Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeRunningMy first time in 12 years?! + Let’s make mornings more VIBRANT!

My first time in 12 years?! + Let’s make mornings more VIBRANT!

Today’s post is dedicated to all of the things I haven’t told you about from this last weekend yet!

DEENA and me! I didn’t want to wash my right arm after this below picture was taken.  Her book (here) changed my running in so many ways.  I just think the world of her.  Deena is the best example of showing how much our thoughts can serve us.  When she told us we have 50,000-70,000 thoughts a day it really made me realize how much we control the way we think about ourselves and the world.  That is a lot of thoughts each day and the things we choose to think about can sure take us in two very different directions.  She said, “our brains are malleable and they need your steering.”  I wonder how many thoughts we have during a marathon?

She also talked about her response when people ask if she is going to continue running and racing forever.  She said something like this—>  Of course!  Running is a lifestyle, it’s a way to flex your mental strength muscles and bring yourself to challenge and flex your optimism muscle so that it doesn’t atrophy!  <— I love this.

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*Andrew and I decided we need to take mini trips together more often just the two of us.  We’ve had kids from day one of our relationship so having a day or two or three just the two of us was amazing for us.  It was so nice to get out of the routine of life and focus on each other!

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*Andrew saw the lead pack of women go by at mile 8.  He cheered on Des and SHE LOOKED at him (you can see in the IG video that he posted).  How cool!?

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*While we were watching the Red Sox play on Friday night it had me thinking about how awesome it is that in running we get to be in the same arena as the pros/elites doing the same race.  We get to follow behind them on their playing field during their biggest races and I love that.  That doesn’t happen very often in different sports!  On Monday I loved thinking about how I was just a few hours behind some of my biggest heroes.

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*During the BAA 5k I saw this girl dressed up as a CLIF bar and I thought it was awesome.

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*I met Ellie (Ali’s dog) while we were in town and Brooke is very jealous.  I also met Annie (Ali’s 6 month old) and she is the cutest little thing!

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*I tried Shake Shack for the first time and I don’t want to be offensive but I didn’t love it… it was food but nothing to write home about.  I’M SORRY!  PS we ate here one night because the wait for everywhere else was almost 2 hours (we didn’t plan Saturday night very well).

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*At the meet-up Jen brought me this maple syrup to take home.  I made pancakes yesterday just so that I could try it.  Verdict= Incredible.

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*Picture from the BAA 5k but goodness gracious it felt cool to see the Boylston/Hereford signs on Monday.

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*From here on out I am just expecting you guys to tell us all of the places we need to eat whenever we travel. We went to a lot of the places that you recommended and they were all amazing.  Thank you.   JP Licks was so good.  And I am very sorry that I have gummy bears on my cake batter/oreo ice cream but I promise it was good.

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*You also told me to go to Flour and WOW.  I’m drooling over thinking about this cauliflower sandwich.

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*My new favorite pair of goodr glasses.  Over the weekend I realized that my love for marathon gear collecting is very similar to Knox’s love of Pokemon collecting… YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH.

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*At the end of the marathon I realized that these hand warmers were in my Koala Clip for the entire race.  I was nervous it was going to rain or be cold at some point and I would need them but there was definitely NOT a need for hand warmers on Monday ha.

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*There was a need for a robe in the morning.  I love bringing blankets to the waiting area for races and this robe (that I got for free a few years ago and never really used) was perfect too.  Plus it was quite fashionable.

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*Skye had the best time with my sister-in-law.  She sent us pictures the entire time too and it was the best to get all of her updates.  We were worried she wasn’t going to want to come home after this weekend ha.

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*Joan Benoit Samuelson ran a 3:04:00!  She. Is. Amazing.

*Monday can go down as another example of ‘don’t obsess about the weather for race day because odds are it will change and maybe be the opposite of what they tell you it will be.’

(Thanks Charlie for the picture)

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*Candice and I have decided that the post-marathon-airport-picture is our Boston tradition now.

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*Speaking of Candice, she put Dove Deodorant all over her feet before the race and it prevented blisters for her.  That stuff is magic… chafing and blister prevention?!

*Burger and fries after the race and then the saltiest soft pretzel at the airport on Monday= the best.  I almost had Andrew stop at McDonalds for fries when we got back to Utah at like 2 in the morning but instead I waited for those fries until the afternoon.

*It sure felt good to be with the girls and move as little as possible yesterday:)

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LOCAL READERS!!! Check out this awesome run going on at BYU.  We will be there with the kids running it and I hope to see you there.  You can register HERE (this is a race my brother-in-law is working on putting together so come come come)!  May 11th at 8:00 at the BYU Track & Fields!



Have anything you love to collect?  If you have children, do they love to collect anything?

Any restaurants that a lot of people seem to love but you don’t feel the same way?

What’s your run today?!

Who has a dog?  What is their name?



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