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HomeWeight LossIndia lost 110 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

India lost 110 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Update: India is still going strong after losing 110 lbs. Shifting her mindset, walking for exercise, and focusing on nutrient-dense foods have brought her success. She wrote in to update us on her journey and share helpful insights.

India before and after


India Simpson, Artist | Blogger | Creator

We featured her in 2021. After you read the update, check out that post for more info.

What is your current weight?
I’m currently 128lbs (highest weight 260lbs, “start” weight 238lbs)

How have you maintained your weight loss/continued to lose weight?
For maintenance, the biggest shift was MINDSET! I’ve been on plenty of weight loss journeys, and each time, I would gain my weight back and more. This is the first time I’ve successfully lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off for many years. 

In the past, I would always look at diet as temporary instead of thinking long-term. I’ve been able to maintain my weight by making realistic, small adjustments to my life instead of having unrealistic expectations. I would always “go hard” at first and give up two months into my journey. “Going hard” is impossible to keep up with and sustain. Heavy dietary restrictions, taunting workout regimens, and forcing myself to do ANYTHING do not work long-term for me. If it’s forced, I’d eventually give up on it completely.

This time, I wanted everything I did to feel natural. This is where I had to learn myself and create my own custom weight loss plan. For instance, I eat larger portions, so portion control doesn’t work for me. To fit larger portions into my lifestyle (while maintaining a calorie deficit), I eat less frequently throughout the day and do forms of time-restricted eating. Thisallows more flexibility with my meals and is more satisfying for me.

I eat for volume, filling up on foods high in nutrients and low in calories. I prioritize eating whole, single-ingredient foods. Eating foods high in nutrients (and plenty of it) ultimately causes me to eat fewer foods that are processed and calorie-dense.

Diet is key, but I make sure I move around as well. I’m not a gym rat or a fitness guru. I walk. Walking is something I can keep up with, and can see myself doing long-term. So for normal, daily activity, I walk and it’s actually enjoyable. It’s not forced.

Looking back on the lessons you’ve learned on your journey, which one stands out the most?
What stands out the most to me is that everyone is different. No two people on this planet are identical, so what works for me might not work for everyone else. I love eating one meal a day (OMAD). Someone else might not be a fan of fasting throughout the day. Learn yourself, gain calorie awareness, and learn what it takes for YOU to be in a calorie deficit. Customize your ownplan and do your own research. Never get too caught up with what someone else is doing.

India before and after weight loss

Would you like to offer any new or different advice to women who want to lose weight?
My best advice to women losing weight is to slow down and make small, sustainable adjustments to your diet and life. Don’t go from the couch to running a marathon. Instead, start by parking further away from the store. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take an extra 30 minutes to clean your house. These are all great ways to move more and get your activity in.

Want to improve your diet? Instead of using six packs of sugar with your coffee, reduce it to four. Get used to only having four sugars, then reduce it again to only three packs. The small adjustments add up, and you’ll more than likely stick with them because you’re not heavily restricted. It’s just a way of life at that point. Find something small you can improve on and do that.

Never give up on your journey. Always get back on track no matter how unmotivated or tired you are. There are times (still) when I want to give up and just let go of a healthy lifestyle, but I think of the effects it would have on me years down the line. I’d rather keep pushing than deal with the results of me giving up. If I slip up and gain 10 lbs, I’d rather deal with the 10-lb gain instead of dealing with giving up and eventually gaining 50+ lbs. The sooner you get back on track the more rewarding it would be.

Your future self will thank you!



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