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HomeNutritionHow to Stay Fit in Winter

How to Stay Fit in Winter

Winter can disrupt your usual wellness routine. The days are shorter, your holiday to-do list is a mile long, and when it’s freezing outside, you may be tempted to just stay indoors and embrace the hygge vibes.

But don’t let winter weather (or holiday stress) get in the way of your healthy goals. If you’re wondering how to stay fit in winter, here are eight ways to adapt your wellness routine so it’s easy to maintain all season long.

1. Support Your Immune System

Winter is a common time to get sick, so it’s good to be extra careful about staying healthy. Support a healthy immune system by adding these habits to your winter wellness routine:

2. Change Up Your Skincare Regimen

woman using lotion | how to stay fit in winter

Winter skincare is all about moisture. The cold air and lower humidity can make your skin feel dry, flaky, or itchy. To make sure your skin stays hydrated and healthy this winter, you may want to switch to a heavier-duty moisturizer than what you’d use during the humid summer months. Avoid long soaks in hot water, which can be drying, and consider using a humidifier at night.

One habit you should keep from your summer skin care routine: sunscreen! Even in winter, you should still be wearing your SPF when you head outdoors.

3. Reduce Stress

The holiday season can be hectic, so step up your self-care routine in the winter by implementing tried and true stress management techniques.

Call a friend or loved one for some laughs, meditate, take a yoga class, start a gratitude practice, or try some breathing techniques.

4. Winterize Your Workout

The cold weather often limits outdoor activity for some parts of the country, and let’s face it: Motivating yourself to go to the gym when it’s cold and dark can feel nearly impossible. So how else can you stay fit in winter?

Look for streaming workouts and live fitness classes you can do at home. BODi offers dozens of programs that turn your living room or bedroom into your own home gym. From strength training and HIIT to barre and dance workouts, you can discover your favorite way to move in one of our free workouts on BODi Previews.

Or just layer up and brave the chilly temps — a cold weather workout can be surprisingly invigorating! Just be sure to start slowly with a good warm-up to get your muscles prepped.

And if you plan on running in winter, keep an eye out for ice, snow, and potholes. You may want to consider switching to trail running shoes when the ground is slippery.

5. Follow the Light

people running on snowy road | How to Stay Fit in Winter

Short winter days can make you feel like you’re dragging. So when the sun is shining, make it a point to head outside.

Spending time outdoors can benefit your mental health and boost your mood. Bonus: A few minutes of sunlight each day can also help to ensure you’re getting enough vitamin D in the winter.

6. Maintain Your Motivation

Gray skies and frigid temps can zap your will to get off the couch. If you’re looking to maintain your motivation throughout the winter season, here are a few strategies that can help:

  • Find a virtual workout buddy or online community who can hold you accountable.
  • Schedule your workouts so you’re not relying on sheer willpower to get you moving.
  • Set a specific and measurable goal so you have something to work towards.
  • Invest in your workouts — treat yourself to some winter workout gear, add a new fitness gadget to your home gym setup, or book time with a trainer.

7. Monitor Your Progress

If you’re working from home, chances are you’ll be spending a lot of time in sweatpants this winter — which means you may not notice weight fluctuations the way you would if you were wearing non-elastic pants. Put on your favorite jeans now and then — it’s an easy, non-scale way to gauge your progress.

8. Rest, Relax, and Refresh

woman staying cozy with mug | How to Stay Fit in Winter

It’s important to tune in to how your body responds to the shorter days. If you’re craving extra sleep and self-care, go ahead and adjust your wellness routine accordingly. Make time for a long bath, a cup of herbal tea, a movie night with your family, and anything else that’ll help you recharge.



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