There is something new in our supermarkets/grocery store and it’s really frustrating me!

Is anyone else having problems/frustration checking out at the grocery store ? Maybe it is only me BUT I’m beginning to feel like my 95 year old mother-in-law who couldn’t learn to use her iPad (she should rest in peace).

( The photos are not me or my mother-in-law-)

Here’s my story. Grapes were on sale for $1.29 pound – Yay!
When I went to check out, I was told I needed a digital coupon to receive the advertised sale price of $1.29 a pound for the grapes. Otherwise the regular price was $3.99 a pound for the grapes if I could not produce the digital coupon on my phone.

“How do you get a digital coupon,” I asked?
I was told I would need to download the grocery store App, learn to use the various options on the app, find the digital coupons, go through a list of them, check the ones I wanted digitally, wait anywhere from 5-15 minutes (depending the wireless reception in the store) for them to download and then scan my grapes and check out.
I wanted the grapes, but I did not want to learn to use the app. I was frustrated and the 35 year old workers, or maybe they were 20 years old, were impatient with me which made me want to scream.

How difficult/stressful do they have to make it to get the sale price!!!
I left the store (without the grapes) so I could get into an area of better reception to downloaded the “app” on my phone.
Reluctantly, I figured it (the app) out, spent time learning to navigate that dam app and sat there and went through about 20 digital coupons before I found the digital coupon for grapes. I selected and checked off that coupon and any others that I thought I would use so the digital coupons would have had enough time to download before I checked out when I went back.
Finally, I was armed digitally, but angry. How hard would it be to just get the special sale price without having to do “work” before I get to the grocery store???? Is this our future? Do you have digital coupons in your grocery stores?

In addition, (and what is probably bothering me the most) is that it’s hard for me to see all the small stuff on my phone and my nails are kind of long and it’s difficult for me to navigate the app without pressing the wrong buttons. Do I need to cut my nails to get the sale price ?

I need to remember to downloaded the app for the other two grocery stores that I frequent and follow their directions which are different to get their digital special prices when I shop in their stores.
AND don’t forget to make sure you phone is charged at all times or honey you won’t be getting any of the sales in supermarkets anymore !! Digital Digital Digital
That means if I just run into a store last minute for a few items and don’t have my coupons checked off on the app-no sale prices for me!!

Is anyone else pissed about this? Is it just me? Does anyone even know what I’m talking about?????
At Whole Foods I only need to scan my app when I check out and just scanning the app will give me any sale prices – I’m ok with that. But I’m not ok with having to go through the entire app to check off the coupons I plan to use or it doesn’t give it to me even if I scan the app.
I just wanted to rant/vent. I guess I just have to GET WITH IT!!!
On another note:

Here are pics of a few of the recipes.