Tuesday, March 11, 2025
HomeRunningMy aha moment. I’m starting to track my grams.

My aha moment. I’m starting to track my grams.

Skye is now 10 weeks old so it’s time for another update (I’m trying to do these every two weeksish)!

*Skye has quite a lot of facial expressions that we get to see each day and here are a few of them…


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Pure joy:

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*Skye has a talent of needing a new diaper again within minutes of me changing her;)  I think she sees it as a game.

*Skye LOVES the morning.  It makes me even more excited for the morning because I know we have this to look forward to.  From the hours of about 5:30-7:30 pm is a different story though.

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*A lot of people say that Skye looks like Brooke and I see that but I also see Andrew in her too.

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*I overcame one of my fears.  Well, I was forced to overcome it ha.  After our car accident we were in the back of the ambulance for a while waiting for a bunch of stuff to be done before going to the hospital.  Skye was very hungry and not wanting the bottle that I had pumped for her.  So, I needed to breastfeed.  I’ve always wanted to be able to breastfeed in public but I was always terrified to try.  I saw women that did it and just wanted to go interview them for all of their tips on how to do it ha.  So, in the back of the ambulance with a few other people in there with me that I didn’t know, I fed Skye and overcame my fear.  I had a cover but I just have been nervous to do it in the past but not anymore.  I have since then fed her a few times with a cover out in public and it sure is much more convenient and nice to not plan every outing etc around when I need to be back home to feed her.

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*To go along with the above topic, not only in the ambulance would she not take a bottle from me but anytime I am in the room…  If it is just Andrew and her then she will take one but if I’m around (like one time when we were at a restaurant) she refuses because she knows I’m there to feed her.

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*A chin and cheek update:

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*I wore a real bra the other day (aka a non-nursing/clip one) and it felt really strange.

*I still have that dark line on my stomach (linea nigra)… if you had that too, when did that go away for you?

*She is growing out of her clothes at an alarming rate.  She is in the 60th percentile now for her height and weight according to her last doctor’s appointment.

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*Knox asked us if we can PLEASE have two boys next… he is ready for some brothers ha;)

*You know those long blinks that babies do right before they fall asleep.  I love watching Skye do those.  They are my favorite.  She fights falling asleep so much but soon she will be like me and welcome it with open arms at any opportunity that comes up.

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*I have now tried a few different types of pacifiers and Skye still wants nothing to do with them.  She does continue to try to suck on her hands so maybe she will be a thumb sucker.

*My back is feeling SO much better these days.  For a while it was hurting from holding Skye so much and from breastfeeding so I worked on strengthening it and having better posture when I am holding her and it is so much better.  I am doing yoga for a few minutes each day, doing many of these exercises and using a big blanket to position under Skye to hold her in the perfect position while breastfeeding at home so that I can maintain good posture.

*Her current sleeping at night schedule looks like this—>  I feed her anywhere between 9-10 pm and then she wakes up at around 3-4 and then again at about 6.  She will then sleep until about 8:30 and that is when she is awake and ready to party.  There were a few days after her 2 month shots where she was up SO many times each night.  Thank goodness that ended!

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*I’m really glad breastfeeding is going well.  Andrew said the other night, ‘remember how stressed and worried you were about breastfeeding before you had Skye and how you actually had nothing to worry about?”  Story of my life… worrying about things I don’t need to but after struggling with it so much with Brooke, I was worried!  Those first two weeks hurt SO BAD (I feared showers because my chest was so sore and I didn’t want the water touching me ha) but luckily that ended.   My weekly mileage is just under 40 right now and I am not seeing a dip in my supply at all and I think it is because I took the first 6 weeks off from running to establish a good supply (just my guess though)!

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*She always wins at staring contests.  It’s a talent of hers.

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*She is currently everyone’s #1 source of entertainment.

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*She is obsessed with Brooke and Knox.  She watches them closely and somehow naturally she just knows that they are her favorite playmates already.

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*I LOVE how alert she is lately!

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*People have requested some lowlights of parenting and this was one of them.  Don’t mind my bag of skittles;)  I made the picture black and white to make it less gross. There is plenty of spit up on me each day, crying and sometimes the diapers don’t do their jobs.  Yes, a baby is hard work and things are definitely not perfect but this has been so much easier than the last time I did this.  Brooke’s first year was SO hard (I could write a novel about how difficult it all was) not because she was any harder of a baby than other babies but all of my life was hard then which made that time super tough for me.  I am pretty sure I cried every day.  I have so much support/help this time around that it just feels so much easier.  To compare the situation to a running situation—>  It was like my first marathon was all UPHILL and then my second marathon is flat as a pancake… it’s still hard and a lot of work but it feels SO MUCH easier than the first time around.  Does that make sense?

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*Hannah sent this to me and this is exactly how I feel!!!

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I’ve had a few request for a post with our current favorite baby gear.  I think I’m kind of a minimalist (unless we are talking about t-shirts or food) but these things below are things we really love:

*Our carseat.  This might be my favorite piece of baby gear ever.   I bought the EXACT same one after our accident because I was so happy with how well it kept Skye safe and sound.

*This little holder for Skye when she takes a bath in our bathtub.  It keeps her perfectly supported and makes bath time really easy and enjoyable for her:)

*Owlet.  This thing allows me to sleep at night without waking up every five minutes to make sure she is breathing.  It is $$ but totally worth it in my opinion to know they are okay during the night.  If the baby’s heart rate or oxygen levels are abnormal, it alerts you!

*Blankets—>  Saranoni and aden + anais swaddle blankets!

*This carseat/breastfeeding cover!

*This diaper bag.

*The Rock ’n Play.  This has been by far one of Skye’s favorite things.  She would prefer being held at all times but she loves being in this too!

*It took us a few tries to find a swaddle that Skye was okay with ha (that girl just wants to be free but NEEDS to sleep;) and the Love To Dream Swaddle UP wins for us!  This one is great because she can keep her arms up still and the zipper makes things a lot easier for us too!

*Our Mutsy stroller.  I cannot say enough good things about this stroller.  I love it and we use it ALL of the time.

*These gel pads saved me for those first few weeks of breastfeeding.   I would put them in the fridge before putting them on and they helped with the pain so much.

*I ended up getting a new pump and this is the one I use.  It is simple, small and does the job really well.  I usually pump 1-2 times a day.

*Lovevery play gym!

*Baby clothes—>  we get pretty much everything from Target and Old Navy.

*Love these bows that EdenBEbows sent!  You can get 20% off if you want some using the code Skye20


What about you… what are some of your favorite baby gear items?     

Breastfeeding in public… something you do?  Was it hard for you at first?

When did your kids experience sleep regressions?  



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