Monday, October 28, 2024
HomeRunningSay it ain’t so… but this will make it all better!

Say it ain’t so… but this will make it all better!

I hope your weekend was a great one!!

I have a bunch of different topics I wanted to talk to you about today so let’s get started!

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*My Sunday morning breakfast will now be added to my list of things to eat often—>  Dave’s Killer Bread, peanut butter, thin apple slices and bananas.  With a side of milk.  Pregnancy has had me wanting lots of milk, must be needing calcium!

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*More of Dave’s Killer Bread (we go through a crazy amount of this bread each week lately) in the form of grilled cheese and turkey (I heat up the turkey in the microwave before putting it in the sandwich to cook it) with some tomato soup.

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*Snacked on popcorn, a mango and sun chips while watching a movie with the kids.  Then we made a random skillet for dinner—>  ground turkey, yellow peppers, broccoli, sweet potatoes, garlic.  I had two bowls of this!  It hit the spot last night.

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*I think I might have had my first REALLY big craving on Saturday or maybe I was just really tired and hungry.  Tacos.  Cafe Rio.  Sweet Pork.  I had to have them and Andrew picked them up on his way home.  They were heavenly.

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*It is never too early to bring out the pumpkin… okay, maybe it is too early but luckily the kids agree with me that it is time to start eating everything pumpkin.

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*When your niece is over at your house and she asks you if she can organize your kitchen disaster drawer… ummm yes.

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*It arrived!  THANK YOU for all of your recommendations on which planner to get the other day… I read every comment (like usual) and appreciate it so much!  Between your comments, thinking about it for way too many hours and these awesome YouTube videos from Amanda’s Favorites (she includes awesome reviews of each different type), I decided on the Erin Condren planner!  I’m in love.

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Brooke and I spent some good time yesterday at the counter… she colored and I filled in the next few weeks in my planner.  I feel so much better having it all written down rather than on my phone.

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*I usually try to have a smoothie, a protein drink, eggs or something with a good amount of carbs/protein after a run but not on Saturday… Rhodes Rolls made the perfect post-run meal (with jam).  I was thinking about them for the entire second half of my run.

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*HAVE YOU WATCHED THIS YET?  It is on ABC and it was amazing.  I wish there were 10 more episodes.

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*Brooke’s birthday is tomorrow and I actually cannot believe she is going to be 5.   I’ll be crying but also really excited for this next stage of life with her.

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*Ice cream sandwiches and some relaxing in my parent’s front yard.

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The other day a sweet reader emailed me asking if I ever walk during a marathon.  She is running her first marathon and wondering if she should plan on walking at all during the race!

*As far as your first marathon goes… DO NOT THINK TWICE about time.  Don’t make a goal time (in my opinion) and just shoot for completion.  You have the chance to reach your time goals during your next marathons (if you want to do more) but for the first one, I think it is all about finishing and gaining experience!  If I ever do an ultra (aka a first-time thing for me) you better believe my goal will be finishing, not a time.

*As far as planning in walking breaks I think that totally depends on what your training looks like.  If you are on a run-walk training plan then absolutely plan those walking breaks on race day just like you did for those long runs of yours!  Your long runs are your dress rehearsals for race day so if you are doing it in your dress rehearsal then plan on doing it during the race.  If you haven’t trained with walking then you don’t have to walk during the race but also, there is no harm adding some in the spots you think you might need them.  Maybe every few miles, every 10k along the way, or whenever the heck you feel you need it.  If this isn’t your first marathon and you have some time goals (and have trained without walking breaks) then walking breaks often may not fit into those goals but if not… take those walking breaks when you need!

*MY FAVORITE method during a marathon (which I didn’t start doing until just a few years ago) is to walk through the aid stations.  My favorite marathons have been the times that I do this… I always feel my best.  I walk through the aid stations so that I can get my drink of water and drink the entire cup (or two).  When I try to run and drink from the cup I usually get 20% of the liquid.  When I walk through the aid stations not only do I drink more but I have something to look forward to and my legs get a break for 20 seconds which I love.

Now when I go for my sub 3 marathon in a year or two I don’t know if walking through the aid stations will be part of the plan just because that is a fast pace to keep up with (for me) BUT I’ll have little water bottles with me or along the way to make sure I am getting plenty of hydration!  During my last St. George Marathon I carried a little water bottle of Vega Clean Energy + Electrolytes (I LOVE THIS STUFF) which was great for me and I’ll do that again!!

At Boston in 2015 I didn’t have to deal with dehydration because I would just open my mouth and drink the rain the whole 26.2 miles;)

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PS I do get more water in while running/drinking from a cup if I bend it like this below and funnel it in a bit to my mouth:)  One time I wore a white tank to a race back when I used to use gatorade and finished the race with a tie-dye looking tank from spilling all over myself over the course.  This way of holding the cup helps a little bit.

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Other random tips that I do during a marathon that are floating around my brain right now:

*I double tie my shoelaces while waiting in the corral for the race to start.  I’ve had to stop a few times before during a race to tie my shoes and it is the worst.

*In case you are a newer reader (sorry if I’ve shared this tip a million times)… I really focus on pumping my arms when my legs get tired during a race.  It’s pretty hard to slow your legs down when you arms are pumping at the pace you want to go:)  Focusing on my arms rather than my tired/dead legs at mile 22 really helps me!

*I don’t start listening to music until exactly 13.1 miles into the marathon now.  For a half-marathon I use music the entire time if I am racing it because I NEED THE RHYTHM.  But for the marathon, I want to focus on not going out too fast for the first half and then adding music later on gives me the motivation/energy I NEED to finish.   For those first few miles of the marathon especially I try to listen to my steps, my breathing and repeat my goals to myself for the day.

*I haven’t done this yet but I’m doing it for my next one (I have some marathons in mind that I want to do once I’m good to start training again)… I really want to write my power phrases on my hands.  I have a few friends that do this and I love the idea.  Words have so much power over us and positive ones like, ‘smile’ or ‘I can do hard things’ can really make a difference in our thoughts!

*I have really come to love doing marathons with a hat or visor on.  It keeps my hair out of the way and the sun out of my eyes.  It also keeps the rain out of my eyes too because I feel like I love choosing races that rain the entire time (okay, I’m being dramatic that has only happened a few times during marathons for me but it was REALLY raining… ehhh snowing;)

*Hot marathons= I am always prepared to dump water on myself in the aid stations.  I have my phone in a plastic bag to keep it safe.  Dumping cold water on my head feels so good.  I also grab any and all ice bags they hand out and I stick them in my sports bra… that cools me down quick.  Try it (even if it looks a little funny;).


What about you… walking during a marathon?  If you do walk, when?  Have you figured out how to run and drink at the same time?  

Music while racing—>  always, sometimes, never?  

Too early for pumpkin—>  Yes or no?

What one food item do you think you go through THE MOST at your house?!



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