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Meet Dani Benjamin – Blog

Dani Benjamin is a Naturopathic Nutrition and Asyra Practitioner who restores balance to her clients through diet and lifestyle. Dani also runs a yearly Panchakarma retreat which consists of a traditional cleansing and detoxing programme. Learn more about Dani’s upcoming retreat here:

What does a typical day look like for you?

What is a typical day? There is a myth around what is normal as normal is so subjective.

When I transformed my world from fashion to holistic health, I made a promise to myself that I would never be shackled to one way of doing things. I have kept this promise and my days can vary enormously. Clinic days are generally back to back, seeing new or existing clients on a  1:1 basis. Other days see me working from the luxury of my bed, researching, writing and planning. Most days there is a yoga class to start (and construct) my day or to finish (and deconstruct ) my day.  I am so grateful for the balance that I have created for myself, the value of which cannot be measured in ££ or numbers, but on how my mental, physical and spiritual health shows itself.

How did your holistic health journey begin and what inspired you to pursue this field?

My journey began in holistic health from a very early age, but was unconscious. I have always cooked from scratch and have a deep understanding of how food and the quality and provenance of that food has an impact on health. I have always taken responsibility for my health and that of my family and  believe that a clear and deep connection with my body has nurtured a genuine feedback loop that informs me whether I need to engage in outside help or not. I have encouraged this practice with my children and the results are definitely pleasing!

The conscious journey began in 2009 when I shifted from 20 years in the fashion world to retrain in naturopathic nutrition. My father was my main inspiration, he always trod the path of self healing before seeing a doctor and I felt helpless in offering practical support when he became seriously ill due to stress. When he died, it was the impetus I needed to move away from the world of fashion and the rest is history!

What inspired you to specialize in your practice?

After 3 years of full-time study at The College of Natural Medicine, I was asked what field I was going to specialise in. No particular area landed for me as a subject that I was passionate about. I  was attending a complementary health conference, just before I graduated and I found Bioenergetic Feedback. All the light bulbs went on and within 3 months I had purchased the technology (that is another story in itself) and was on the way to developing the unique practice I have today. From the privilege of learning and developing my knowledge in bioresonance with one of the best and most eclectic trainers in the field, I have brought together ways to support my clients from a truly holistic view point. This means addressing physical, mental/emotional and belief constructs that bear no service in the present, along with practical methods to restore balance within and throughout the client.

How have you seen your practice benefit your clients?

By attending to all aspects of the Self I have seen drastic, far reaching and beautiful transformations in my clients. The complimentary road to optimise health and dive into self realization can be difficult. Holding a mirror up to The Self can be terrifying initially but the results seem to have a permanent and long lasting  healing effect. I feel honored to be a part of their journey. I offer my clients a safe and held space where transformation can happen. There is always humor peppered into the consultations, especially when we reach some deep and dark places. There is a gentle seriousness however that prevails and the stability and balance that seems to be restored is the catalyst that facilitates a permanent healing as the connection to their Essence (the deep incorruptible pure Spirit of the Self) is reestablished.

What is your favorite quote or life motto?

‘Blessed be the cracked for they let in the light’

On a more serious note;

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor E. Frankl

What’s coming up for you in 2024/2025?

The first thing in the pipeline is taking a group to India to do a Panchakarma – the traditional Indian ayurvedic cleanse (see below) in November 2024. I am always excited to accompany these groups as the transformations are beautiful to witness.

There is a book  that I have been working on for the last 5 years or so that is ready and has been submitted to a publisher – so watch this space!

Finally another huge change is on the horizon as my husband and I begin the process of repurposing our current living circumstances and consider  the purchase of residential retreat space to offer deeper dives with clients.

Learn more about Dani and Panchakarma:



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