Do you ever wonder whether you could improve your acne or perhaps your teenagers acne by changing what you eat or drink? Some foods can really aggravate acne and knowing this can help your skin just by making a few changes.

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The pores of your skin get blocked with dead skin, oil, or bacteria, and your skin will do anything possible to get rid of them. Pimples will occur when the oil or dead skin is not able to leave the skin.
Risk factors that lead to the growth of acne include hormonal changes resulting from pregnancy or puberty. Certain medications like birth control pills and diets can also lead to acne.
What Foods Cause Acne?
It is no longer a myth that certain foods can cause acne. Even if you follow a clean diet at home, the food you consume may become a setback when you start developing acne. The different types of food you consume can contribute to hormonal acne.
If you eat certain foods in excess, they send signals to your glands and create hormones. If these hormones are produced in abundance, they also signal oil glands in your skin to create oil or sebum. Bacteria love skin oil, and together they lead to a painful acne cycle.
1. Dairy
Most of the studies based on evidence that you will come across suggest that acne is easily irritated by dairy. Dairy cows that are fed artificial hormones can also affect their milk supply. Those hormones can disrupt the hormones or functioning of your body once you consume milk products.
When your endocrine system detects these hormones in the milk, they respond with an overproduction of oil and trigger acne. Growth hormones found in milk are known to worsen acne no matter what you do. Significantly, when milk products are combined with high levels of refined foods and processed sugars in your diet can balance your insulin levels.
These additions that help increase milk taste and creaminess trigger inflammation in your skin or body. Cow’s milk affects your body by increasing the insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which plays a great role in tissue growth.
Your body will start to produce more cells and leading to oil production on the skin’s surface that can trigger acne by blocking skin pores.
2. Refined Carbohydrates
Your love for a hot bread bowl or fresh-made paste can expose you to unimagined skin conditions like acne. Refined carbohydrates are among the top foods that cause acne and related complications. These carbohydrates can either be refined grains or sugars.
Refined grains are rich in fibre, minerals, and vitamins, but they lose their important nutrients due to overprocessing. The high glycaemic index will cause a spike in glucose once you consume these foods.
They will lead to an increase in insulin-like growth factors and the acne production cycle.
Refined foods that offer “empty calories” include pasta, white bread, white potatoes, salad dressing, white rice, and breakfast cereals.
3. Sugars
Hormonal acne can also be triggered by foods rich in high sugar, as these foods tend to affect insulin levels in the body.
Insulin spikes cause unexpected cell growth and oil production on the skin. To stay acne-free, keep off sugary drinks and foods.
4. Fast Foods
You can’t look at foods that cause acne without including fast foods on your list. Most fast foods are full of cheap oils, fillers, and inflammatory sugars that are not good for your body’s overall functioning. Keep off food items such as milkshakes, hot dogs, fizzy drinks, French fries, burgers, and chicken nuggets.
These foods cause acne because they change the metabolism and boost insulin levels. High insulin levels can make your skin thicker, and drier, and flakes of dry skin will block skin pores. And when the skin’s sebaceous glands produce more oil, they will trigger acne.
5. Soy-based products
Soy-based products are commonly marketed as a healthier alternative to dairy products, but they can also contribute to acne breakouts. Soy products contain phytoestrogens, which can disrupt the hormone balance in the body and lead to acne breakouts. Try reducing your soy intake or going for alternative protein sources such as beans, lentils or nuts.
Other causes of acne
If changing your diet has not helped with acne then don’t worry there are so many other causes of acne that your family doctor can talk to you about. Here are a few of them.
Hormonal Imbalance
One of the most common causes of acne is a hormonal imbalance. The production of hormones such as testosterone, oestrogen, and progesterone increase during puberty. These hormones can stimulate the oil glands in your skin, leading to clogged pores and acne.
Hormonal imbalances can also occur during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. If you suspect that your acne is due to hormonal imbalances, it’s best to see a dermatologist who can help diagnose and treat the condition.
Did you know that stress can also lead to acne? When you’re stressed, your body produces more cortisol, the stress hormone. This hormone increases inflammation in your body, which can cause acne. Stress can also cause you to touch your face more often, spreading bacteria that cause acne. To manage stress, try practising relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
If your parents had acne, you’ll likely develop this condition. Acne has a genetic component, which means that it runs in families. If you’re prone to acne, taking good care of your skin is essential. Stick to a regular skincare routine and avoid touching your face.
Sleep Deprivation
Lack of sleep can also lead to acne. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more cortisol, which can trigger breakouts. Sleep deprivation can also lead to an increase in the production of androgens, which can cause acne. To get better sleep, ensure you get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Create a relaxing sleep environment by keeping your bedroom dark and cool, avoiding caffeine before bedtime, and avoiding stimulating activities such as watching TV before bed.
Bacteria and Dead Skin Cells
Bacteria and dead skin cells can also cause acne. When dead skin cells and bacteria accumulate on your skin, they can clog your pores, leading to breakouts. Keeping your skin clean is essential by washing your face twice a day and exfoliating regularly. However, don’t overdo it as it can lead to dryness and irritation.
So what now?
Start by eliminating foods that cause acne from your diet. Avoid dairy, refined carbohydrates, sugar, and fast food in your diet and opt for better substitutes.
You can opt for almond milk, coconut milk, hazelnut milk, sweet potatoes, whole-grain foods, and fruits and drink more water. Be patient, disciplined, and persistent; you will easily overcome acne.

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