Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeRunningBit the Bullet +#1 way to perform better in heat.

Bit the Bullet +#1 way to perform better in heat.

I have a new SKYE UPDATE!!! 


A coldish 4 mile morning solo walk and then back to these people!

Andrew and I have a good system going on when it comes to us both wanting to get out and exercise (someday we just need two treadmills side-by-side at home).  In the morning (when he is home and not doing school or at the hospital) he is more than happy for me to go first thing when I wake up and then he goes out after me.  I wake up with too much energy and I’m more than ready to get out the door (and that energy fades drastically as the morning goes on) and he needs some time to wake up and move around before he can start running.  Our morning Skye tag teaming works out pretty well.

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The best.

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A few things that have been happening in our neck of the woods…

We stopped at my sister’s house for a few minutes to say hi on Monday.  She is busy working on more house renovations (she reminds me of Joanna Gaines… PS did you see that Chip and Joanna are expecting another baby?  They will have five kids… just like my sister:) and we wanted to check them out!

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My brother-in-law’s jeans are proof that they have done a few things around the house;)  My little nephew carries this car around everywhere with him!

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That night we picked up Coldstone (yes, this is one of my phases where I will eat something so much that I will end up getting sick of it and then move on to my next obsession) and watched the Bachelor.  I had the cake batter ice cream with brownies in a waffle bowl.

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I am very grateful that I somehow convinced Andrew to watch this show with me but this is what he looks like for the majority of the episode.   He can’t handle the awkwardness/drama like I can!

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Andrew tries SO hard to get Skye to laugh or smile at him being silly but nothing can crack her… talk about self-discipline!

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More chicken tortilla soup followed by apples with peanut butter for lunch yesterday.  This soup is so good and I love everything about leftovers so I am more than happy to have eaten this three days in a row:)

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Brookie and I were able to go on a little date together!

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We went to see The Greatest Showman and oh my goodness, I loved every second.  I cried, laughed and had goosebumps for about 50% of the movie.  I already want to see it again.  Brooke made sure to tell me what was going to happen before each scene so I’m glad I had her to guide me through the movie ha (if she has seen a movie once she will remember every scene and informs us all about what is next).

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Andrew and Skye kept busy at home while we were gone.

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It was nice to have a little time with my teenager… I mean five year old;)

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Then we went to pick up some food for dinner.  The other day I mentioned to Andrew that red meat didn’t sound awful anymore (red meat was my biggest/longest aversion)  so Five Guys was on his list of dinners this week.  It was delicious and so were the fries.  Maybe someday Andrew will agree that they are a trillion times better than In-N-Out.

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We got home and I think Skye was ignoring us because we went out on a date without her.

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The other day on my walk I listed to Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations with Gretchen Rubin and they talked a lot about habits and I loved these quotes below:

“By mindfully choosing our habits, we harness the power of mindlessness as a sweeping force for serenity, energy and growth.”

“Habits are mindless and they happen automatically and that’s their strength.”

“When we change our habits, we change our lives.  We can use decision making to choose the habits we want to perform.  We can use willpower to get the habits started.  Then we can allow the extraordinary power of habit to take over.  We can take our hands off the wheel of decision, our foot off the gas of willpower and rely on the cruise control of habits.”

These made me really think about the things that are already habits for me and things that I want to become a habit/automatic for me.  I would love to hear in the comments some things that are a habit for you and what habits you want to gain.  A few of my daily habits—>  exercise, brushing teeth, taking a zillion pictures a day, the kid’s routines have become my habit, sweet potatoes, cleaning the kitchen each night, texting my mom each morning & praying.  A few habits I want to gain—>  core/strength work, religious reading daily, putting lids on water bottles (that one is for Andrew’s happiness;).


And now for some random running talk… do you cover up your treadmill screen during your run?  Or would you rather stare at the numbers and screen while you are running?  I have covered up my treadmill screen with a towel a few times over the years during really long runs so that I wouldn’t go crazy but not very often.  During a normal run on the treadmill, I am ALL about looking at the screen (with my iPad placed in a way that still allows me to watch the numbers too:) during my workout.  I love switching up the incline and pace and making calculations in my head about the run so I love seeing the screen.  YOU?

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Don’t forget to check out Skye’s 6 week update—>  HERE!


Do you cover your treadmill screen when you are running?

What about you… do you like to get out and exercise first thing when you wake up or do you need some time to wake up and get going?

Leftovers—>  love them or no thank you?  

HABITS—>  what are some habits that you have already and what are some habits that you would love to have?



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