bit after this picture.

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*I saw this on IG and I don’t think I can stop thinking about it until I try it.

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*It takes me way too long to figure out how to spell breath ha—> I always get breath and breathe mixed up.

*Some days I feel like 88% of my day is purely picking up/wiping down/washing/putting things away… thank you running for giving me an hour or so of having nothing to put away ha.  Although, the other day I was on a run and a truck/trailer carrying HUGE boxes of nails dumped over on a turn so me and a few other runners that were out stopped to help the driver pick up all of the nails.

*My parents love Which Wich Sandwiches so much lately that they just keep a couple of the brown bags that you fill your order out on in their car so they can just walk in and have their sandwiches start to be made right away.  My parents are not only brilliant but quite efficient.

*How was this Skye just a little less than 7 months ago?!

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*They change way too fast.

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*Do you fall asleep during movies?  I fall asleep way more often than I stay awake for an entire movie

*This conversation with my mom… sorry that I said that to you mom:)  PS ward= our church group.

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*Andrew HATES it when people reply just—>  ‘K’ in a text message.  So of course I do it every now and then to him ha;)

*Andrew could never sneak up on anyone, his ankles crack during almost every step he takes.

*Another Andrew thing… he told me the other day that when we used to run together he would repeat over and over again ‘please turn red’ anytime we were approaching a stop light so that we could take a break without having to ask for one ha.

*Last Andrew thought—>  Another way I like to tease Andrew is by turning on the Elmo’s World song periodically throughout the day.  Our kids love that song and it always gets stuck in our head for a very long time after that so I turn it on or sing it so that it is in his head again.  That song is stuck in my head all of the time so—>  Misery loves company;)

*These two are really trying to figure each other out.

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*Do you overpack or underpack for trips?  Andrew has rubbed off on me and now I REALLY overpack.

*Do you remember bikes with the banana seats?  My older siblings had those growing up and I rode MANY miles on the back of those.

*I want to get in the mountains more for my runs.

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*Has anyone had a hydrofacial?  I’ve been hearing more and more about them and I’m wondering if they are worth the $$?

*I found a bunch of old pictures at my mom’s house and when Brooke and Knox saw these pictures of Crystal and me, they asked if they could put them in the frames in their rooms.  They have been trying really hard to convince Andrew that we need a white poodle now too.

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Ever been scuba diving?  

Do you get facials?  Ever tried a hydrofacial?

What is one of your biggest pet-peeves lately (like responding to Andrew via text with ‘K’)?

Share a random thought with me since I forced you to read about 20 of mine.  



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