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Meet Nikki Slade – Blog

Nikki Slade is a leading pioneer in the field of chanting, core voice and sound work in the UK. For over 30 years Nikki has inspired thousands of individuals to chant and has led chanting and voice workshops for corporations such as M&C Saatchi, Deutsche Bank and Cisco.

Tell us a bit about yourself… 

My two favourite things in life are sound vibration and cats. I am in my happy place when chanting/singing and cuddling a cat! I have been like this since I was a young child. In childhood I would sing songs from musicals  out in the woods and imagine that the orchestra was about to burst out from the trees!

I realised in my late twenties that what I was truly looking for was unity and harmony which was when I discovered kirtan/chanting from the heart. At this time I had a massive heart opening in the kirtan practice and an awakening which changed my life forever! I have never looked back. Over the past 32 years I have had the joy of sharing this practice with people all over the world, all with diverse backgrounds and stories. As you can probably tell I adore chanting!

What does a typical day look like for you? 

Arising each morning with a private meditation group online.

The prayers and personal meditation.

Then Yoga practice an walk.


Cuddling the cats!

1-1 private clients face to face or online.

When at home lunch with my partner.


On Thursdays and Saturdays I lead a kirtan in the evening.

Sundays sometimes events workshops /festivals.

Other evenings sometimes sharing time with spiritual communities.

Or watching my favourite series on Netflix which currently is MANIFEST.

How did your Kirtan journey begin and what inspired it

My journey began in 1987 when I was in a dark night of the soul period of my life where nothing made sense and I was lured into the path of addiction between the ages of 14-27yrs. When I was 27 I was introduced by a colleague/friend to the path of kirtan. She took me to my first satsang ( company of the truth).After attending a few times I bought a cassette tape (shows my age!) and began chanting along with it daily. At the time I was an actor in between jobs. One day the mantra of the chant lifted my spirits so high and entered my soul so deeply that I had a spiritual awakening which took me to the depths and the heights of consciousness. The dark road of addiction left me and I experienced visions and revelations that transformed my whole outlook on life forever. Gradually over time I left the world of performing and instead became a facilitator of natural voice work and  a leader of kirtan.I n my book The Healing Power of Chanting I candidly share my journey into  chanting and share downloadable chants so that you too can commence your own kirtan journey.

How have you seen your practice benefit your students?

Every week over 30 plus yrs I have students feeding back to me how much chanting has touched their lives. My 1-1 clients have reported life changing transformation as we have worked together incorporating this practice into all areas of their lives.

What is your favorite quote or life motto?

‘Life entered the human body by the help of music. But the truth is that life itself is music’ Hafiz

I love this quote because it echoes my early childhood memory of singing  in the woods and expecting the great orchestra to ring out through the trees. Life for me is the magic of sound and all that connects us as as One pulsation/ One Love.

What’s coming up for you in 2024?

I am running a Learn to Lead kirtan course from April 28-June 9 on Sundays in Canada Water at The Lodge Space.

I will be at The Mind Body Spirit Festival on Monday May 27 offering a workshop The Music  of Life  and kirtan on the main stage.

July 13 Oh Shala Festival

Chanting on the main stage Midday

August 4 World Yoga Festival

Chanting on the Mina Stage Midday.

August 17-18 Tribal Earth Festival

Chanting every morning.

And I will finger crossed with sharing a premiere workshop performance of my brand new musical!


Find out more about Nikki:


Instagram: @nikkisladeuk

Discover her book: The Healing Power of Chanting



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