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HomeWeight LossNatural ways to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Natural ways to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

During your pregnancy you may develop stretch marks on different parts of your body.

Here Cheree Sheldon, Nutritionist talks about some prevention ways to reduce these marks with healthy pregnancy foods and natural remedies.

Source: Istock.

Natural Ways to help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

We have all seen them, those big red streaky stretch marks are a natural occurrence that indicates our tummies have grown way too fast for the skin to keep up with.

Some women that get stretch marks wear them with pride but others just want their bodies to look and feel like it once did pre-baby.

So, let’s explore the things you could do prior to and during pregnancy to help prevent stretch marks.

What causes stretch marks during pregnancy? 

You may notice Stretch marks appear often when your skin rapidly stretches or shrinks, they show up as little red bands or lines running across your skin.

They are very common with up to 90 percent of people suffering with stretch marks during and after pregnancy weight gain, or after other sudden or rapid changes in your weight. 
These marks can appear just about anywhere, but they’re most common on your:

  • stomach
  • breasts
  • upper arms
  • thighs
  • buttocks


Source: Istock.

Foods to include in your diet to prevent stretch marks

Foods to include would be egg yolks, liver, nuts, seeds like sunflower, pumpkin, sesame and linseeds, olive oil, coconut oil, whole grains, avocado, green leafy vegies, and oily fish like sardines and salmon. This is because they contain EFAs or essential fatty acids which help with the health of our skin and vitamins that are good for skin health such as B2, zinc, and Vitamin A and E.

Brightly coloured fruit and vegies are rich in phtyochemicals that help with skin integrity. Foods that are rich in silica like kale and spinach are great, or that contain cryptoxanthin like oranges and peaches, or those that have Lutein like broccoli or blackcurrants, and Lycopene like tomato and apricot.

Supplements to include in your diet to reduce pregnancy stretch marks

There are lots of treatments for stretch marks you can consider trying. 

Your stretch marks may feel itchy and uncomfortable at times. 

Supplements worth considering are fish oils, Vitamin E and Vitamin C.

The tissue salt Calc Flour improves skin elasticity and is safe to take during pregnancy.

Oils that are safe in pregnancy on your skin include jojoba, macadamia, almond, hemp, and vitamin E.

There are blends that are marketed towards pregnant women specifically for stretch marks, but just read the label and check it is organic or 100% pure before you use it, as your skin is your biggest organ, and will absorb everything you put on it, and it will get to bub!

Source: Istock.

Evening Primrose oil can be used topically to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks, but the research is conflicting for use of Evening Primrose supplements use in pregnancy, so avoid these just to be sure and opt for safer alternatives to prevent pregnancy stretch marks.

Stretch mark creams and Calendula cream will help get rid of stretch marks if they are really sore and tender.

Keeping your skin moist from the inside and out is the best preventative treatment we have to offer. So keep up your fluid intake and drink a lot of water to help prevent pregnancy stretch marks.

During pregnancy enjoy a Healthy Mummy Pregnancy Smoothie as a snack to increase your fluids and add some of the ingredients mentioned above to increase your chance of reducing stretch marks.

Source: Istock.

After pregnancy if you do have stretch marks, grapeseed oil will help with the healing and so will taking Gotu kola. Time does fade them, and they are a gentle reminder of the wondrous experience our body had to become mothers!

Enjoy those beautiful tummy rubs full of nice nourishing oils, (which may help limit stretch marks), regardless of whether it is keeping stretch marks at bay!

Stretch marks are harmless! If you don’t want to treat your stretch marks then you don’t have to. Stretch marks are very common in pregnancy and will fade over time.

The Healthy Mummy Pregnancy Pack

Did you know The Healthy Mummy has a Pregnancy Pack?

This pack contacts a Pregnancy Smoothie and Eating & Exercise Book which have been specially formulated to help women reach additional calorie and nutrient needs.

The Pregnancy Smoothie is designed to complement, not replace, your prenatal vitamin intake.

Our nutritionists ensured that the vitamins and minerals in the smoothie are at a low level so there is no risk of doubling up on any pregnancy vitamins.

It is ideal as a high-protein, high-calcium snack in pregnancy. You can download the Pregnancy Smoothie Label here.

You can BUY your pack HERE.

Disclaimer: Always speak to your doctor before changing your diet, taking any supplements or undertaking any exercise program in pregnancy. The information on this site is for reference only and is not medical advice and should not be treated as such, and is not intended in any way as a substitute for professional medical advice.

Our plans promote a health weight gain in pregnancy to benefit the mother & baby and you can read more on this here.

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