For Travel + Leisure’s column Traveling As, we’re talking to travelers about what it’s like to explore the world through their unique perspectives. We talked to Evy Poumpouras, a former U.S. Secret Service agent, who has protected presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and both George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush. She also received a United States Secret Service Valor Award as a 9/11 first responder, authored a book called “Becoming Bulletproof,” and co-hosted Bravo’s Spy Games. Poumpouras discussed how her global travels have shaped her life, and how we can all become smarter travelers. Here’s her story….
The only place I ever went in my childhood was Greece. My parents were immigrants, and the main reason they sent us back to the “motherland,” as my brother and I called it, was child care. From the time I was 3 years old, my grandmother would watch me. I remember sitting on the plane quietly and seeing her lift our stuff off the baggage claim belt.
I was born in Harlem and grew up in Washington Heights and later in public housing in Queens. In Greece, I would go to my mother’s village — Argyroupoli — which I don’t think was even on a map.
We had chickens, a donkey, and a swing that was hung with a rope on a tree. The restroom — a hole in the ground with two bricks on the side for your feet — was connected to the chicken coop in the back. Even taking a bath was a production. We had to boil water and use a plastic basin.
But when you grow up like that, it’s just another home. I saw two unique worlds, and without realizing it, it made me more adaptable. You appreciate the things you have at home, but you also appreciate the simplicity of village life.
As I got older, I felt like I needed to see more of the world. My first study abroad was in Italy. My mindset was that Greece is next to Italy, so if I got homesick, I could hop on a 45-minute plane ride to see my family.
I did six months there at the American University of Rome. It was an amazing experience and gave me exposure to the world. When I came back to the U.S., I wanted more. These were expensive trips, so I would come back, work three part-time jobs in one semester, and then do my next trip.
Next, I did a semester in Mexico. We learned about the people of Chiapas, and trade (NAFTA had just kicked in) and how it impacted the country. The instructor I traveled with to Mexico was Dr. Linda Longmire. Her goal was to teach us about the world, but not through a textbook. I was studying political science and international relations, so I went with her on another program called the European Odyssey.
We flew to Paris and rented two huge vans for the class and mapped a trip all over Europe and northern Africa. Along the way, I learned Italian and Spanish, but these experiences also made me unafraid about traveling.
Courtesy of Evy Poumpouras
This helped me when I joined the U.S. Secret Service. By the time I went into the service, I spoke five languages — Greek, Italian, Spanish, French, and English — truly learned from my travels. I later also learned Arabic on my own. This was rare at the time, and it helped me get recruited because the position often deals with world leaders and foreign governments.
I was one of few female agents, but I didn’t mind. I could sit there and say, “Oh, they don’t think I belong or look the part.” But my gift was precisely that I did not look the part.
When I traveled, I always felt safe — secret service agents are part of the federal government. Airlines loved having us on, too, because we provided an extra level of safety.
Sometimes, we would travel with former presidents and First Ladies. I actually did have President George W. Bush’s, daughter, Barbara Pierce Bush, for some time. We would take commercial flights to Africa, where she did humanitarian work for AIDS. The biggest thing we had to do was blend in so nobody noticed her (or us), so we dressed in a way that didn’t draw attention to ourselves. That was probably one reason I got assigned to Barbara — we were close in age, so we looked more like friends.
We went to clinics where children were dealing with the disease. It was humbling to be there. We also went to places where we had to be careful. We always worked with the local police, but we had to watch what information we were sharing. We made sound decisions, and we had safe trips. That’s what people can take away: You can travel and have a great time — just be proactive.
When you’re with a sitting president on Air Force One, that’s a whole other game. Technically, whatever plane the president flies on becomes Air Force One.
When we did fly commercial, one of the coolest things was getting to sit in the jump seat in the cockpit with the pilot and co-pilot. It’s for security. You can relay messages faster and radio for help. If they need extra muscle capability, you’re there.
Courtesy of Evy Poumpouras
Every time I got on a flight, I did an assessment: Where are the doors? Is the person sitting next to me capable of handling any situation? Are they able to open the door if there’s an emergency? Who would I go to for strength? Little things like that — just being aware of the environment. It’s not to be negative — it’s just what we would call a situational report.
When you go through TSA, there are signs that speak out against violence. But the TSA is there to make sure everyone stays safe and sometimes that gets lost. I understand it’s annoying, but it’s not the TSA’s fault. When you pass through, saying “thank you” can go a long way.
Bringing that energy onto a flight is helpful, too. I’ve found most people are kind and will help you. This summer, I traveled with my 2-year-old toddler. We got on the plane and were doing everything to keep her quiet and calm. The people around us were so gracious. An airline steward took her for a walk, and another passenger in a bulkhead who had extra room took her for a bit.
We often lose sight of people being genuine and good. So, despite me having that awareness of the dangers that exist in the world, it’s balanced by other people who want to help.
Travel is so important because it helps you connect with the world. It makes you more open and accepting of others. You appreciate where you come from, but you also appreciate other places. You learn humility, and that your way is not the only way. Traveling is a great way to unite people.
Edited by Rachel Chang