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HomeFitnessTai Lopez Shares His Personal Routines for Peak Performance

Tai Lopez Shares His Personal Routines for Peak Performance

Serial entrepreneur, investor and social media personality Tai Lopez has periodically shared glimpses on social media into how he maintains his peak state both mentally and physically, but the first time, we asked him to dive deep into exactly how he sets up everything from his morning routine, his fitness regiment and even his diet.

With multiple companies, millions of social media followers and a schedule that has him traveling the world, Tai’s impressive routines help him maintain an edge that also translates to business success.

Here is how Tai conditions his body to help him keep all of the balls in the air at once.

What morning routine do you use to start your day?

Tai Lopez: I believe that wealth is created through creativity and jumping out of bed is a mistake. Jeff Bezos says he likes to lay around and putter around for the first 30 to 60 minutes. So I also like to putter around for the first 30 to 60 minutes, take a shower, and let my brain operate. I think that you’re at maximum strength about five hours from when you wake up. So I like to do a little fast cardio. After my creative session, I like to write in the morning, be creative, and then do some fast cardio or a walk.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I do heavy weights. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, I do high intensity interval training with sprinting. So on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I’ll do a slow walk in the morning. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, jogging is preferred, and on the weight days, I wait until about five hours. I usually work out around one o’clock.

How do you maintain high energy levels throughout the day with your intense schedule?

TL: I take daily naps. An 18 minute nap is the greatest return on investment for time of any human activity.

Can you share some of the top longevity tactics you believe in?

TL: So the top longevity tactic to believe in is to try to get 150 minutes of deep sleep per night. That’s the trickiest type of sleep to get. So if you optimize for that one variable, you pretty much are doing 20 other things right automatically.

What are some of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make that negatively impact their peak performance?

TL: When it comes to fitness, the number one thing is entrepreneurs think they are too busy to work out when really you can just do an 18-minute workout session that’s intense enough every day. Plus walk when you do your business calls and you can pretty much get in optimal fitness.

What does your diet and fitness routine look like?

TL: I eat an optimal diet that I built from I eat from 150 approved foods.

Basically it’s animal products. I try to get 35 grams of fiber. It’s very important you get a lot of fiber, 150 grams of fiber per week on the low side and ideally you are getting double that. So I eat five meals and I use ChatGPT to optimize my meals so that even if I didn’t take my vitamins, I am still getting 100% or more of everything.

Then I take supplements on top of that. I do what’s called the saltine cracker test to test what I need. Basically You take a saltine cracker and put it in your mouth. Count on a timer how many seconds till it goes from salty to sweet. The amount of time tells you what types of foods you need to eat.

It takes me almost 30 seconds for that to happen, which means I should eat on the lower carb side. So I eat a little bit higher protein. But my brother’s fiance is the opposite. When she eats the saltine cracker, it gets salty to sweet in three seconds and she should eat a lot more carbs. So you need to look at your genetic body type. I’ve done over 70 blood tests in the last decade, testing almost every month. I do it a little bit less now, but what I’ve discovered is that you can fix your body but it takes longer than you think, and you need to customize your diet and supplementation to your body type, blood type and hormonal type.

A key takeaway from Tai’s experience that entrepreneurs as well as anyone looking to achieve peak performance can learn is the scientific, data driven approach that he takes to optimizing many aspects of his life. From diet to exercise to conditioning his mindset, his extensive learning from experts and voracious reading along with disciplined application indicate that how you apply knowledge is often just as important as the pursuit of it.

M&F and editorial staff were not involved in the creation of this content.



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