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“It’s never too late to become a healthier you!” says mum who has lost 30 kilos

Within a year of joining The Healthy Mummy, Catherine Farley had lost 21 kilos and realised she wasn’t the person she used to be. This proved to be a defining moment for Catherine and spurned her on to continue her new lifestyle.

“I’ve been so much more confident and happier within myself and I love the newer and better version of me.”

Catherine reaches 30kg weight loss milestone

Catherine was so excited to share with The Healthy Mummy community this week that she has reached her 30kg weight loss goal.

Happy 30 kgs loss to me! 

“As I approach my 52nd birthday on Christmas Day I am feeling so chuffed that I’ve reached my 30 kilo loss goal!! 

“5 and a half years ago at the age of 47, I reached my this is enough moment and jumped on board with the Health Mummy and began my healthier me journey! 

  • 30 kgs gone (starting at 122.5 kgs)!
  • Size 20-22 to size 12!
  • Over 130 cms gone!

“I never thought I’d be able to get to a size 12, and all while eating 2000 calories of yummy and healthy food, doing a little exercise and having everything in moderation and just less of those fun foods approach.

“Following the Healthy Mummy and learning from their support groups, I lost 26 kgs, but I was still carrying so much weight on my tummy that would not budge – as evidenced by the far right pic – and it was causing health issues so I had that surgically removed this year in 2 separate stages this year.

“I am so very grateful I came across the Healthy Mummy. Being a healthier version of me is now who I am and I wouldn’t have it any other way. “

I am so much healthier, stronger and confident from the inside out. I am so very proud of my journey and reaching the place I want to be 

Go Catherine! Read more about her weight loss story below!

“Time for a Change”

Catherine admits that before she found the Healthy Mummy over five years ago, she did little to no exercise and even the short walk to her son’s school would leave her puffed. Her diet wasn’t that much better although at the time she didn’t realise how much eating so much processed food was contributing to her weight. 

She says “I ate a lot of processed food and out-of-the-jar or packet sauces – quick to grab type foods – and my kryptonite weakness was chocolate of which I’d consume a couple of family size blocks over a couple of nights.”

At 122 kgs, Catherine knew it was time for a change. 

“Enough was enough. It was time to put myself first and get back some health and fitness.”

Catherine came across The Healthy Mummy on Facebook and joined the Facebook support groups. 

“I watched for a little while and was curious at all the success stories I was seeing, so I thought, well, I had nothing to lose as eating a low calorie diet never worked for me (well except a pile of weight), so I joined up for 6 months and jumped in head first”.  

Catherine started using the App for all the Healthy Mummy meals and snacks and following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges. 

“My family all have Healthy Mummy dinners and I also make my kids and husband snacks to snack on during the week.  Exercise wise I started increasing my step count and after a few weeks I began doing the beginner programs from the app 2-3 times a week.”

“I love the workouts in the Healthy Mummy App.  I am not an exercise person and it would take a lot to get me to a gym, so I love having a variety of workouts in the app there at my fingertips ready for me to knock out when it suits me.”

Catherine’s Weight Loss Results

In the first year Catherine had lost over 20 kilos and since then has now lost a total of 30 kilos. Go Catherine!

“I never thought I’d be able to get to a size 12, and all while eating 2000 calories of yummy and healthy food, doing a little exercise and having everything in moderation and just less of those fun foods approach.

Living The Healthy Mummy  Lifestyle

I have found following the program really easy. I love having over 6000 plus recipes to choose from and love trying new things each week. I love the convenience of the app to plan my meals and snacks each week and the fact that I can record everything I eat and the water I drink and I can also record all my exercise as I find it helps keep me accountable.  

The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges have helped me understand how to feed my body to work as effectively as it can.  Eating 6 times a day I find keeps my metabolism firing and working to the best capacity it can.  I love the different themes each month with the Challenges – the different themes each help keep it interesting for me.”

One of the big aspects of success for Catherine has been the Healthy Mummy Community and support from like-minded mums on their own weight loss journeys.

“I have learned so so much by just reading others tips and posts, and, of course, if there’s something I don’t know I can ask a question any time and when I’ve done this I have always received great information and help back.  Also seeing other ladies’ successes in the community is a great motivator for me.

‘It’s never too late start’

Having been part of the Healthy Mummy and following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges for over five years, Catherine has learnt some valuable lessons about living a healthy lifestyle.

“One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from my whole journey is it’s never too late to start your journey to a healthier you!  And it doesn’t matter if you fall off the wagon occasionally, the Healthy Mummy lifestyle will always be there for you when you’re ready to get back on. “

Catherine’s Advice for other Mums

  • If you’re not an all or nothing person like me, change one small thing at a time – swap some unhealthier snacks for healthier ones or swap the soft drink out, then swap some meals out
  • Start trying to fit more steps in your day
  • Should you lose your way, that’s okay, be kind to yourself and just jump back in when you’re ready to.
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