Wednesday, October 23, 2024
HomeWeight LossMeet the NEW 12 Week Challenge Squad

Meet the NEW 12 Week Challenge Squad

We would like to introduce you to the NEW 12 Week Challenge Squad, they are here to help you through the next 3 months of your 12 Week Challenge commitment and guide you along the way.

The 12 Week Challenge kicked off on the 1st April. It’s not too late – Join now!

The 12 Week Challenge is basically three consecutive 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges in a row.

With additional support, motivation and accountability benefits, including your 12 Week Challenge Tool Kit, access to a 12 Week Challenge private support group and regular support emails. Plus the chance to win some fab prizes!

12 Week Challenge Squad

Our 12 Week Challenge squad includes some of our most dedicated community members including:

Grace Young
Renee Judd
Hayley Duncan
Cassie Krawczyk
Jess Magill
Rae Willingham
Randa Jaide

Meet Rae

In case you can’t tell Rae is BEYOND excited to be leading the squad and helping you kick those goals all the way to the end result!

Rae has been with The Healthy Mummy for 10 years and is super proud to be a new ambassador and the face of everything The Healthy Mummy ethos believes and strives to be.

“I am this face excited for the new 12 week challenge which starts on April 1st!!!! Who is joining in for this round???”

Meet Randa

Randa has lost 35kg with The Healthy Mummy.

Hello lovelies I’m super pumped to be part of your #12weekchallengesquad!
I’m a Brisbane based mum of 3, ages 11,10 and 4. I’ve been a Healthy Mummy for almost 5 years and have had great success maintaining a 35kg loss until the beginning of this year where I’ve found a few of those KG’s, thanks to life, peri-menopause and currently navigating the first year of both my partner and myself working full-time, as well as studying!

Randa’s pledge

My goal for this 12 week challenge is to focus on my food and find out what works for me NOW in this ever changing body, to help lessen bloating.
To work my way back to 15km runs
To change up my workouts
To be totally Awesome
Come along with us, take your pledge and commit to you, cause you are totally Awesome!

Join Randa here and feel free to ask her any questions to support you over the next 12 weeks.

Read more on Randa’s Healthy Mummy story here

Meet Hayley

Hayley has lost 42kg with The Healthy Mummy.

For those of you who do not know me, I am Hayley and I am here to support all of you beautiful ladies during the 12 week challenge and HELL I AM EXCITEDDDDD!! I am a mum of three energetic and challenging boys 11, 8 and 5 and I have been with The Healthy Mummy since 2016.

I have had one Healthy Mummy pregnancy being the best one I had out of the 3!!

The photo where these shorts fit me so comfortably and where I was absolutely rocking them, was where I felt my absolute best in life!!

This was after my 50kg loss, 42kg of that 50 I lost when I jumped on board the Healthy Mummy wagon to change my lifestyle and it was the best decision I have ever made! This photo was just before the pandemic hit and I felt on top of the world and ready to kick some really crazy goals. Then it’s become a roller coaster.

A couple years forward I maintained my weight around 60kg and then dove into wanting to gain muscle and a booT-AY!!

I thought I knew what I was doing, I thought I knew enough, I tried to trust the process, but in my eyes now, I was not ready, I was not prepared for the roller coaster it sent me on psychologically. It wasn’t just this, it was a world of things going on in life and I took them all on like a champ honestly. I GAINED my Boot-AY, but I didn’t lose a lot of the weight that came with gaining the muscle, I then fell in a slump last year in my last term of uni, I went into survival.

I jumped back on to the Healthy Mummy start of December and I have been trying to figure myself out, re-navigate my life, the changes that are out of my control and the changes that are within my control.

I am so damn keen to start this 12 week challenge! It’s on a whole different vibration that I feel we will all radiate from releasing our inner goddess power together.

Let’s smash this Ladies!!

This is where I will start my 12 week challenge with the Healthy Mummy and I will be giving it my best efforts!

Hayley’s pledge

I aim to lose 6kg this challenge. I want to get my discipline back, I want to make myself accountable and committed to myself. I will aim to drink the right amount of water daily, exercise and eating by keeping it simple.

I will do this by increasing my step count to 12000.
Completing a 3km walk everyday – rain, hail or shine.
I will make better choices.
I will focus on what gives me energy and not drain me.
I will do what I can to help ME be the best version of me mentally and physically.

Let’s smash this 12 week challenge 💪

Make yourself a priority Ladies, because hell you are IMPORTANT!!! ✨️✨️

Are you joining us for the 12 week challenge???

Join Hayley HERE and feel free to ask her any questions to help you succeed on the 12 week challenge.

Read more on Hayley’s Healthy Mummy story here.

Meet Renee

My name is Renee, for those of you who don’t know me, I’m a mum of 2 teenagers Mr 17 and Miss 14. I started my Healthy Mummy journey back with my first 12 week challenge in April 2022.

I went to buy some new jeans and when I couldn’t get the same size over my knees. I burst into tears and left with no jeans. That night I signed up and started Healthy Mummy and bought my first Healthy Mummy smoothie the next morning. I had some fantastic success and lost 14.2kg in my first 12 weeks – by tracking, weighing, using the Healthy Mummy recipes and walking 2-3 times a week. By Christmas 2022, I was down 24kg!

Unfortunately, at Christmas 2022, I had to have some emergency surgery, which lead to some complications, a severe ankle injury lead to a 14kg increase in my weight over 2023.

10 weeks ago I rebooted my Healthy Mummy journey. I started logging, weighing, walking 2-3 times and swapped to the Plant Based Healthy Mummy smoothies as I’m now gluten and lactose intolerant.

I’m now 9kgs down in 2024 and begging to love myself again, I pack snacks and dinner to eat court/oval side every day the kids are training and playing which is a lot. I’m drinking water and following my Day 1 matra…..make it sustainable, I’ve never been to gym that’s not me, I love pizza, pancakes, chicken schnitzel…..I’ve just swapped with the Healthy Mummy recipes.

I follow the meal plans but if I don’t like something or crave something I just swap it for what I want….and the Healthy Mummy version! What you want sausage rolls? ….no problem!

I’m so so excited to continue my journey and come on yours as a #12weekchallengesquad

Renee’s pledge

My aim is to keep it consistent…..keep the water, walk and logging because when I track it….Im on track!

Join Renee HERE and feel free to ask her any questions to support your journey.

Read more on Renee’s Healthy Mummy story here

Meet Jess

Hi ladies!!
I am SUPER EXCITED to be one of your #12weekchallengesquad mums for the next 12 weeks!! 
I have been a member of The Healthy Mummy for 8.5 years, but for those who don’t know me, I am a sleep-deprived mum of 6 kiddos under 10 .
I have had fantastic success with all things Healthy Mummy after babies 2/3/4/5, losing all the baby weight and being fitter and stronger than ever.

Since #6 I have been in survival mode, navigating no sleep and multiple neurospicy children with many weekly appointments, struggling to lose more than 5kgs and putting it back once once I do!

Jess’ pledge

My goals for the next 12 weeks are to:
1. Figure out my triggers for giving up/binging and work to find healthier replacements
2. Walk 3 times a week in fresh air with music on
3. Go to bed by 10pm each night

Have you taken the 12 Week Pledge yet? I’d love you to say hi and share your goals below

Join Jess HERE and feel free to send her a question if you need support!

Meet Grace

Grace has lost 40kg with The Healthy Mummy.

My name is Grace, I’m a mum of 7 children ( I only have 3 left at home)

I joined the Healthy Mummy back in November 2020, in that time I lost an amazing 40 kg and maintained it for quite sometime before a death rocked my world and I let everything slip and I gained a few kg back.

So this new 12 Week Challenge I’m so looking forward to smashing my goals and getting back to where I want to be.

Some of the things I’ve achieved with the Healthy Mummy challenges are becoming fitter and more comfortable in myself.

My life can certainly be very hectic with 2 special needs kids and a very active 7 yr old I’m going to get back into using my smoothies and using the app to its fullest along with being mindful of my stress levels and how much sleep I’m getting, as it all can play huge factors in getting back on track with weight loss.

Grace’s pledge

How do we achieve perfection?

By practicing every day and aiming to be a little better each and every day.

By learning from the day before on what to do again or what we could do better.

Who’s with me? #12weekchallengesquad

Join Grace here and start your 12 Week Challenge today!

Read more on Grace’s Healthy Mummy story HERE

Meet Cassie

Cassie has lost 47kg with The Healthy Mummy.

I’m Cassie and I’ll be one of the squad mums for the next 12 weeks.
Most of you will already know my story but I’ll give you a run down here. I’m a 34 year old mother of 4 who has been a part of the Healthy Mummy community for the last 8 years.

I started my journey after my second baby girl was born. I was struggling to keep up with my children’s demands and knew it was time to make the change. I had tried numerous fad diets with no luck. That’s where I stumbled across Healthy Mummy and saw so many amazing stories from other women who had started where I was and achieved their goals.

I started slow, focusing on my goal calories and drinking Healthy Mummy Smoothies. I would go for walks which would eventually turn to runs. And then gym focused workouts once my confidence was up. Over that first two years I lost a staggering 47kg. Yep! 47 kilo! It wasn’t overnight, it did take time.

I went on to have my third child and kept the weight off. Finally I fell pregnant with my 4th child. Where things didn’t go quite as planned. My aim to stay active in the gym quickly diminished when I was put on strict bed rest. I had a very difficult pregnancy. Resulting in an emergency surgery at 16 weeks and then suffering severe perinatal anxiety. But once bubs was here I was back on the wagon and raring to go.

Cassie’s pledge

To say this time has been hard has been an understatement. 17 months on I still have 7 kg to go.
But know if I have done it before I can do it again.
Losing weight Is not an over night thing.
Stay positive, stay strong and stay determined.

Join Cassie HERE on your 12 Week Challenge.

Read more on Cassie’s Healthy Mummy story here

Join the 12 Week Challenge Support group

Join the 12 Week Challenge Support Group now!

Read more:

How to get the most out of the 12 Week Challenge

Everything you need to know about The Healthy Mummy 12 Week Challenge!

How to prepare for the 12 Week Challenge

Are you ready to become a Healthy Mummy?

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Get motivated, stay motivated
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Feel Supported 24/7
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