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HomeNutritionTop 7 Kohlrabi Nutrition facts and Health benefits

Top 7 Kohlrabi Nutrition facts and Health benefits

Selection and storage

This visibly attractive stem vegetable is available during the winter months from November until March. Overmaturity, as well as exposure of the crop to excessive sunlight, makes its stem woody and tough resulting in its poor eating quality. Fresh kohlrabies should have a crunchy texture and impart a rich flavor.

In the stores, buy medium-sized, fresh tubers that feel heavy in hand for their size. Avoid those with cracks, cuts, spoiled, or mold-infested. Do not buy if they are lightweight for their size and excessively woody in texture as it indicates signs of overmaturity and therefore, unappetizing.

Knol-kohl exhibits good keeping qualities and can be placed at room temperature for 3-5 days. However, If you wish to store them for a few more days, then keep them in the refrigerator set at a temperature below 35 degrees F and a high humidity level to maintain vitality.

Preparation and serving methods

Kohlrabi should be washed thoroughly in clean running water and swished in saline water for about 10-15 minutes to remove any surface soil, dirt, and any insecticide/fungicide residues.

Just before cooking, remove any leaves and trim the stem ends. Peel the skin using a paring knife.

Here are some serving tips:

Kohlrabi, soybean curd (tofu) soup. Courtesy: Singzy
  • Fresh young crispy knol-knol can be used raw in salad/coleslaw.

  • It mixes well with other vegetables and greens in a variety of kohlrabi recipes like squash empanadas.

  • Peeled stem, cut into slices or cubes, can be mixed with other vegetables like potatoes
    and stewed with onion, garlic, and tomato.

  • Stewed knol-knol cubes mix well with meats and poultry.

Safety profile

Kohlrabi may contain goitrogens, plant-based compounds found in the cruciferous vegetable like cauliflower, broccoli, etc., may cause swelling of the thyroid gland and should be avoided in individuals with thyroid dysfunction. However, a healthy person can eat them liberally. (Disclaimer).

≻≻-Back to Vegetables from Kohlrabi. Visit here for an impressive list of vegetables with complete illustrations of their nutrition facts and
health benefits.

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Further resources:

  1. Refer Stanford School of Medicine Cancer information Page- Nutrition to Reduce Cancer Risk.

  2. USDA National Nutrient database.



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