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HomeRunningThe essential upper body workout for runners

The essential upper body workout for runners

Even if your upper body doesn’t feel the same burn as your legs during your running workouts, it’s still plays a crucial part in your performance. The muscles in your arms, shoulders, chest and back play a vital role in arm swing, maintaining proper form and preventing a collapsed posture when fatigue kicks in. Try this workout to boost your strength and efficiency before your next race.

For this workout, you’ll need basic workout equipment: dumbbells, resistance bands and a box or bench. Repeat 8 reps of each exercise, beginning with a lighter weight and slowly building up resistance as the movement comes to feel easier (usually after a few workouts). Complete the circuit three times.


dumbbell rows
Photo: Everkinetic

Dumbbell rows (Back muscles)

  1. With a dumbbell in your right hand, place your left hand and knee on a bench or a box; keep your right foot planted on the floor beside the bench.
  2. Begin with your right arm extended so the dumbbell is about even with the height of the bench.
  3. Retract your shoulder and bend your elbow at the same time, drawing the back of your upper arm and the dumbbell toward the sky. Complete the movement slowly–don’t lurch your arm back.
  4. At the top of the movement, try to keep your elbow pointed toward your spine–not away from your body. Pause for one second.
  5. Slowly lower the dumbbell and repeat.
shoulder press
Photo: Everkinetic

Single arm shoulder press (shoulders)

  1. Begin with the dumbbell extended overhead. Bend your elbow and slowly lower the dumbbell, keeping your wrist over your elbow.
  2. When your elbow reaches about 90 degrees of flexion, slowly reverse the movement.
  3. Drive the dumbbell upward and straighten your elbow, focusing on drawing your upper arm inward, toward your head.

This exercise will engage your core to distribute the uneven weight. To increase the challenge, sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.

bicep curls
Photo: Everkinetic

Bicep curls (biceps)

  1. Begin standing with a dumbbell in each hand; rest the backs of your hands on your thighs with y0ur palms facing upward.
  2. Bend your elbows, pulling the dumbbells in a rounded arch toward your shoulders. Keep your elbows pointed at the ground.
  3. Lower the dumbbells slowly and change direction to repeat the movement.
tricep extensions
Photo: Everkinetic

Tricep pushdowns (triceps)

  1. Begin holding cable or resistance band in both hands with your elbows bent, pointing toward the ground. Hinge forward slightly, with your knees slightly bent.
  2. Push your hands toward the ground, straightening your elbows. Hold at the bottom for one second.
  3. Keeping your elbow in place, slowly raise your hands back up, bending at the elbow. Change directions slowly and repeat.

If you only have dumbbells, substitute this movement for bent-over tricep extensions, using a light weight.

woman doing wide pushups

Wide pushups (chest muscles)

  1. Begin in a plank position. Put your hands wider than your shoulders and keep your knees in light with your hips.
  2. Bend only your elbows, slowly lowering your nose toward the ground. Stop before your chest touches the floor.
  3. Push your hands into the floor, and straighten and pull in your elbows to return to the top of the movement. Keep your core tight.

To reduce the difficulty of the movement, rest your knees on the ground.



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