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HomePolitical NewsFetterman had speeding tickets, distracted driving episodes before crash

Fetterman had speeding tickets, distracted driving episodes before crash

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) was speeding and at fault for a Sunday morning auto accident in western Maryland, where he rear-ended another driver, a 62-year old woman who was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, according to a Maryland State Police report.

Fetterman was also treated for a shoulder injury, and he and his wife were taken to the hospital by ambulance, according to the police report and information from his office. Fetterman brushed off the wreck afterward, brandishing a bag of frozen peas and Tylenol in a video Monday with his wife and thanking people for their well wishes.

The accident was the latest example of unsafe driving by Fetterman, according to public records and people with knowledge of the situation. He has received two speeding tickets for violations of at least 24 miles per hour above the speed limit, one in 2016 and one in March, according to Pennsylvania state records. After the ticket this year, when he was driving 34 miles per hour over the limit, he was required by the state to complete a driver’s improvement course, according to a person familiar with the outcome who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the episode. Neither record said exactly where he was driving or how fast he was going.

At other times, aides have said Fetterman has texted and FaceTimed while driving, prompting concern among his staff and fears about riding with him, according to three people with knowledge of staff discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal conversations.

Fetterman’s aides have refrained from messaging him while behind the wheel when they knew he was driving, afraid he would answer them, according to the three people. One aide asked to no longer be required to ride in the car with him after witnessing Fetterman driving unsafely, they said. The concerns sparked an informal practice recently instituted in the office that aides should not be in the car when Fetterman is driving, according to one person familiar with the practice.

“It’s not safe,” one person familiar with Fetterman’s driving said.

In response to questions from The Washington Post about the accounts of his driving, a spokesman for Fetterman called them “gossip and inaccurate,” but declined to address any specifics.

In a statement, Fetterman said he would drive more slowly in the future.

“This was an unfortunate accident on Sunday and I’m relieved and grateful that there were no serious injuries,” he said. “I’ve been driving for almost 40 years, and I’ve gotten a small handful of tickets. When I sped, I was held accountable. I need to do better and do it slower — and I will.”

His Chevy Traverse had significant front-end damage after Sunday’s accident, according to a person with knowledge of the wreck. Both vehicles were towed from the scene due to “disabling damage,” according to the police report.

His office did not respond to a question about why the accident occurred or whether Fetterman was distracted by his phone when it happened. The police report stated the person who was hit was “not distracted,” while filling in “unknown” next to the “distracted by” category for Fetterman.

Fetterman, a 6-foot-8 freshman senator who survived a stroke on the campaign trail and then checked himself into a medical facility for depression treatment shortly after coming to Washington, has cut an outsize figure on Capitol Hill. He wears his signature hoodies at formal events and in the Capitol, sparking a debate about the Senate’s dress code. He’s made waves by heckling Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), urging him to retire as he faces federal corruption charges, and in confrontations with activists on the left who disagree with him on his staunch support for Israel’s invasion of Gaza following Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack.

While serving as lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania for two years, Fetterman had a security detail that drove him around the state. But as a senator, he often drives himself, especially around the Keystone State, according to people familiar with his travel. He often drives himself much of the way to and from his hometown of Braddock, Pa., and Washington.

This week’s crash occurred on Interstate 70 near Hagerstown on Sunday morning, according to the Maryland State Police. Fetterman, 54, rear-ended a Chevy Impala while driving west “well over the posted speed limit,” the police report said, citing a witness.

“A passenger in the Traverse and the operator of the Impala were transported by ambulance to War Memorial Hospital in West Virginia for treatment of their injuries,” the accident report said. No citations were given at the scene. Both Fettermans were wearing seat belts, as was the other driver, the report said.

Fetterman Maryland police report

A copy of the police report obtained by The Washington Post. Some identifying details have been redacted. If you are on a mobile device and cannot see the PDF, click here.

In March, Fetterman pleaded guilty to driving 34 mph over the speed limit in Westmoreland County, near Pittsburgh, according to a record of the traffic docket. A speeding violation of over 31 mph automatically triggers the driver to attend Driver Improvement School, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

A speeding violation that severe also requires the violator to either take a special driver’s examination or have their driving privileges suspended for 15 days. The driver’s school and exam tests for knowledge of “safe driving practices” and safety issues.

Fetterman also pleaded guilty in 2016 to exceeding the speed limit by 24 mph in Warren County in northwestern Pennsylvania.

In their X video on Monday, the Fettermans said this Sunday’s accident had put a damper on their wedding anniversary. Gisele Fetterman said the crash made for “the worst anniversary ever.” “But we’re great,” John Fetterman said.

Razzan Nakhlawi and Dan Morse contributed to this report.



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