Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeRunningTangents + What’s for Dinner (a bunch of meals we have loved...

Tangents + What’s for Dinner (a bunch of meals we have loved lately)

Let’s talk about what lies ahead for me in terms of running……..

But first, last night……..

I repeated my lunch and snack eats for dinner.  Real original.  Food blogger of the year.

We were rushing out the door last night because I got home late from buying a table for $40 (can’t wait to show you the finished product) and we were going to be gone from 6-9.  I think I was still high from my run that morning and I forgot about a minor thing called dinner (that doesn’t happen in Janae’s world).  I made Billy turn around and I ran inside to grab a lil’ (okay, not little, more like a family sized serving bowl) of something to eat in the car.

Leftover homeade Taboule with lettuce thrown in.  I am seriously addicted to that stuff.  Sorry for the blurry picture.  It smelt too good to wait to dig in to take another picture.  And that green thing….that is a shirt that was in my back seat and I used it as my napkin because I forgot to bring one out.  That is classy and now my shirt has an oil stain on it.

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We went over to some friends house to see their new baby, make banana bread and let the husbands talk about technology and playstations.

After that we headed over to Yogurtland to meet some friends.  Yes, that was twice in one day.

In my defense Billy set up the double date and I didn’t find out about it until I had already gone with my neice.

Wait a second, why am I defending my obsession?  For as much as you know I may go there 3 times a day and only post about it once every few days….muhahahah if you only knew, you just have a small glimpse into my crazytown life.  I minor victory in my world…for the first time my yogurt weighed less than B-diggity.  Usually mine is double his….baby steps.

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Why I decided to lay my head on Billy? Oh yeah, it was ten o’clock at night.  The party animal in Janae comes out during the summer……that is until I can do early morning long runs again:)


I guarantee 80% of you runners reading this have come back from a major injury, whether it be a stress fracture, muscle tear, sprain etc.  Every person is different and every doctor says different things.  I am going to share with you what my doc is having ME do.

-One mile every other day SLOW.  If I wake up feeling good, then the next run I can do one mile run one mile, walk and one mile run (watch out Kara).   I will stay there until I go in again in 2 weeks to see how the legs are handling it.

-Run 3 times a week (or less if it is painful) and cross train like a maniac on the other days (1-2 complete rest days a week).

-Keep swimming so that I can do an Ironman someday.  Yes, I did just admit that I really want to do one now with all the swimming I have been doing.

-Listen and be ultra-sensitive to any pain or discomfort.  Soreness is normal but pain is NOT.   Taking a week or two off is a heck of a lot better than taking over THREE MONTHS off.

-Strengthen my quads, hamstrings, inner and outer thighs and glutes like crazy.   I guess those days of doing 5 minutes of weights before I get bored on my own are gone….time to buckle down.

-Eat lots of ice cream.  Seriously, he said that but mainly because I told him that I think it was one of the main healing components.

If you are injured right now please be PATIENT.  It sucks having to wait for the go ahead but you WILL heal a lot faster if you listen to your doctor and avoid the urge to lace your shoes up and hit the pavement.  Patience is a virtue (unless you are talking about candy or donuts).

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Thank you femurs, I will treat you good forever-ever.


If you have been injured in the past, how did you ease back into running?

Do you ever forget to eat a meal?  Do you plan out your meals that day, in advance, right when you are about to eat it?

-NEVER…..I am always planning out my next meal as soon as I finish the previous one.  Billy (and a lot of boys that I know) will just go throughout the day and forget to eat until they get home.  I know…… I don’t understand it either.

What is your FAVORITE way to cross-train?

-Swimming and dare I say it….the elliptical.



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