(vest, pants, gloves, headband)
What a day. It’s going to take a bit to recover from this one…
A walk, and then Beck woke up and was ready to go straight to his presents.

We played and played until it was time to go to lunch with his birthday twin, Curly (my niece), my sister, and my nephew. Curly turned 16 yesterday. I cannot believe it. She is too good to be true, and I wish she would hang out with me 24/7. She may have requested that I avoid having a baby on her birthday when I originally told her I was pregnant, but now she loves that I did. My water broke at 11:50 pm on 11/3, so there was no way I could wait, haha.

Beck wanted to ride on some escalators, so we made that happen.

And then we had the highlight of Beck’s life. Jordan (he owns Jessakae and Twenty One Run!!) was kind enough to take us out in his Cybertruck. His was also the beast, a triple motor! I felt like I was on a rollercoaster haha. Beck never blinked while he was inside of the Cybertruck.

Not only did he take us on a ride, he also arranged for Beck to go see one that was being wrapped and gave him a Hot Wheels Cybertruck. People are so good.

Beck then wanted to go to the arcade, and nothing tests a parent’s patience like waiting for kids to figure out what they want to buy with their tickets.

We finished the day with pizza at home while building Legos and watching The Sandlot. It was pretty perfect.
Now for the tangents of the day:
*I have financially committed to my strength and cross-training situation by buying a YEAR pass to the gym. I figure it will be like buying a bib for a race… it helps you to get out of bed and do the work when you know you already spent the money for it.

*I have my standing desk now! I love it and so does my back! Does it drive anyone else crazy that I have a million things all over my desktop on my computer? Andrew doesn’t understand how I function when there are 55 things in the background.

*There is a lot of mental challenge that goes into running but nothing compared to the mental strength it takes me to jump into the pool in the winter;). I have actually gotten a brain freeze walking with my wet hair to my car afterward.

*I’m pretty proud of this one. Grateful my garmin can still give me some self-esteem even when I’m not running (I’m kidding;)!

*Nobody loves pumpkin bread as much as Beck does, and being the youngest, he has figured out he can request the Great Harvest version as much as he wants, and I’ll take him there;)

*Sunday was so cold (by January we will feel like that same temperature is picnic weather) so I had all of our family over for chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles over mashed potatoes.

*FROM THE FAST WOMEN NEWSLETTER. Can you believe how evenly Kellyn Taylor ran the New York City Marathon?! Metronome!

Tell me about a recent workout mental challenge you have overcome?
Is your computer desktop organized or complete chaos like mine?
Have a gym pass? How often do you use it?
Have any tangents??