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HomeFitnessArnold Explains the Benefits Of The Kneeling Cable Crunch

Arnold Explains the Benefits Of The Kneeling Cable Crunch

Abs won’t show if our bodyfat levels are covering them up like a marshmallow quilt, but once we make the necessary changes to show our core to the world, we want those abdominal muscles to look big and full, and that’s why exercise is important for developing an insane physique. One bodybuilder who knows about constructing a monster core is Arnold Schwarzenegger, who says that the kneeling cable crunch has always been a great go-to exercise for him. Here’s what you need to know.

“Want to see your abs? Change your diet,” explained The Terminator star, is his usual no-nonsense way. “What your abs to look impressive? Target them with a few abs exercise that give you a full range of motion. The cable rope crunch is a back-friendly way to target your six-pack muscles.” Just remember to round your back since keeping a flat back will focus the weight on your hip flexors.

“On the way down, curl your elbows in and arch towards your knees while you flex in your spine and hips (don’t worry, your upper back will round but that’s because it’s in a safe and comfortable position),” explains the multi-time Mr Olympia. “Exhale as you lower the weight and squeeze your abs at the bottom of the exercise (try to visualize each individual muscle in your 6-pack contracting). All of the movement is happening in your upper body. Do not sit back in your heels to create momentum. Control the weight down, and then get a full stretching in your abs on the way up.”

An additional benefit of these crunches over core exercises that rely on bodyweight is that you can increase the load and resistance as you become stronger. But Arnie has a word of warning. “Don’t go so heavy that you need momentum,” he says, “And, don’t go so light that you could do 100 reps.”

How to Perform the Kneeling Cable Crunch

  1. Kneel facing the cable station and use the rope attachment
  2. Grip the rope attachment at head height. Your hands can touch your forehead for placing
  3. Focus on your core as you bend forward at the waist and crunch down
  4. Your hip position should stay still as your elbows are lowered towards the ground
  5. Hold the lowered position for time under tension, then return and repeat

“Aim for two to three sets of 6 to 15 reps,” says the ultimate gym partner. Kneeling cable crunches train all the muscle’s in your abs including the rectus abdominis and the obliques. Try it for yourself.

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