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HomeYogaUdgeeth Pranayama (Chanting Breath): Steps & Benefits

Udgeeth Pranayama (Chanting Breath): Steps & Benefits

udgeeth pranayama - om chanting breath
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The Sanskrit word “Udgeeth” literally means “deep and rhythmic chant.” Udgeeth Pranayama involves chanting the sacred syllable “OM.” When reciting OM, there is no interference from the lips or tongue, making it an untouched syllable. Udgeeth Pranayama is considered the purest form of silence, believed to be the source of all Yoga Asanas and Pranayamas.

Udgeeth Pranayama: The Omkara Chanting

There are many common names of Udgeeth Pranayama like Omkari jap, Om chanting, Omkara chanting. While performing this pranayama, Omkara sound connects you with silence within you. In this silence, our brain gets vibrations to tune in a natural frequency.

Maharishi Patanjali, the author of yoga sutras, says that one who chants Om receives all the divine powers of the world. Om is a natural sound. As there are different types of people speaking different languages. But there is one sound that comes from the depth of the throat and that is Om. When your lips and tongue collide then it produces different kinds of sound. Om is a natural sound that comes without any collision.

The Essence of OM Chanting

udgeeth pranayama practice
Image Source: Shutterstock

The essence of Om Chanting is actually hidden behind the syllable Om.

OM as ‘A’, ‘U’, & ‘M’

When Om is studied in the English language, it comprises 3 letters: A, U, and M. There is a traditional way of chanting OM.

  • The first letter ‘A’ sounds like a a a a……
  • The second letter ‘U’ sounds like o o o o….. 
  • & the third letter ‘M’ sounds like  m m m m….. Connectively it is to be pronounced as a a a o o o o o o m m m…..

This is not just a combination of these three letters only. All these three letters have a specific role in this pranayama. There are some indications that each of these words depicts and those are as follows:

  • A’  indicates the awakening state or Jagrat Awastha. This Pranayama includes the awakening of Kundalini, as a result, it gives sensations to the brain. When the brain and the mind start feeling those sensations, then the mind reaches the state of concentration.
  • U’ indicates The Dream State or Swapna Mudra. After the awakening of Kundalini, your mind starts revealing the entire stress out of your brain. Hence this Pranayama calms the mind and connects the divine energy to your body.
  • M’ indicates the Deep Sleep State or Sushupti Awastha. Your mind starts revealing stress from your body. As a result, your body and your mind start to be in a relaxing mode. Likewise, your brain is at the level of calmness and now. This state converts the mind and the body towards the sleeping state.

Udgeeth Pranayama Steps

  • Sit in a comfortable meditative position (Padmasana, Siddhasana, Swastikasana, Sukhasana, Vajrasana, or on a chair).
  • Keep your spine erect and aligned with your head. Place your hands on your thighs in Gyan Mudra.
  • Take a deep inhale through your nose, filling your diaphragm completely.
  • Then slowly exhale the breath from your nose in a very slow manner. With the exhalation chant the word ‘OM’.
  • While chanting the OM sound of O should be longer than M.
  • Your sound should be audible to you & concentration should only be on your breath.

Pranav pranayama is another breathing technique that revolves around OM chant. You should definitely give it a try!

Udgeeth vs. Brahmari Pranayama, What Is the Difference?

Udgeeth pranayama has a quite similar mechanism as Bhramari pranayama (bee breath) has.

In Udgeeth Pranayama, we chant ‘OM’ whereas in Brahmari Pranayama we used to produce humming sound of a bee (which resemblance like the sound of om).

The similarity is that both of the pranayamas can be used as an expiratory exercise for bronchial Asthma and Pulmonary disease curing.

Benefits of Udgeeth Pranayama

Practising this pranayama may give you many physical and spiritual benefits as well:

  1. It helps to deal with anxiety, guilt, fear, and sadness.
  2. This pranayama helps to increase strength as well.
  3. It gives a divine shine as well as a stunning aura to the face.
  4. This pranayama can be best if you wanna connect your body and soul with spirituality.
  5. This pranayama is effective against Hypertension
  6. This Pranayama also cures acidity.
  7. It also helps to remove tension, anger, and anxiety.
  8. It cures problems related to sleep (Insomnia) and bad dreams.
  9. Even a small child of 4/5 years can perform this Pranayama, as it is easy to do.


Udgeeth Pranayama is a gateway to experiencing the profound benefits of sound and breath. By incorporating this practice into your daily routine, you can achieve a state of inner peace, emotional balance, and spiritual connection. Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, the simplicity and effectiveness of Udgeeth Pranayama make it an essential addition to your wellness journey. Embrace the power of OM and let its vibrations guide you towards a harmonious and balanced life.



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