Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeRunningMy mileage buildup + Andrew doesn’t believe me.

My mileage buildup + Andrew doesn’t believe me.

(Leggings, top, shoes)

Thank you, Lauren, for documenting that I was doing squats with the bar AND weight added to it because Andrew was having a tough time believing me.

Lauren and I did calve raises, squats, overhead presses, deadlifts, planks, and bench presses.  My goal is to lift heavy (for me:) twice a week and then squeeze in abs or pilates any other days that work.

I also watched them do a speed workout and followed them around town.

There is just something so great about the mornings being lighter… I even heard birds chirping, which means we have almost made it.

Katie asked yesterday for a look at my average weekly mileage from my Sevilla Marathon training and how that compares to other training blocks.  I think I had my highest weekly mileage ever on accident… one week, I ran all seven days because I knew I wanted to take Christmas off, so I switched around my Sunday off and Monday run days.  I had to do that again three weeks later, but my highest six days of the week running was 80, four weeks before the race.  My mileage was a bit higher overall than St. George last year, but probably about the same as Boston 2023.  The most significant difference was my elevation gain and loss… I ran flat more than ever because the race was flat, but the flatter areas in our area usually get the least snow and ice.  If you have ever heard Connor Mantz and Clayton Young talk about the ‘lake loop,’ that is where we would go too… It is pretty much runnable the entire winter besides a day or two.  I definitely felt less beat up from not climbing as much. It was a bit more manageable to get in the higher mileage because I wasn’t running any trails… typically during marathon training, I try to hit 70-80 miles per week with trails included in that, too, and that felt much harder than my 88-mile week on primarily flat.

After St. George, I took a week off and then took another week off after Budapest, and then this is how each week went until the marathon—> 55, 60, 71, 77, 67, 88, 61, 70, 86, 53, 71, 75, 75, 80, 65, 57 and race week including the marathon was 45.

Ed Eyestone said that a great way to train for a hot race is to get really fit.  I wanted a sub-3, but I knew it would be a challenge. So, I just tried to get as fit as I could with some massive workouts in there and let go of the fact that I was going from 20°/0% humidity running weather in Utah to 70°/80% humidity weather in Seville (it didn’t reach that temp until towards the end of the race but overall it was warmer than what I’m used to).

Every time I look at the map, I question it because it didn’t feel like it would look like this at all when we were running it. It sure made spectating a bit easier for Andrew than normal. I also realized that this was the first marathon I’ve raced that started and ended at the same spot.

Being on the other side of marathon training and biking with my niece for her workout is fun.  I can’t believe how fast she already is… watch out, age group record holders for her next races.

Now to learn how to take pictures while riding a bike.

Post-Spain has us all walking back and forth to school.

Beck told me he wants to be a police station when he grows up…

Post-Spain has not changed our eating habits; we still eat dinner at 5 pm.

We have a kiddo that is most likely needing their tonsils out, so figuring that out was the rest of our day—> Who has had their tonsils out, and what was the recovery like?  

Point-to-point marathons or start and finish at the same spot races?  Which do you prefer, and which have you done most of?

Are there any new habits you’ve started this year?



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