An early morning work while listening to Here One Moment. This book is such a good listen. It makes you think about whether it would be better to know when you will die or if it is better not to know.
Beck told me to take a picture of him with his police officer face.

We got a TOSSD built closer to us and I am prepared to eat here every day.

The nicest police officer let Beck turn on his lights and siren. Made this little boy’s life.

I think yesterday was our last really nice afternoon weather for a while so we made the most of it with football in the front yard.

Now for the tangents of the day!
*It’s the Gap 40% Friends & Family event until 10/30, so I grabbed my favorites in a few different colors. This Henley, the mock neck, and these corduroys. The tops are so soft, the colors are so good, and the prices are amazing right now.

*I’m grateful Brooke always leaves us notes when she leaves to her dad’s house.

*We read about a Knickerbocker Glory (a British Ice Cream Sundae) in Harry Potter so we made one ourselves.

*I’ve eaten more sweet potatoes in my life than you can imagine and this was my first time splitting them in half before baking them. It is my new method. Topped with guac and they are heaven.

*A rat ran across Andrew’s feet in our shed the other day. I can’t process this information.
*Just in case you start watching your Christmas movies on 11/1…

*On IG, I posted about Costco pumpkin pie and Valene said, “Scoop the filling out of the pie, blend with 1 brick of cream cheese and then serve in little cups as a pumpkin cheesecake mouse.” Absolutely brilliant and trying asap.

*My niece completed her first triathlon over the weekend. I might have to join her in her next??

*Not much has changed with us over the years. Sunday dinners for life.

Pumpkin pie… your thing or skip?
Ever done a triathlon? Should I try one when I’m healed?
Tell me a tangent!
Any mouse or rat stories?