I’ve gotten up to about 2 hours a day of training recently, mostly riding but also strength training and my PT for my back and hips. My body seems to be tolerating it well and it feels good.

Some memorable rides included last Tuesday when I rode with my group out to the end of Redwood retreat road and back, posted here on Strava. Then on Sunday I did a hard workout consisting of upper body strength training and PT, followed by a brisk ride out the Coyote Creek trail to Bernal road, switching to Monterey highway on my way back. I also threw in some hard intervals. That felt great at the time but I was pretty tired afterwards so I took it easier yesterday.

I’ll be visiting my brother in a couple of weeks in Phoenix, and I want to rent a bike while I’m down there to ride some of the canal trails. This will be an upright. Since I normally ride a recumbent, and haven’t put as much mileage recently on my upright, my butt is not as toughened up as it needs to be, so I’ll be putting more mileage on the upright in preparation, as I did on last Tuesday’s, Friday’s, and yesterday’s rides.