Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeRunningHas this happened to anyone? I feel better.

Has this happened to anyone? I feel better.

I woke up and saw it was raining, so I went back to bed for a while. Emilee texted me to run a bit later, and that is what got me out the door. I am so grateful she did because I came home in a much better mood than the one I left in. I did TEN miles with Emilee. TEN. I was spent by the end, but I had zero back or leg pain.

It was a very lazy Saturday afternoon for me.

We had everyone over that evening for the BYU Bowl game!

We started another puzzle.

The highlight of Sunday was going to pick Brooke up from the airport. She is only gone for a week over the holidays, and once during the summer, so it always feels like a lifetime whenever she is gone for this long.

Skye is in heaven.


We will of course finish up with two random topics:

*You know my running friend, Lauren? I was showing my kids her brother’s video of him falling off a 150 ft cliff while skiing and surviving! Have you seen this video before?

*Remember how I was becoming a swimmer? Well, I think I figured out something, and I’m wondering if this has happened to anyone else. Whenever I went swimming, I would come home and have a terrible headache the rest of the day. I only breathe from my right side when swimming and think that constant neck rotation causes headaches for me. I would love to know if anyone else has had this happen and how they fixed it so I could someday train for something involving swimming.


Tell me a highlight from your weekend!

Has anyone ever gotten headaches from a particular type of exercise?

Will you be staying up until midnight tomorrow?



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