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Exploring the Health Benefits of Gardening

Have you ever pondered the parallel between tending to a garden and nurturing our well-being? Gardening is a divine gift that not only enhances our environment but also nourishes our souls. The benefits of gardening go far beyond beautifying your surroundings; it’s also an excellent form of exercise that offers an array of health benefits. 

Spending time outside on a sunny day can boost our vitamin D exposure, reaping physical and mental benefits. Additionally, being outdoors in the fresh air can lower your blood pressure and enhance your overall sense of well-being. Through gardening, we discover a sanctuary of peace, a refuge from the stresses of life, and a profound sense of belonging in God’s creation. After all, when God made Adam and Eve He placed them in a garden to tend and keep it. So, it is quite natural to feel at home out in the garden.

Why Gardening is Good Exercise

Gardening involves various physical activities that provide both aerobic exercise and strength training. From digging and planting to watering and weeding, these gardening activities work different muscle groups and help build strength and endurance. 

The CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity weekly, and gardening fits the bill perfectly. Tasks like raking, shoveling, and carrying water buckets offer whole-body workouts. Furthermore, gardening can improve your diet — growing and consuming fresh vegetables from your garden provides nutritious food that’s delicious and fresh. Gardening is not just good exercise; it’s a way to honor and care for the body God has blessed us with.

Earthing or Grounding in the Garden

Ever wonder why gardening is so relaxing? Grounding, or earthing as some people call it, is one reason. During the day we build up an excess of electrons in our body. When we touch the earth, the soil, the dirt under our feet we allow the excess electrons to flow back into the reservoir of the earth. We discharge the excess, getting rid of free radicals that can cause inflammation, discomfort, stress, and accelerated aging. Modern living mostly insulates us from the earth around us. Gardening allows us to get our fingers in the soil, maybe our knees, and even our toes into the soil. This is part of why working with the soil is so relaxing to many people.

Mental Health Benefits of Gardening

Beyond physical benefits, gardening is also beneficial for mental well-being. It stimulates the brain, reducing the risk of cognitive decline. Studies suggest that regular gardening may decrease the risk of dementia by 50%.

Working in the soil triggers the rise of cytokine levels, activating the “feel-good” hormone serotonin and boosting mood. Some soil even has specific bacteria and microbes that can contribute to increased serotonin levels! 

Moreover, gardening can be used as a tool for practicing mindfulness. By focusing on different tasks, appreciating colors, and acknowledging your work, you can reduce stress levels and enhance mindfulness. Gardening is not just a hobby; it’s a spiritual practice that nurtures our mental and emotional well-being.

Community Connection and Belonging

Gardening isn’t just a solo activity; it fosters a sense of community and belonging. For those without personal outdoor spaces, community gardens offer a vibrant hub for cultivating both plants and relationships. These shared green spaces provide a platform for diverse individuals to come together and cultivate plants and relationships — creating space for shared learning, collaboration, and social connection by sharing tips or participating in garden-related events.

Whether you participate in homegrown vegetable gardens or a community garden, you’ll enjoy the fresh produce and the camaraderie of fellow gardeners. Eating homegrown vegetables also contributes to a healthier diet, with produce rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants and free of pesticides and herbicides.

Aging Gracefully with Greenery

For older adults, gardening can be especially beneficial in combating age-related illnesses. The physical activity involved in gardening helps maintain flexibility, strength, and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. 

Additionally, spending time outdoors and soaking up Vitamin D (essential for your immune system) from the sun can support bone health and boost mood, alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

How to Start Gardening: Quick Tips

Start Small

Begin with a manageable garden space, whether it’s a few pots on a balcony or a small patch in your backyard. This allows you to learn and grow without feeling overwhelmed. Maybe set up a raised bed area so you don’t have to bend over as much to get to your plants.

Choose the Right Plants

Pick plants suited to your climate, soil type, and available sunlight. Consider starting with easy-to-grow herbs or vegetables that require minimal maintenance.

Prepare Your Soil

Ensure your soil is well-draining, nutrient-rich, and weeds-free. Incorporate compost or organic matter to improve soil structure and fertility.

Stay Consistent

Establish a gardening routine and stay consistent with tasks like watering, weeding, and pruning. Regular attention and care will help your garden thrive.

Practice Safe Gardening 

Use proper body mechanics, wear protective gear, and stay hydrated.

Embrace Learning

Gardening is a continuous learning experience and should be enjoyable. Don’t be afraid to try new techniques, seek advice from experienced gardeners, and learn from successes and failures. Square-foot gardening is one such technique we recommend that is great for getting more harvest with less work and effort.

Embracing God’s Garden

As you delve into the world of gardening, you’ll experience firsthand the wonders of God’s creation. Just as God’s garden provides for our physical sustenance, cultivating your garden can nurture your body, mind, and soul. Take inspiration from nature and enjoy the bountiful blessings that gardening brings.

Remember, gardening for your health is a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses physical activity, grounding, stress relief, and nutritional benefits. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice, start reaping the rewards of gardening today!



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