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HomeRunningIs this Pennsylvania senior the most prolific runner of 2024?

Is this Pennsylvania senior the most prolific runner of 2024?

At 76 years young, Pennsylvania’s Gene Dykes has made 2024 a year of milestones that most runners of any age would envy. Here’s a closer look at why this runner might just be the most prolific of the year—from breaking records to embracing DNFs (Did Not Finish) with humour, Dykes continues to prove that age is not a barrier.

Gene Dykes
Arches Ultra, Arches National Park, Utah. Photo: Gene Dykes/Facebook

Races around the globe (and in his backyard)

With 43 races completed in 2024, Dykes’s calendar reads like a globetrotter’s dream. He raced in three countries and racked up 19 starts in Pennsylvania alone. From marathons and ultras to shorter races like 5Ks, he tackled every distance imaginable. Dykes says a highlight was completing three stunning trail races in Australia. Dykes’s philosophy of “just run”—no stretching, no weights and no cross-training—clearly works for him.

But it wasn’t all wins. Six DNFs(did not finish)including one at mile 160 of a 200-mile race, remind us that even the most determined, experienced runners face challenges. His attitude? Brush it off and keep running.

Gene Dykes
Gene Dykes at the 2023 Dawn To Dusk To Dawn 24-hour track race in Sharon Hill, Pa. Photo: Courtesy of Gene Dykes

Breaking records and smashing goals

“This past year was all about running as many races as I could,” says Dykes. He compares his 2024 running season to 2018, when he ran 40 races and trained hard in between. “Every race and every training session made me faster,” he explains. “How did it go this year? I ran 43 races and every race and every training session just made me more and more tired. But I had a lot of fun!” Dykes captured five national championship races and three Pan American championship races throughout the year, but he was most pleased with setting the M75 course record at the Boston Marathon.

Gene Dykes with daughter Hilary at Boston 2019. Photo: Facebook

A family affair and adventure-driven philosophy 

Running isn’t just a solo adventure for Dykes, and he says his marathon and ultra finishes with his daughters stand out as one of the highlights of his year. Adventure also motivated some of his races, and he undertook a six-day trail running adventure in Newfoundland, covering 87 miles of rugged, breathtaking terrain.

What’s next for this marathon machine?

With 184 marathons and ultras to his name since 2006, including a 2:54:23 marathon PR at age 70, 2024 adds another incredible chapter for Dykes. Next year’s schedule is already packed, from the Tokyo Marathon (where he aims to complete his Marathon Majors clean sweep) to a 300-mile trail race in Arizona. After May, Dykes plans to take a well-deserved sabbatical, gearing up for a future in the M80 age group.



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