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How to Survive Long Run on the Treadmill (13 Secrets from a Run Coach)

Can you do a long run on the treadmill? Are you getting the same benefits as doing your marathon training outside? For years now, I’ve tried to convince you that treadmill running is running. Period. Full stop. So let’s talk about how to make the most of your time.best home treadmillI’ve run many a long run on the treadmill, yes up to 20+ miles in fact and guess what…those were some of my best races, so I’d say the treadmill works just fine (as would many elites who use it too!!)

On another level, there are those who have taken to the concept treadmill running, but wonder why they run slower on treadmill.

Do I mind the questions? Nope! I’ll talk running with anyone, anytime! So today let’s talk more about long treadmill running tips that are going to help the time fly and ensure you’re getting the benefits you need.

13 Tips for Treadmill Long Runs

I’ve spent plenty of Saturday mornings happily hammering out 13+ miles with only my thoughts…so you could say I feel like a pro at providing tips on how to get through some extended time running on the treadmill. Plus, after over a decade of run coaching, I’ve helped a lot of you get through it too!running motivationAll right sure that quote technically comes from people in prison, but treadmill running really isn’t all that bad!

In fact, there are actually some serious benefits to doing some treadmill running, including giving your knees a break and switching things up!

I’ve detailed them all here with some other insane mill runners: Benefits of treadmill running.

What’s more important getting in your training run or a little mental discomfort? Mental discomfort that could serve you come race day!

Yes, embrace these miles and know that they are making you so much stronger. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to practice some goal pace miles.

All right enough of that, let’s get to the treadmill running tips you’ve been waiting for. Some of these are obvious solutions, but none the less great ideas and reminders that you CAN do this if you need to!

Half marathon training on the treadmill is totally doable and doesn’t mean you won’t be prepared for the race, let those silly thoughts go.

#1 Watch Your Guilty Pleasure Shows without Interruption

I’ve made many a deal with myself like “I can only watch Real Housewives” while I’m on the treadmill. These are mindless shows that I don’t have to be too involved in and would never let myself sit around and watch.

Many other runners I know save Netflix shows or record movies to watch during their run. It can take your mind off of the treadmill and remind you to enjoy yourself! Plus, it’s just you. No one to interrupt during that pivotal moment.

If you’re watching LIVE TV it’s an easy opportunity to build in some variation by increasing the pace during commercials. Mute the TV for those few minutes and focus on your form, then relax again once the show returns.

Bonus: Try watching one of these great running movies for an extra boost.

#2 Extra Time to Dive in to a Good Book

This won’t work for everyone, but the truth is that with a good sturdy treadmill you can indeed READ!!

Grab the large print books from the library, your newest copy of Runner’s World or your Kindle with the font all the way up.

Reading on the treadmill used to be one of my favorite ways to pass the time on longer runs! Now I tend to listen to audiobooks for a lot of marathon training runs.

Even if you choose not to read during the run, a few pages of Runner’s World could help ensure you spend at least 1/2 mile walking for both your warm up and cool down. I never seem to make it through all the magazines I love, so this is a chance to get some extra motivation out of those articles!

Checkout these Top 50 Running Books for ideas >>

Alternative: Audiobook!!
Great running shirts

#3 Find a Great Playlist or Podcast

Science has proven that music can indeed help us to runner farther or workout harder, so why not take full advantage of that?! Did you know that the right running BPM playlist can help improve your cadence?

Long time readers know that inside or out, my favorite thing to do is spend part of the run in quiet then part of the run listening to a true crime or funny podcast.

During long runs, I will save music for the last few miles. Then I switch over to some of my favorite songs to give my brain and body that final boost.

The right music literally increases feelings of pleasure in the brain and thus distracts from feelings of fatigue. Extra helpful when the lyrics really speak to you!

Checkout these Top Podcasts for Runners >>

# 4 Long Run Pace Variations

Stop trying to run the entire thing at an even pace, this is play time!! Outside it’s called running fartleks, on the treadmill I think it’s called sanity savers.

Just remember that if you’re doing all of your long runs on the treadmill, you can’t make them all speed workouts. So you might be doing very minor pace adjustments randomly like .1 or .2, but NOT speed.

Here are some of the ways I keep it interesting:

  • Every 5 minutes change the incline or pace
  • Use each commercial break as a reminder to up the pace
  • Do ladder runs which take advantage of your changing energy (increase pace .1 every mile until half way and then work your way back down)
  • Do an interval every time they say a certain word during your show (healthier than the original version which is a drinking game)
  • Checkout my treadmill training guide for 3 treadmill workouts
  • Or checkout these 7 Boredom Busting Treadmill Workouts

Some people will tell you that running on the treadmill is easier and that’s why it doesn’t prepare you for races, but that’s just not true. If you’re training for a hilly race, then use the dang incline!

treadmill workout

#5 Practice Your Race Fueling (With a Bathroom Nearby)

Just because you might not be wearing your fuel belt, doesn’t mean you don’t need to plan for fuel! Get that water bottled filled up and ready to sip, bring your best running gels or electrolytes!

You may need them even more if the run feels like a mental struggle.

In fact, the treadmill is actually an excellent time to really test out your half marathon fuel!

With everything close at hand, including a bathroom, you can test out whole food options or a new gel to see how your stomach is going to react. It’s also a chance to see what water consumption keeps you hydrated without the need to hit the potty every couple of miles!

Checkout these whole food running fuel options>>

#6 Partner Up

While I can indeed run my 20 miles on a solo treadmill in my basement, for many it’s way easier at the gym.

First, you could ask a friend to meet you and run along side you for some chatting, second you can simply spend hours watching others workout which makes you feel kind of bad ass as they come and go, but you remain!

Finally…let’s be honest there is something about a runner hoping on a treadmill next to you. A little inner talk starts “Oh look at your speed, yeah well I’m going to out last you“.

There is NOTHING wrong with having little competitions like this to keep your spirits up and your feet moving.

elite athletes on treadmill
I didn’t say they all love it. But they use it.

#7 Get some Cheerleaders

My dear friend Jodi has an amazing support crew around her and I LOVED to see kids making marathon signs for her which she could post around her treadmill.

Others I know have family members stop in throughout the run to give them a high five, tell them how strong they look and remind them of their race goal!!

#8 Run a Race Course

If you’re lucky enough to have a treadmill like mine with the built in Google Maps then you can actually pretend like you’re outside running!

If you know your race course you can plug it in or use one on the treadmill giving you either a street view or map view, definitely a fun way to mix things up!

When I was getting ready for a previous marathon, I looked up the course elevation profile online and then made myself a sticky note with all the changes. Over my 20 mile, I adjusted the incline up or down based upon the course. What a phenomenal way to prepare!

For those doing downhill races, this is an amazing opportunity to get your quads used to running downhill.visual maps on the nordictrack treadmill

#9 Cover the Treadmill Display

Not only is it nice to have a towel to wipe down the buckets of sweat you’re likely to work up as the gym is going to be warmer than the miles you’ve been putting in outside during winter running, but it also works for focus.

I love to toss the towel over the screen so I can’t spend every mile looking at my distance and time. You gotta block those out just like you do outside!

Think about the mental fortitude you’re building in these moments. The way it’s going to help you push through in those final miles of your race, which will be far more interesting!

#10 Split the Long Run Inside and Out

Sometimes you just don’t have the combined mental and physical energy for hours on the treadmill. In those instances, it’s time for splitting your run.

The weather might still mean 2 treadmill runs, but potentially it could mean part on the treadmill and part outside. There have been winter days where I started outside and then decided it was too slick so I moved inside OR summer days where the heat just jumped so quickly I was slowing down to a point that made the miles less useful.

If it’s 2 treadmill runs, choose to make one shorter and faster, the other longer at your easy pace.

#11 Practice Mental Training

At the beginning I noted one of the benefits of a long treadmill run is the mental work. So spend some time doing just that!

Imagine how helpful it will be on race day, when you can pull on this experience.

  • Focus on why you’re doing the run
  • Talk through the tough patches with yourself, what helps you get through them
  • Find your running mantra
  • Practice gratitude – I often run a gratitude mile to turn my mind around and it works! I detailed this fully in my book because it’s a tactic I love so much.

#12 Focus on Effort

Outside it’s easy to get distracted or possibly you’re running with a group and thus going too hard. Now you have nothing but ways to focus on your effort level.

The majority of our workouts need to be done at a running RPE of a 4 or 5. Which also correlates to Zone 2 Heart Rate Training. So pull on your Heart Rate Monitor and find out if you’ve actually been doing your training correctly.

All right, there you have it, all the tips, tricks and hacks to make long runs on the treadmill more enjoyable. And to make sure the time is really working for you!!

Have more questions, just drop them below.

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