As I was getting into bed Sunday night, my neighbor brought warm homemade bread over. It was just what I needed to end the weekend perfectly and start my Monday morning off right.

Adaptation week is here and 7 miles without any cross-training felt very good for my Monday morning. We also really got crazy and ran in a different-than-normal area!

I was very happy to feel so good after a 20-miler on Saturday. You really have to absorb the days you feel good in training because I swear they happen way less often than the days you feel bad;). I need some lotion…

I even got in Athlecare before the kids woke up. I made the mistake of getting in the ice bath with my stocks still on which felt very uncomfortable.

We dropped by our coach’s house to get our training for the next little bit. I love that we hang out at her kitchen table and go through each run and talk about each run, the purpose of the run, and how it is all working together. My notes don’t make a lot of sense but I just love getting it down on paper.

Knox had his perm freshened up for school starting!

And Brooke started work on her massive lego set from her dad!

*Parents. My sister has a theory, and I’ve concluded that her scientific findings with her 5 experiments are true. You know how we think, ‘Oh, we will really tire our kids out by doing all of these activities, and then they will sleep so good”? My sister has found that this is not true. By doing this you are just building up their endurance. Just like with our training, we adapt, and they just get stronger and want to stay up later and do more and more;)

*I love ‘Jive, Survive, Thrive’…. going to use this in October!

*Also, I’ll be putting my legs up before my next marathon to drain the legs now. Not a John Mayer gal but I’ll probably listen to Florence + The Machine or something instead.

*If there is a cyber truck, Beck wants a picture next to it!

*You know I approve in Brooke’s friend choices when they are also wearing Novablasts.

Have any tangents for me today
Due to talking about Beck’s dream car, what is your dream car?
-Andrew and I are both pretty in love with the new Land Cruiser.
Do you have a bread recipe that you love?
What was the last pair of running shoes that you bought?
The post Tangents! + My sister’s theory. first appeared on The Hungry Runner Girl.