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HomeDiet7 Realistic, Can-Do Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season

7 Realistic, Can-Do Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season

by Caitlin H,

Dec 4, 2023

Tips for a healthier holidday

A quick Google search will yield all sorts of articles sharing all the ways you can stay healthy and keep your diet going strong during the holidays.

But how realistic are they?

The truth: not very — at least not if you want to enjoy your time with friends and family without severely restricting yourself (and possibly driving yourself mad).

With that in mind, we put together a list of seven realistic, can-do tips to enjoy the holiday season with as much healthfulness as possible — but not too much to make it miserable!


1) Don’t skip your usual meals.

Eating regularly throughout the day ensures your metabolism is working and your body gets the necessary fuel. It also helps keep your appetite in check so your eyes aren’t bigger than your stomach at holiday meals or parties. Whether you’re on a Diet-to-Go meal plan or doing it solo, be sure to enjoy breakfast and lunch as usual before heading out for the big holiday dinner.


2) Schedule (and prioritize!) your fitness.

Yes, the holiday season is a busy time. And yes, it can be very challenging to squeeze in some exercise. Treating it like you do any other important meeting or gathering is critical. Break down how to get the recommended 150 minutes of exercise a week and pencil it in. Regular exercise is excellent for your mental health and burning those extra calories you’ll likely munch down throughout the season.


3) Indulge — but don’t overindulge.

If you’ve ever tried to be the person at the party waving away delicious sweets or trying to stand as far away from the food spread as possible for fear of giving into temptation, you know how utterly miserable it can be. Simple solution: Don’t do it. Grab a smaller plate from the buffet line and fill it up instead so you can indulge in the deliciousness without going over the top. Or, pick a few foods ahead of time and enjoy those, rather than trying every little thing set out.


4) Practice mindful eating.

Mindful eating involves being fully conscious of the size, texture, color, smell, and taste. It’s truly an excellent way to slow down and deliberately enjoy your food in a way you may never have before. Experts say it also can help you feel full quicker, contributing to a healthier weight and, in this case, helping you avoid overeating.


5) Take laps around the room or stand instead of sit after eating.

A cozy seat on the couch or at the table can be pretty darn appealing when you have a full belly. Here’s the thing: You can get your digestion system going simply by moving after eating. Instead of plopping down, walk around the room or stand. Not only can this help you avoid eating even more, but it also gets the blood flowing and your metabolism started. Win-win.


6) Practice self-compassion.

Despite all your best efforts, there will be moments you go overboard. And, you know what, that’s okay. Forgive yourself, and don’t hold onto it. Beating yourself up or feeling guilty gets you nowhere and is likely to end in a cycle of self-deprecation. Take a deep breath, tell yourself you’ll do better next time, and move on with your day.


7) Create a concrete plan for the season and beyond.

New Year’s resolutions may be overrated, but they can also help, particularly if you put a plan in place well before the holiday season even starts. Create SMART goals around your holiday parties and get-togethers that allow you to enjoy yourself. Then, carry that momentum into the new year by adapting them into a full-blown plan for whatever health goal you want to achieve.

The holiday season should be fun and full of food, family, and friends. Follow these easy tips to enjoy them without going over the top. You’ll be glad you did come the new year!




Author: Caitlin H

Diet-to-Go Community Manager

Caitlin is the Diet-to-Go community manager and an avid runner. She is passionate about engaging with others online and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. She believes moderation is key, and people will have the most weight loss success if they engage in common-sense healthy eating and fitness.




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