If you want to get the most out of your workout then there are some things you should do BEFORE and AFTER you exercise.
Especially if you want to get better results.
After all, these small tips can actually make a difference in your Healthy Mummy workout. Check them out below….
Before your workout:
1. Have enough sleep
You must be well-rested if you want to keep your hunger hormones at bay. A lack of sleep may cause you to overeat before or after the gym.
In fact, a new study has found that getting an extra hour of sleep each night could help overweight people lose four extra kilos a year!
2. Keep hydrated
If you are going to be sweating it out during a workout, your body needs to be fully hydrated. Drinking water before a workout also helps boost your energy levels.
3. Have a small snack
The timing of when to eat before a workout will depend on the type of exercise you are about to undertake. You don’t have to have a huge meal, just something little. Remember, energy in will help get energy out.
Check out the snacks we have on our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge. Our meal replacement smoothies are also a great way to kick off your day. Not only are they a time saver in the morning they also offer a good hit of protein to give you the slow release energy you need.
4. Do a warm-up
It’s important to make sure your whole body has been warmed up before you exercise in order to reduce the risk of injury.
If you don’t warm up, you could hurt yourself and end up having to take time off exercising while you recover. For more warm-up ideas, check out our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.
5. Wear the right workout clothes
Having the right gear makes getting your sweat on that little bit easier.
Researchers found that when it comes to activewear, it might be hindering your activity if it doesn’t fit properly.
Make sure you have the right workout clothes, check out The Healthy Mummy activewear.
After your workout:
1. Stretch it out
Stretching before and after any kind of exercise is really important because it helps to warm up the muscles you are about to work on, preventing injury.
What’s more, stretching after a workout is equally important as it will reduce muscle soreness as well as help to get your muscles back to their original length.
2. Drink water
You’ve just sweated out all the water you drank before your workout, so now you need to replace it.
And if that isn’t reason enough, water helps regulates your body temperature and lubricates your joints, which is important post-workout.
3. Have a cold shower
Taking a cold shower or cool bath after your workout can help reduce muscle inflammation and it can also help your muscles to recover quickly from exercise.
The faster you get your body temperature down, the better you’re going to recover.
4. Change your clothes
This seems like a no-brainer, right? But so many of us have busy lives, and it’s easy to jump in the car after a gym session and do the school pick-up or rush to the shops.
However, soggy workout clothing can trap moisture and cause skin infections. So change your workout clothes, stat!
5. Nourish your body with healthy food
Often, we are tempted to think we can treat ourselves to some fast food as we have done some exercise.
But in fact, you are treating yourself badly if you give in to such cravings on a regular basis! Greasy foods like fast-food burgers and chips can cause digestive issues, especially after training, so are best avoided if possible.
Are you ready to become a Healthy Mummy?