The names at the top of ballots nationwide in November will be familiar to Americans who have voted for or against them before. Except one.
Donald Trump has to pick a new running mate. He had a post-2020 election falling out with then-Vice President Mike Pence after Pence declined to help Trump overturn the election. For that cardinal sin, Pence has been excommunicated from the MAGA movement (and signaled he won’t endorse his former running mate).
Trump is due to pick his new running mate by July, when the Republican National Convention takes place in Milwaukee to formally nominate the party’s ticket.
A scatter plot of each potential vice presidential pick with MAGA cred plotted on the x-axis and Helping Trump’s ticket on the y-axis.
As for whom he’ll pick? It might be the greatest parlor game in Washington right now, with upward of two dozen names floating around. The big question is what criteria he’ll focus on. How important is loyalty? Political help? Picking an electoral winner?
To give you an idea of who might make the most sense, we’ve crafted a quiz. You can offer your own priorities — the ones you think are important or might be to Trump — and then we’ll tell you which candidates might best fit the bill.

Question 1 of 10
Trump’s running mate should have to the MAGA crowd.

Question 2 of 10
Trump’s pick should have governing experience.

Question 3 of 10
The nominee should have establishment ties.

Question 4 of 10
The pick can have offered criticism of Trump in their past comments (regardless of where they stand now).

Question 5 of 10
When it comes to winning elections, Trump’s pick should have .

Question 6 of 10
It is for Trump to pick a woman or a racial minority.

Question 7 of 10
The pick’s ability to help the ticket, by appealing to a key group Trump needs or being from a key state, is .

Question 8 of 10
Trump often values media savviness and camera friendliness. This ‘It’ factor is .

Question 9 of 10
Trump’s nominee should the 2020 election results.

Question 10 of 10
If Trump picked a Floridian, one of them would have to establish residency in another state to be able to win Florida’s 30 electoral votes. It is that his running mate is not from Florida.
You need to answer every question to see your result. You’re missing questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.