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HomeFitnessJordan Hutchinson Shares His Training Method For Extra Intensity

Jordan Hutchinson Shares His Training Method For Extra Intensity

Former MR USA Jordan Hutchinson placed second in the 2024 Texas Pro, and the Open Division competitor has been looking seriously swole as of late. For those wondering how he’s making great progress, the man-mountain has shared his methods, and it involves getting “a little loose” when required.

“Perfect form won’t get you far if the intensity isn’t there,” wrote Hutchinson via a recent Instagram post. “… sometimes you have to get a little loose towards the end of a set or when you’re really driving blood into the muscle in order to take that set where you wouldn’t otherwise be able to.” In the accompanying video, the bodybuilder is nearing failure while repping out some cable triceps pulldowns, but instead of dropping the weight to maintain form, he leans forward to push himself to the max. “This is NOT to say to use all the wrong muscles to move the weight from A to B,” reassures the former basketball player. “We are still trying to target specific muscle groups in bodybuilding. But if you are SO rigid and never willing to let form break down a bit on occasion for the sake of intensity, you’ll stay stuck doing robot reps.

Fellow IFBB Pro, Morgan MacDonald took to the post to add his support. “Even with loose form you can tell how well you’re keeping tension on the triceps and controlling the weight,” he commented. “Proper training.”

Jordan Hutchinson Says Pushing Yourself to the Limit is About Finding Balance

“The rest of my set was SOLID form,” he says. “But like I said in the video, I was able to use some body English to extend the set without having to drop the weight. Don’t be the ego lifter throwing around weight you have no business using, but also don’t be so rigid moving baby weight for the sake of robotic motion. Find a balance.”

In the video, Hutchinson noted that he often switches body positions where safe in order to intensify a rep or keep pushing on without removing the weight. It’s a concept that is perhaps not suitable for beginners, but for those who are hitting plateaus and understand their own body mechanics, this idea could be a game changer for making gains.

For more epic workout ideas follow Jordan Hutchinson on Instagram 



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